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The Exodus and the Sinai Covenant  (due Tues., 1/6)  Read text pp. 88-92 & do RQs, p. 93 in notebook/Bible Study RQs for Ex. 1-3  Read pp. 93-96 

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Presentation on theme: "The Exodus and the Sinai Covenant  (due Tues., 1/6)  Read text pp. 88-92 & do RQs, p. 93 in notebook/Bible Study RQs for Ex. 1-3  Read pp. 93-96 "— Presentation transcript:


2 The Exodus and the Sinai Covenant

3  (due Tues., 1/6)  Read text pp. 88-92 & do RQs, p. 93 in notebook/Bible Study RQs for Ex. 1-3  Read pp. 93-96  RQs, p. 97  Bible Study RQs: Exodus 11:1-12:36 Homework

4  o (due Weds., 1/7) o Review chapter material o Read Exodus 13:17-14:31 & do BSRQs for same o Read pp. 97-99 & Ex. 15-18 o RQs, p. 99 o Read pp. 99-102 o RQs, p. 102 Homework

5  o (due Thurs., 1/8) Study AS IF for Test Review o All Ch. 4 text material/RQs o All Exodus Bible Study RQs o WTB sheet (another tomorrow!!!) o Memorize 10 Commandments (from PPt slides o (dueFri., 1/9) TEST: Ch 4/Exodus Homework

6  o The Call of Moses o The Exodus : Slavery to Freedom o Wandering & Journey to Mt. Sinai o Receiving the Law (Torah) at Mt. Sinai o Approach to the Promised Land Introduction

7  o Moses: o “masha” (Hebrew)– “to draw out” (Ex. 2:10) o “drawn out” of the water o “drawn out”/ “born” of o “Son of”, eg., as in name of Thutmosis (son of Tut) Call of Moses: Ex. 2:1-10

8  AdonaiHebrew substitution LordEnglish translation of YHWHAdonai JehovahMedieval pronunciation JahwehModern pronunciation Call of Moses: Ex. 2:23-3:23

9  o YHWH o “I Am Who Am” or simply “I Am” o Based on Hebrew verb “to be” o NOT a proper name, but an identity… o Who Is God?... God IS Call of Moses: Ex. 2:23-3:23

10  o YHWH o Apophatic theology (Orthodox Tradition): o God is and is not _____________. o Similar to Ontological Argument (God IS “that than which nothing greater can be thought.” o Yah-shua (Jesus) = “Yahweh saves” Call of Moses: Ex. 2:23-3:23

11  o Moses’ Objections to obeying God’s Call: 1.Doubts himself: “Who am I?” 2.Doubts God: “Who are you?” 3.Doubts others: “Israelites won’t listen.” 4.Doubts his skill: “not a good speaker” Call of MosesCall of Moses: Ex. 2:23-3:23

12  o Structure of Plague stories: 1.God gives a command 2.Moses obeys 3.Plague occurs 4.Pharaoh remains stubborn Exodus: Plagues (Ex. 5-11)

13  o Explanation of plagues: 1.Completely natural? 2.Completely supernatural? 3.Mysterious combination of both? Exodus: Plagues (Ex. 5-11)

14  Passover: Origins (Ex. 12:13) “The [lamb’s] blood on the doorposts will be a sign to mark the houses in which you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and will not harm you when I punish the Egyptians.”

15  Blood saves Lamb slain OT Body nourishes Frees Israel Physical death Blood saves Lamb of God slain NT Body nourishes Frees humanity Spiritual death Passover: “Types”/Symbols



18  Crossing of the Red Sea Supernatural cause ExplanationNatural cause Combination cause TeachingGod freed Israel from slavery in Egypt

19  How do we see these events?  Miraculous: God works a supernatural event to help Israel  Ordinary: God uses a natural event to help Israel  Symbolic: Event is a story that represents and expresses Israel’s faith in God’s help

20  o Torah= “Law” or “instruction” o God’s Law= natural law o “If God hadn’t given His Laws on Mt. Sinai, we would have been obligated to learn them from nature.” ~traditional Rabbinical saying o Terms of covenant between YHWH & His People The Torah

21  Focus of “Decalogue” (Ten Words)  CommandmentsRespect of 1-3GOD  CommandmentsRespect of 4-10OTHERS/ COMMUNITY

22  The Ten Commandments 1.“I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me.”

23  The Ten Commandments 1.“I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me.” 2.“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.”

