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Footcare Factbook 1 Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot.

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1 Footcare Factbook 1 Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot

2 Footcare Factbook 2 Summary Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot in the removal of old keratin from the sole as well as its safety of use ① As monitors, we selected 30 healthy adults aged 25 to 59 years(12 males, 18 females), to examine the condition of the sole. At first, the physician evaluated the sole of the monitor and measured the hardness of the heel region before using Baby Foot. The test product was used at night time on the same day. After 2 weeks of follow-up at each monitor’s home, final measurement involving physician’s evaluation(measurement of the hardness of the heel region) was conducted. Thickness of the keratin of the sole Dryness of the sole Thick 47% Slightly Thick 40% Very Thick 13% Slight 53% Moderate 30% Marked 10% Others 7% Summary of Verification ■Target : 30 healthy adults aged 25 years~59 years ( 12 males, 18 females ) ■Period : 2 weeks ■Purpose: Evaluate the usefulness of Baby Foot in the removal of old keratin from the sole, subsequent sole skin care as well as its safety of use. ■Facility : Otemachi Park Clinic ▲Product for Verification 「 Baby Foot Easy Pack 」

3 Footcare Factbook 3 Changes in the sole condition after Baby Foot Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot Changes in the sole condition The hardness of the sole 1 Based on the measurement of hardness of the heel region and palpation findings, the dead skin cells of the sole became soft in all monitors, suggesting that Baby Foot is useful for softening the keratin of the sole. Right Foot Left Foot Average Before43.3245.98 45.65 2 Weeks After 37.3537.56 37.45 Changes in the sole condition The thickness of the sole 2 All the monitors’ dead skin layers in this survey turned to become smoother after using Baby Foot. This result shows that the use of Baby Foot can help smooth the dead skin layers of feet. Changes in the thicknessNumbers % Very Soft1033.3 Soft1963.3 Slightly Soft13.3 Slightly Hard00.0 Hard00.0 Very Hard00.0 Changes in the thicknessChanges in the hardness Changes in the sole condition The dryness of the sole 3 The results of the survey and the physician’s evaluation showed that a good change of the sole condition was achieved in 80% of results, the keratin condition became good in all monitors. Changes in DrynessNumbers % Apparently Change2583.3 Slightly Change516.7 Barely Change00.0 No Changes00.0 Evaluation of changes in dryness ***p<0.001 Apparently change 83.3% Slightly change 16.7% Very soft 33.3% soft 63.3% Slightly soft 3.3% Before 2 Weeks After More… ***

4 Footcare Factbook 4 Comparison of the appearance after Baby Foot Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot The improvement of the appearance Evaluation of the changes in appearance involves physician’s measurement. The keratin condition became “Good/Slightly Good” in all monitors and a good, smooth and health sole condition was achieved in 70% of results. The pictures on the right side is an example of changes in appearance. The results show that the use of Baby Foot promoted the removal of the dead skin cell layers of the sole, improving the sole condition to a healthy state after two weeks. Example of changes in the appearance Before Baby Foot 2 weeks after Baby Foot Changes in the appearanceNumbers % Very Good and Smooth2170.0 Slightly Good but a little Thick930.0 Remain Thick00.0 Thick and Dry00.0 The use of Baby Foot promoted the removal of the dead skin cell layers of the sole, improving the sole condition to a healthy state after two weeks. ※ pictures of the soles of 50 year old female Very Good and Smooth 70.0% Slightly Good but a little Thick 30.0% Changes in the appearance

5 Footcare Factbook 5 Follow-up of the peeling process and overall evaluation after Baby Foot A good, smooth and health sole condition was achieved in 70% of results Based on visual inspection/palpation, the keratin condition became ”Good /Slightly Good” in all monitors and a good, smooth and health sole condition was achieved in 70% of results. The lotion of Baby foot contains fruit acid, which penetrates the accumulated, old skin layers, acting on the adhesive area between older and newer skin layers and promoting the exfoliation of the old dead skin cell layers. The result of this survey showed that Baby Foot supported the removal of the dead skin cells and that it might improve the sole condition via this mechanism. Apparent changes of the soleNumbers % Good/Smooth2273.3 Slightly Good826.7 Very Slightly Good00.0 No Changes00.0 Apparent changes of the sole after Baby Foot Example * The degree of dead skin cells exfoliation is based on Voluntary Notifications by monitors. Changes in the degree of keratin exfoliation of the sole in all monitors Good 73.3% Slightly Good 26.7% * pictures of 30 year old male’s soles Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot

6 Footcare Factbook 6 Summary and Results of Verification ② Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot in the removal of old keratin from the sole as well as its safety of use ② After Baby Foot, the soles became very smooth. The reason of the changes of the softness is considered to be the changes in moisture level. Hereby, we selected 10 females aged 19 years ~ 50 years to examine the moisture level and softness. Summary of Verification ■Target : 10 females aged19 years ~ 50 years ■Period : 10 days ■Items : Moisture levels in dead skin layers ■Facility : DRC Co., Ltd. ▲Product for Verification 「 Baby Foot Easy Pack 」 The rate of changes by Cutemeter showed that both feet got softer after Baby Foot. The reason of the above result is considered to be the changes of the moisture level. According to the above results, Baby Foot is not only to peel the dead skin cells off, but also to maintain the grain of the skin and to add moisture to the skin. Changes in the sole condition Moisture Level in the sole 4 The wetness of both feet changed from about 50 ( μS ) before using Baby Foot, to about 240 ( μS ) after using it. Use of Baby Foot has improved the wetness of the dead skin layer of feet. Left FootRight Foot ** Before ( μS ) After ( μS ) Rate of Change ( % ) Left Foot52.0187.7 237.4* Right Foot46.5187.0 244.8* Changes in moisture level *p<0.05 Changes in the sole condition Softness in the sole 5 The rate of changes by Cutemeter: before Baby Foot is left foot is 0.18 ( mm ),right foot is 0.19 ( mm ) ; after Baby Foot both feet got upper to the 0.21 ( mm ). The reason of the above result is considered to be the changes of the moisture level. Left FootRight Foot Before ( mm ) After ( mm ) Rate of Change ( % ) Left Foot0.180.21 143.50 Right Foot0.190.21 152.77 Changes in softness Verification of the usefulness of Baby Foot

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