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Aluminum Can you believe that the metal used in coke cans once went for $545 per pound? Then a man named Charles Hall came up with a better way of extracting.

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Presentation on theme: "Aluminum Can you believe that the metal used in coke cans once went for $545 per pound? Then a man named Charles Hall came up with a better way of extracting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aluminum Can you believe that the metal used in coke cans once went for $545 per pound? Then a man named Charles Hall came up with a better way of extracting Aluminum. He later founded the Alcoa Aluminum Company of America.


3 Balancing Equations Part 3

4 Combustion

5 Equilibrium- when no net change occurs in the amount of reactants and products.

6 Dynamic equilibrium- Normally in chemical reactions products and reactants form at the same rate. Dynamic is when opposite actions are taking place at the same rate.

7 Soluble- When a compound will dissolve in a liquid.

8 Insoluble- When a compound will not dissolve in a liquid.

9 Activation energy- Amount of energy the particles must have when they collide.

10 Speed of reaction - 5 things that affect it:

11 1. Temperature - Heat increase most reactions.

12 2. Concentration- Amount of substance present. Greater concentration the faster. Limiting reactant - reactant there is not enough of to react completely.

13 3. Catalysts- Substance that speeds up the rate without being permanently changed or used up itself. (Ex: enzymes used by your body to breakdown your food for energy)

14 4. Inhibitor - Substance that slows down a reaction.

15 Stirring Mixing molecules so they can react faster.

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