24  The Ten Commandments 1.“I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me.” 2.“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” 3.“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.”

25  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.”

26  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.”

27  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.”

28  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.” 7.“You shall not steal.”

29  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.” 7.“You shall not steal.” 8.“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

30  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.” 7.“You shall not steal.” 8.“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” 9.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.”

31  The Ten Commandments 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.” 7.“You shall not steal.” 8.“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” 9.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.” 10.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.”

32  1.“I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me.” 2.“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” 3.“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.” 4.“Honor your father and your mother.” 5.“You shall not kill.” 6.“You shall not commit adultery.” 7.“You shall not steal.” 8.“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” 9.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.” 10.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.”

33  1.“I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me.”  COMMANDS: Faith, hope, love, worship, reverence for what is holy, prayer…  FORBIDS: Idolatry, superstition, spiritualism, seances, astrology, fortune telling, ouija boards, occult practices, tempting God, sacrilege, attendance at false worship

34  1.“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.”  COMMANDS: reverence for speaking about God and what is holy; the keeping of oaths and vows  FORBIDS: blasphemy, irreverent use of God’s name, speaking disrespectfully of holy things, false oaths, the breaking of vows

35  1.“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.”  COMMANDS: attending Church on Sundays and holy days  FORBIDS: missing Church through one’s own fault/neglect, unnecessary work for pay, public buying and selling, court trials

36  4.“Honor your father and your mother.”  COMMANDS: love, respect, obedience of children, care on the part of parents for spiritual/material welfare of children, obedience to legitimate authorities  FORBIDS: hatred, disrespect or disobedience of parents or legitimate authorities

37  5. “You shall not kill.”  COMMANDS: safeguarding one’s own life and bodily welfare and that of others; controlling one’s anger  FORBIDS: unjust killing, suicide, abortion, euthanasia, abortive contraceptives, sterilization, fist fights, endangering life and limb of self or others

38  6. “You shall not commit adultery.”  COMMANDS: purity/chastity in word and deed, avoiding occasions of sexual sin  FORBIDS: pornography, bad movies, obscene speech, impure actions alone or with others, masturbation, fornication, homosexuality, incest, bestiality

39  7. “You shall not steal.”  COMMANDS: respect for the property and rights of others, paying of just debts, paying just wages to employees, integrity in public officials  FORBIDS: theft, damages to property of others, not paying just debts or wages, not returning found or borrowed articles, bribery, cheating, fraud, accepting stolen property, not giving honest day’s work for wage received, violation of contract

40  7.“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”  COMMANDS: truthfulness; respect for good name of others; observing secrecy when required  FORBIDS: lying; injury to another’s reputation; slander; gossip; harsh judgement of another; speaking badly of another; violating confidentiality/ secrecy

41  9.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.”  COMMANDS: sexual purity in one’s heart and mind as well as physical sexual purity  FORBIDS: willful(ie. consciously allowed to continue) impure sexual thoughts or desires about another person, especially a married person

42  10.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.”  COMMANDS: respect for the property and rights of others  FORBIDS: desire to take, keep or damage the property of others; envy of others’ possessions; obsessive focus on material things, especially resulting in envy

43  1.Ask others for answers. 2.YOU write the correct answer in space. 3.OTHER person signs it IF correct. 4.Only ONE answer per person. 5.5 minutes to get answers. 6.When finished, check answers with team and memorize (in silence!)… 5 minutes max! 7.Stand when called to be quizzed… if all nail it, EVERYONE GETS 100%!!! Find Someone Who Knows:

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