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PARCC Technology Guidelines FROM SEPTEMBER 2013 UPDATE.

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1 PARCC Technology Guidelines FROM SEPTEMBER 2013 UPDATE


3 Bandwidth Recommendations Minimum with Caching Minimum without Caching Recommended for Assessment + Instruction External Connection to the Internet 5 kbps per second per student 50 kbps per second per student 100 kbps per second per student or faster

4 School Bandwidth for Testing Simultaneous Test- Takers / Devices Minimum Connection Speed (External Connection to the Internet) With Caching (5 kbps / student) Without Caching (50 kbps / student) 15 students / devices75 kbps750 kbps 20 students / devices100 kbps1000 kbps (1 mbps) 30 students / devices150 kbps1500 kbps (1.5 mbps) 60 students / devices300 kbps3000 kbps (3 mbps) 90 students / devices450 kbps4500 kbps (4.5 mbps)

5 Desktop/Laptop Specifications Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Operating System WindowsWindows XP, SP3Windows 7 or newer Mac OSMac OS 10.5Mac OS 10.7 or newer LinuxUbuntu 9-10 Fedora 6 Ubuntu 11.10 Fedora 16 or newer Chrome OSChrome OS 19Chrome OS 19 or newer Memory512 MB RAM1 GB RAM or greater ConnectivityComputers must be able to connect to the Internet via wired or wireless networks. Screen Size9.5 inch or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 or better

6 Desktop/Laptop Specifications (continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Input Device Keyboard Mouse / touchpad / touchscreen Input device must allow students to select/deselect, drag, and highlight text, objects, and areas. The input device must allow students to enter letters, numbers, and symbols and shift, tab, return, delete, and backspace. To meet security guidelines each Bluetooth/wireless keyboard must be configured to pair with only a single device. Headphone / Earphone and Microphone Headphone/Earphones Microphone Headphones/earphones are required for all students for all PARCC assessments. Microphones are required for all students taking the Speaking and Listening Assessment.

7 Tablet Specifications Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Operating System AndroidAndroid 4.0 with 512 MB RAM or greater Android 4.0 or newer with 1 GB RAM or greater Apple iOSiPad 2 running iOS 6 with 512 MB RAM or greater iPad 2 or newer running iOS 6 or newer with 512 MB RAM or greater WindowsWindows 8 with 512 MB RAM or greater Windows 8 or newer with 1 GB RAM or greater ConnectivityComputers must be able to connect to the Internet via wired or wireless networks Screen Size9.5 inch screen size or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 or better

8 Table Specifications (continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Input Device Requirements Keyboard Touchscreen or Mouse Due to the onscreen occupied by a tablet’s virtual keyboard, PARCC assessments will require external keyboards for test takers using tablets so as not to limit or obscure the view of test item content and related functionalities when text input is required. External keyboards must allow students to enter letters, numbers, and symbols and shift, tab, return, delete, and backspace. Tablet touchscreen interface can be used to select/deselect, drag, and highlight text, objects, and areas. To meet security guidelines, each Bluetooth/wireless keyboard must be configured to pair with only a single computer during test administration.

9 Table Specifications (continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Headphone / Earphone and Microphone Requirements Headphones / Earphones Microphone Headphones/earphones are required for all students for all PARCC assessments. Microphones are required for all students taking the Speaking and Listening Assessment.

10 Tablets Continued Additional Guidance Tablets smaller than 9.5” not compatible E-Readers NOT supported Smart Phones NOT supported


12 External Connection to the Internet Minimum with Caching Minimum without Caching Recommended for Assessment + Instruction 5 kilobits per second (kbps)/student 50 kilobits per second (kbps) / student 100 kilobits per second (kbps) / student or faster

13 Desktop, Laptop, Netbook Thin Client / VDI Computers Supported for Field Test Supported for 2014-2015 Operational Assessment Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Operating System WindowsYes Windows XP, SP3Windows 7 or newer Mac OSYes Mac OS 10.5Mac OS 10.7 or newer LinuxNoYesN/A Chrome OSYes Not all accessibility features will be supported for Chrome OS YesChrome OS 19Chrome OS 19 or newer

