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WAO 20141 Travis Shrey RHIC Machine Specialist Collider-Accelerator Dept Brookhaven National Laboratory 10/30/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WAO 20141 Travis Shrey RHIC Machine Specialist Collider-Accelerator Dept Brookhaven National Laboratory 10/30/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAO 20141 Travis Shrey RHIC Machine Specialist Collider-Accelerator Dept Brookhaven National Laboratory 10/30/2014

2  Facility/Personnel highlights  Traditional StartUp Period  New StartUp Period  ‘Case Study’ provides a test for the new method 10/30/2014WAO 20142

3  ‘Summer’ shutdown – June through December  ~22 weeks of cryogenic operation ($$$)  3-4 days of cooldown to 4K  StartUp  Power supply checkout during day & evening shift, beam work during midnight shift only for the first 4-5 days  24 hour beam work from that point forward until Physics is declared  Experimental physics operations 10/30/2014WAO 20143

4 10/30/2014WAO 20144 Injectors are set up for beam ~4 weeks prior to RHIC cryogenic operation

5  The StartUp period for RHIC has become a well-defined list of tasks, even with constant recommissioning  Some tasks require expert-level knowledge  The Operations group now has sufficient experience to be able to perform the balance WAO 2014510/30/2014

6 WAO 20146

7  Operations Group  6 teams of rotating shifts  1 Operations Coordinator (5-15 years experience)  2 Operators (0-10 years experience)  2* RHIC Machine Specialists (17,19 years experience)  Responsible for hourly management of the accelerator complex (Booster, AGS, RHIC) WAO 2014710/30/2014

8  Accelerator Physics group  Physicists with expert level knowledge of one or more accelerator systems (RHIC & Injectors)  Some the original designers of RHIC systems  Responsible for developing and commissioning machine upgrades WAO 2014810/30/2014

9  RHIC Run Coordinator  Chosen from Accelerator Physics* group  Experience with Operations ranging from none to extensive  Experience with RHIC ranging from none to extensive  Responsible for day to day management of the run and the meeting of Physics goals  Often separate Run Coordinators for Protons and Ions if run during the same Fiscal Year WAO 2014910/30/2014

10  Run Coordinator develops StartUp plan  Run Coordinator holds daily meeting to report progress  Run Coordinator maintains ‘Plan of the Day’ to deliver shift-by-shift instructions  Operations staff operates Injector accelerators  RHIC Accelerator Physics shift leader operates RHIC to meet shift’s Plan of the Day goals WAO 20141010/30/2014

11  Given the amount of variation in the experience level of the Run Coordinator with regards to Operations or RHIC itself, there can be an extremely steep learning curve  The Run Coordinator runs out of hours in the day (especially when needed to complete AP work for the Run)  When conflicts arise shift leader requires guidance from Run Coordinator, either in person or via phone 24 hours a day  Experienced RHIC AP personnel don’t want to be on shift  Less experienced RHIC AP personnel know less about operating RHIC than many of the Operations crews WAO 20141110/30/2014

12  RHIC Machine Specialists develop StartUp Plan  Run Coordinator holds daily meeting to report progress  RHIC Machine Specialist maintain ‘Plan of the Day’ to deliver shift-by-shift instructions to Operations crews  Operations staff operates Injectors and RHIC  Newer RHIC AP people on shift to provide expertise and learn about Operations  RHIC AP staff available for assistance by phone WAO 20141210/30/2014

13  Planning by RHIC Machine Specialists provides for the most realistic estimates for timing of StartUp tasks – ‘personality management’ based on experience  Allows Run Coordinator a much less intensive role during the first ~10 days of running, ease into their role while still being involved running the daily meeting  RHIC Machine Specialists share role of leadership and are able to provide 24 hour coverage during the StartUp period without undue hardship  Experienced AP personnel are off shift  Newer AP personnel gain experience  Operations shift crews empowered to make planning decisions when conflicts arise  Operators can make great strides in knowledge during StartUp.  Watching ≠ Doing!! WAO 20141310/30/2014

14 WAO 201414 Boxed area indicates the new StartUp model in use (effectively for runs 11.5 and 12, officially for runs 13 & 14) 10/30/2014 W. Fischer, BNL

15  Run Coordinator notified of run 6/12 (always had been a very small possibility)  Setup Plan created 6/13. Plan details 3 day’s worth of work starting 6/16 and ending midnight 6/18  6/16 mode switch begins (12 hour maintenance period for some physical modifications to power supplies)  Store for experimenter setup in place at 2200 6/18 WAO 20141510/30/2014

16 WAO 201416

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