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Published byBrandy Wormley Modified over 9 years ago
Passover in our family
Welcome to our house ! Hag Sameah ! Happy Passover ! חג שמח !
9 Ma Nishtanah Ma nishtanah halaila hazeh Mikol halailot? She'b'khol halailot anu ochlin Hametz u'matzah. Halaila hazeh kulo matzah. She'b'khol halailot anu ochlin She'ar y'rakot. Halaila hazeh maror. She'b'khol halailot ein anu matbilin Afilu pa'am echat. Halaila hazeh sh'tei p'amim. She'b'khol halailot anu ochlin Bein yoshvin u'vein m'subin, Halaila hazeh kulanu m'subin. Why is this night different from all other nights ? In all the other nights we eat chametz (bread) and matzah*. Why do we eat only matzah tonight? In all the other nights we eat all sorts of vegetables. Why do we eat maror (bitter roots) tonight? In all the other nights we don't dip vegetables (in salt water) even once. Why do we dip twice tonight? Every other night we sit upright or lean at the table. Why do we only lean tonight? * Unleavened bread paszka De ce această noapte diferă de toate nopile? În toate nopile mâncăm chametz (pâine) i matza ( pască/pâine nedospită ). De ce în seara asta mâncăm doar matza? În toate nopile mâncăm tot felul de legume. De ce mâncăm maror (rădăcini amare/hrean) în seara asta? În toate nopile nu punem legumele în apă sărată nici măcar o dată. De ce le înmuiem de două ori în seara asta? În fiecare noapte mâncăm aşezaţi la masă sau. sprijiniti De ce în seara asta doar ne sprijinim/rezemăm ? Ma Nishtana — The four questions "Why is this night different from all other nights?“ Traditionally, the Four Questions are asked by the youngest child at the table who is able to do so.
I like to give a small personal gift to my guests. It can be a flower, a magnet or sweets.
Itamar’s first Seder.
The Passover seder is one of the most widely observed of all Jewish customs, and at the center of every seder is a seder plate. Each of the six items arranged so on the plate has special significance to the retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt, which is the focus of this ritual meal. The seventh symbolic item used during the meal — a stack of three matzos — is placed on its own plate on the Seder table.
... The six traditional items on the Seder Plate are: Maror (bitter herbs), symbolizing the bitterness and harshness of the slavery in which the Hebrews endured in Egypt. Karpas - A vegetable,other than bitter herbs, which is dipped into salt water (tears) represents the pain felt by the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. Chazeret (bitter vegetable-we use horseradish) – bitterness of the slavery Charoset (apple, nut, spice and wine mixture) A sweet, brown mixture representing the mortar used by the Jewish slaves to build the storehouses or pyramids of Egypt. Zeroa (shankbone) - symbolizing the korban Pesach (Pesach sacrifice), which was a lamb that was offered in the Temple in Jerusalem. Beitzah (egg), A hard-boiled egg, symbolizing the korban chagigah (festival sacrifice) that was offered in the Temple in Jerusalem. ( Wikipedia )
Cele șase elemente tradiționale de pe farfuria de Seder sunt: Maror (ierburi amare – hrean ), simbolizând amărăciunea i asprimea sclaviei pe care au îndurat-o evreii în Egipt. Karpas - O legumă ( nu ierburi amare ), care este cufundată in apă sărată (care reprezintă lacrimi), simbolizează durerea resimită de către sclavii evrei în Egipt. Chazeret (folosim hrean ) - amărăciunea sclaviei Haroset (amestec de mere, nuci, condimente i vin ) Un amestec dulce, maro reprezentând mortarul folosit de sclavii evrei pentru a construi clădirile sau piramidele din Egipt. Zeroa (un os de miel,dar poate fi si gât de găină) – simbolizând sacrificiul de Pesah, care a fost un miel oferit în Templul din Ierusalim. Beitzah (ou), un ou fiert tare, simbolizând sărbătoarea sacrificiului care a fost oferit în Templul din Ierusalim. (Wikipedia)
Horseradish / hrean
Matza / pasca
Seder is over. See you next year!
לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה ! Next year in the rebuilt Jerusalem ! With love from our family ( most of them). 22 March 2013
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