14 Additional Specifications Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Memory512 MB of RAM1 GB RAM or greater ConnectivityComputers must be able to connect to the Internet via wired or wireless networks Screen size9.5” size or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 resolution or better

15 Additional Specifications (continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Input Device Requirements Keyboard – wired or wireless / Bluetooth Mouse or Touchpad or Touchscreen The input device must allow students to select/deselect, drag, and highlight text, objects, and areas. The input device must allow students to enter letters, numbers, and symbols and to shift, tab, return, delete, and backspace. To meet security guidelines each Bluetooth/wireless keyboard must be configured to pair with only a single computer during assessment administration

16 Additional Specifications (continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Headphone / Earphone and Microphone Requirements Headphones / Earphones Headphones / Earphones are required for all students for all PARCC assessments

17 Desktop, Laptop, Netbook, and Thin Client / VDI Computers Additional Guidance Each computer operating in a thin client environment must meet or exceed minimum hardware specifications, as well as bandwidth and security requirements Computers meeting minimum specifications for the 2014-2015 are not likely to be compatible beyond the 2015-2016 assessment Computers must accommodate the 1024 x 768 screen resolution minimum without panning. PARCC recognizes that some netbook computers may have screen resolutions slightly less than the 1024 x 768 minimum, yet may meet all other minimum requirements. PARCC will establish a means for schools to evaluate if the device will be able to display assessment items.

18 Tablets Supported for Field Test Supported for 2014-2015 Operational Assessment Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Operating System AndroidNoYesN/A Apple iOSYes iPad 2 running iOS 6 iPad 2 or newer running iOS 6 or newer WindowsYes (not RT) Yes (RT unknown) Windows 8Windows 8 or newer

19 Tablet (Additional Specifications) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Operating System Android512 MB RAM or greater 1 GB RAM or greater Apple iOS512 MB RAM or greater Windows512 MB RAM or greater 1 GB RAM or greater ConnectivityComputers must be able to connect to the Internet via wired or wireless networks Screen Size9.5” screen size or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 resolution or better

20 Tablet (Additional Specifications) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Input Device Requirements Keyboard (wired or wireless / Bluetooth) Touchscreen or Mouse Due to onscreen space occupied by a tablet’s virtual keyboard, PARCC assessments will require external keyboards for test takers using tablets so as not to limit or obscure the view of test item content and related functionalities when text input is required External keyboards must allow students to enter letters, numbers, and symbols and to shift, tab, return, delete and backspace To meet security guidelines, each Bluetooth / wireless keyboard must be configured to pair with only a single device during assessment administration

21 Tablets (Additional Specifications continued) Minimum Specifications Recommended Specifications Headphone / Earphone and Microphone Requirements Headphones / Earphones Headphones / Earphones are required for all students for all PARCC assessments.

22 Tablets Continued Additional Guidance Windows RT NOT supported for field test Tablets smaller than 9.5” not compatible E-Readers will NOT be supported Smart Phones will NOT be supported

23 Devices Needed for Testing School TypeMinimum number of devices Recommended number of devices For a school with three tested grades (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) One device for every two students in the largest tested grade One device per student for the largest tested grade For a school with six tested grades (K-8) One device per student for the largest tested grade One device per student for the two largest tested grades


25 Hardware Requirements Minimum Hardware Requirements WindowsMacintoshiPad (2 or higher) Processor1.6 GHz x86- compatible Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz Only Intel-based Macs are supported Any Memory512 MB RAM1 GB RAMAny Screen1024 x 768 Resolution 9.7 inch

26 Software Requirements (PC) WindowsIE 9.0IE 10.0ChromeFirefox XP (SP3)XX VistaXXX 7XXXX 8XXX Notes: Chrome requires version 20 or higher Firefox requires version 14 or higher

27 Software Requirements (Macs) Mac OS XSafari 5.0Safari 6.0ChromeFirefox 10.5X 10.6XXX 10.7XXXX 10.8XXX Notes: Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8 users who install the Java for OS X 2012-006 update from Apple on student workstations will not be able to use the Chrome browser. The update breaks compatibility.

