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Peggy Fields, PhD Program Director, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Shawn Corcoran Rehabilitation Technology Specialist Department for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Peggy Fields, PhD Program Director, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Shawn Corcoran Rehabilitation Technology Specialist Department for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peggy Fields, PhD Program Director, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Shawn Corcoran Rehabilitation Technology Specialist Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Korey Singleton Accessibility Center Manager George Mason University Grasping Accessibility with a Hands On Approach

2 Screen Readers that Lead the Way oJAWS – Freedom Scientific oWindow Eyes – GW Micro oNVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access) - RNIB oSystem Access - Serotek

3 They are invisible to the eye. They work in the background – just like an anti virus program. They are very intuitive. They know what to say. They respond to Office and Windows keystrokes General Characteristics of Speech Programs

4 Most speech output is automatic. People rely on automatic speech the most. Automatic speech follows focus, i.e. Cursor/arrow keys Tabbing Highlighted menu bars Pop up boxes and messages Getting a Feel for Speech

5 Importance of JAWS Help Files Insert J – JAWS Menu/Help/JAWS Help Topics. Help Topics can be accessed 3 ways: Alt C (Contents- select a subject area) Alt N (Index – general listing of topics) Alt S (Search- looking for a specific topic) Insert F1 – Context sensitive help screen. FS Daisy Reader – Tutorial found under Training in Help menu

6 Focusing on JAWS Still the most widely used screen reader program nationally Settings Center can help you customize Access through JAWS Menu (Insert J, Utilities) Insert V brings up context sensitive Settings Center F6 between tree view pane and pane with information and setting controls Arrow up and down to customize settings Tab to Help box

7 Using JAWS in Office Word The most important points to remember when using JAWS with Office: 1.JAWS follows the cursor (arrows, tabs, highlights) and speaks the text by default. 2.JAWS honors Windows and Office keyboard commands and shortcuts. 3.Office shortcuts and procedures carry across all Office applications. 4.Most all the reading you need to do can be done using Windows and Office keys.

8 5.JAWS follows the tab (shift tab) key in all dialogue boxes and tells you where you are. 6.You access the ribbon bar by pressing Alt. You exit with Escape. 7.You move around each ribbon menu with the tab key. 8.You move between ribbon menus with the arrow key. 9.Office shortcuts to do ribbon tasks are the most helpful.

9 HTML Essentials and JAWS The most important JAWS commands to remember when on the Internet. 1.When you use your arrow keys to move around the web page, you will hit every element and character on the page. It is slow but thorough. 2.When you use tab to move around the web page, you will hit only the controls; i.e. links, buttons, boxes, radio buttons, and form fields. It is fast but you skim. 3.To access lists of the following elements on the page: Links:Insert F7 (List Links) Headings:Insert F6 Form Fields:Insert F5

10 4.To access lists of the following controls on the page: Buttons:Control Insert B Combo Boxes:Control Insert C Edit Boxes:Control Insert E Tables:Control Insert T Check Boxes:Control Insert X 6.To move through the page using shortcut letters, press: Next Edit Box:E Next Combo Box:C Next Form Field:F Next Check Box:X Next List:L Next Table:T Next Non Link Text:N

11 Using JAWS in Office Excel The two most important things to remember when using JAWS with a spreadsheet are: 1.You move around the spreadsheet using the arrow keys and the standard Office navigation keystrokes (Home, End, Page Up/Down, etc.) 2.You need to know the column and row titles to get any meaning from the spreadsheet.

12 How to identify column titles and row titles: 1.Go to the first cell of the spreadsheet 2.Press Control Alt Insert C to identify that row as the row where the column titles are located 3.Stay in the same cell and press Control Alt Insert R to identify that column as the column where the row titles are located 4.Now as you move around the spreadsheet, the column and row titles are announced

13 Interesting Facts JAWS The average user’s interaction with JAWS is like the tip of an iceberg. Only a small fraction of its commands and capabilities are utilized. JAWS has the ability to be scripted. That means it has a component where you can create small programs that will customize how JAWS works, combines multiple keystrokes into one command hot keys, and interact with the application program. JAWS is probably the most powerful screen reader program available today. $895/$120 Standard and $1095/$200 Pro version

14 Interesting Facts Window Eyes GW Micro recently announced that Window Eyes will now be available free to any licensed Office 2010 (or newer) user through download. Technical Support is not available for free but can be purchased. GW Micro will charge $25.00 per incident when a user is seeking technical support. There will also be an option to purchase 12 incidents for $99.00. When purchasing the 12 incidents, the consumer has 1 year from the date of purchase to use them. Once the year is up,they will no longer be available and will not roll over to the next calendar year.

15 System Access NVDA System Access to Go ( is the free version of System Access. It must be restarted from the web site if you have exited the program or turned off your computer. System Access Standalone version is $399. ( System Access Mobile version (2 installs, 1 U3 USB Thumb) is $499. SAMNET (System Access Mobile Network) is $21.99/mo for System Access and access to the Serotek network NVDA is free and does not need to be downloaded every time it is started. It appears similar to JAWS in many ways on a basic operational level. Available through RNIB.

16 In a Nutshell JAWS Pros By industry standards, a recognized program in excellence. Has multi levels of customization available Most customizable speech program available Extensive tech support Wide network of users Cons Expensive initial cost Continual software maintenance agreements needed for updates

17 In a Nutshell Window Eyes Pro Recognized by the industry as a reputable speech program Free with licensed copy of Office 2010 or newer For $159 get install disk and manual, MP3 full audio tutorial, Eloquence and Vocalizer Expressive synthesizers, braille and LP hot key reference guide (req. Office) Con For free version required to pay for tech support ($99) Limited number of calls per year, no carryover Version without Office is expensive ($895)

18 In a Nutshell System Access Pro Designed to fill niche in home use Relatively inexpensive Offered in various versions to fit budgets Includes magnification SATOGO Free Cons Not used as much as the others. Not as highly customized. Must reload at website every time you exit or power off.

19 In a Nutshell NVDA Pro Free Don’t have to reload each time you use it. Has similarities to JAWS Con Not widely used Limited tech support Limited customization

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