28 Software Requirements (tablets) The TestNav 8 app for iOS is in development. It is required for secure testing. Until the app is ready, the Safari browser can be used for tests that do not require locking down the device.

29 Browser Dependencies Java runtime plugin version 1.5 and higher Pop-ups for Pearson sites Local File access to home directory

30 Firewall / Proxy Servers / Content Filtering When using Proctoring Caching, the following must be opened in any firewalls, proxy servers, or software that is used for internet content filtering: URL:Port Note for Mac 10.6: In certain situations when the parental control is on and the user attempts to connect to SSL sites, the automatic Internet content filter on Mac 10.6 workstations may block the domain. To resolve this, set the parental control to “Always Allow” the domain.


32 Definition PARCC technology-based assessments, accessibility features are tools or preferences that are either built into the assessment system or provided externally by test administrators. Accessibility features can be used by any student taking the PARCC assessments (i.e., students with and without disabilities). Since the accessibility features are intended for all students, they are not classified as accommodations. Students should be exposed to these features prior to testing, and should have the opportunity to select and practice using them. Accessibility features are intended to benefit a wide range of students, and are available to any student at his or her discretion during testing.

33 PARCC Accessibility System Accommodations Features for All Students Tools embedded Accessibility Features for All Students Identified in advance Accommodations

34 Accessibility Features for All Students PARCC AccessibilityISAT/PSAE Accommodations Audio amplification Blank paper (provided by test admin) Graphic organizers Eliminate answer choices Flag items for reviewCues on test booklet General administration directs clarified (by test admin) Auditory supports General administration directions read aloud and repeated as needed (by test administrator) Highlight toolDirections highlighted Headphones

35 Accessibility Features for All Students PARCC AccessibilityISAT/PSAE Accommodations Magnification/enlargement device Large print Note pad Pop-up glossary Redirect student to the test (by test administrator) Spell checker Writing tools

36 Accessibility Features for All Students PARCC AccessibilityISAT/PSAE Accommodations Adaptive and specialized equipment Adapted environment Answer Masking Background/font color (color contrast) Visual supports (colored paper) General masking Line reader tool Text-to-speech for the mathematics assessments Oral presentation

37 What are Presentation Accommodations? Presentation accommodations alter the method or format used to administer a PARCC assessment to a student, including auditory, tactile, visual, and/or a combination of these, rather than having the student take the test in the same format as other students. For students taking computer-delivered assessments, all presentation accommodations must be identified in advance by a student’s PNP (during the test registration process).

38 Proposed Presentation Accommodations for Students with Disabilities DomainPARCCISAT/PSAE ELA/Literacy Text-to-speech or video of a human interpreter for the ELA assessments, including items, and passages Sign Language Refreshable braille displays Closed-Captioning of multimedia passages Descriptive video MathematicsVideo of human interpreter

39 Proposed Presentation Accommodations for Students with Disabilities DomainPARCCISAT/PSAE Both Domains Assistive technology Hard-copy braille testsBraille/large print Video of a human interpreter for test directions Tactile graphics Paper-and-pencil edition

40 What are Response Accommodations? Response accommodations allow students to use alternative methods to provide responses to test items, such as through dictating to a scribe or using an assistive device. For students taking computer-delivered assessments, all response accommodations must be identified in advance by a student’s PNP (during the test registration process).

41 Proposed Response Accommodations for Students with Disabilities DomainPARCCISAT/PSAE ELA Scribing or speech-to-text (i.e., Dictation/Transcription or Signing) for constructed responses Answer dictation Word prediction for PBA Mathematics Calculation device and mathematics tools (on Non- calculator Sessions) Calculator Both Domains Assistive technology Scribing or speech-to-text for selected response items Answer dictation Braille note-taker

42 Pearson Technology Readiness Tool (TRT)


44 TRT Homepage

45 TRT Available Reports

46 TRT Setup Tab

47 What does a red “(missing)” on a report mean? If “(missing)” is indicated on a report, there is School Readiness Survey or Device information that has not yet been provided by the district or school. Only after this data is added for the specific school or organization can the Technology Readiness Tool calculations provide non-zero readiness results. Actions: you will need to lookup the original value of the data field that is showing "missing" in either School Survey or Device data. Once found, the value most likely will show "blank", and you will need to provide that missing value. Reports will update within an hour of submission.

48 PARCC Assessment Capacity Planning Tool HTTP://WWW.LIVEBINDERS.COM/PLAY/PLAY?ID=972764&PR ESENT=TRUE


50 Bandwidth Recommendations w/out Content Caching Server Minimum Bandwidth Recommended Bandwidth Per Student40-100 kbps100 kbps or faster

51 Bandwidth Recommendations with Content Caching Server Minimum Bandwidth Recommended Bandwidth Per Student20-50 kbps50 kbps or faster

52 Minimum Specifications (Computers, Laptops) Operating System / Devices Supported VersionMinimum Configuration WindowsXP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003XP SP3, Pentium or AMD 500 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 200 MB hard drive space Mac OSX10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8Mac 10.5, Intel x86, 512 MB RAM, 200 MB hard drive space LinuxUbuntu 9+, Fedora 6+Ubuntu 9 or Fedora 6, Pentium or AMD 500 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 200 MB hard drive space ChromeOS v19+Chrome OS v19+

53 Minimum Specifications (Tablets) Operating System / Devices Supported VersionMinimum Configuration iOS DevicesiOS 6+iPad 2 with iOS 6, 512 MB RAM, Wifi support only Android DevicesAndroid 4.0+Android 4.0, 512 MB RAM, Wifi support only Windows TabletsWindows 8Windows 8, 1 GB RAM, Wifi support only

54 Minimum Screen and Resolution Requirements Configuration Screen Size10” screen or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 or better

55 Recommended Specifications (Computers/Laptops) Supported VersionRecommended Configuration Operating System / Devices WindowsXP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003 Windows 7+, 1.4 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 1GB hard drive free space Mac OSX10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8Mac 10.7+, 1 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB hard drive free space LinuxUbuntu 9+, Fedora 6+Ubuntu 11 or Fedora 16+, 1 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB hard drive free space ChromeOS v19+Chrome OS v19+

56 Recommended Specifications (Tablets) Operating System / Devices Supported Version Recommended Configuration iOS DevicesiOS 6+iPad 3 with iOS 6 or newer, 1 GB RAM, Wifi support only Android DevicesAndroid 4.0+Android 4 or newer, 1 GB RAM Wifi support only Windows TabletsWindows 8Windows 8 or newer, 1 GB RAM, Wifi support only

57 Recommended Screen and Resolution Requirements Configuration Screen Size10” screen or larger Screen Resolution1024 x 768 or better

58 DLM Capacity Planning Tool

59 Next… Update your district’s/school’s TRT – make sure to keep it updated Watch for requests for information (speed tests, quick responses to infrastructure information, etc.) Make sure you are on your LTC listserv ConnectED / E-Rate / technology plans – if grant opportunities become available, be ready to participate

60 Parting Thought… It is with some caution that I encourage you to “wait until next year!” With the start of mass testing under the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), everything will not be magically different then. However, I think that the bar will be raised for the use of technology. That will affect us all, probably in a good way. - Craig Williams, Digital Learning Environments Blog ait_until_next_year ait_until_next_year

61 Contact Information Jamey Baiter State Technology Readiness Coordinator / Principal Education Consultant Illinois State Board of Education Phone – 217-782-5589 Livebinder Link :

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