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National network of Buddhist youth ( nnby )

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1 National network of Buddhist youth ( nnby )
Head Office 183, Dixit Nagar, Nari Road, Nagpur

2 NNBY - It’s a youth organization, started by youth and belonging to youth. It is a network of young people who connect with each other in meaningful and creative ways. Through networking one’s own available resources, its members support each other and the society around. It is based on the principle of mutual giving. Most of the people involved in this network are coming from the deprived communities who are in great need of intellectual and material resources. It is a ‘network’ because it is a net of youth connected to each other through their groups. They take initiative and organize their own activities. They are autonomous and independent. It is a network of ‘Buddhist’ youth because the youth involved find “Buddhist” as an identity that unites them beyond all caste identities. We call Buddhist to all those who left the caste identity behind and engaged themselves in transforming oneself and the world following the Buddha’s path as taught by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.


4 NNBY Network of Indian youth committed to the ideology of liberty, equality and fraternity working since last 8 years towards propagating egalitarian concept amongst the youth of India.

5 As you know today youth are pillars of modern society and will be future leaders of modern India. Seeking this cherished goal in mind, NNBY through its endeavors’ educating youth by introducing novel ways of inculcating good moral foundation and bringing creative models for youth development. So as to accomplish this we were in need of dedicated Youth Centre for experimenting newer educational modules.

6 While doing this, Jagtap family from village Dhondbhar, Tal-Sinnar, Nashik District got connected to our team in Nasik and conveyed his desire to donate the piece of land for grand success of our ideals. In the year 2010 gift deed was signed and now formally NNBY has conceptualized “Youth Development Centre” Dhondbhar at this 1st grant piece of 2.5 acre land.

7 Therefore to realize the Centre, basic plan will be declared in the month of October including Estimation, Architectural drawings and detail plan. At the moment the rough estimation goes to one crore for building infrastructure and another one crore for its upkeep and maintenance. Hence the total target is two crores to realize our dream.

8 Please go through the proposed plan to get an overview idea of our project for Youth Development Centre. Our intention is to develop youth in all fields irrespective of their caste, geographic area and financial conditions.

9 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Dormitories Toilet Blocks Teacher’s Hut Shrine Hall Kitchen & Dinning Area Parking

10 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre

11 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre

12 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Parking Space Open Space for Mass gathering Main Shrine Hall Kitchen & Stores WashRoom Dinning Area

13 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Main Shrine Hall Kitchen & Stores WashRoom Staff Room Dinning Area Toilets Blocks Play Area Spectator Area to watch outdoor Sports

14 Proposed Main Shrine for Youth Development Centre
Female Dormitory Male Dormitory Staff Room Spectator Area to watch outdoor Sports Play Area

15 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Teacher’s Hut Female Dormitory Male Dormitory Toilets Blocks

16 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Teacher’s Hut Male Dormitory Female Dormitory

17 Youth Development Centre
Proposed Plan for Youth Development Centre Teacher’s Hut Male Dormitory Female Dormitory Court Yard Toilets Blocks

18 Dinning Area

19 Proposed Main Shrine for Youth Development Centre

20 That’s our proposed plan for Youth Development Centre – YDC.
Thanks a lot for viewing. Still, before launching full throttle fundraising campaign we need a corpus amount of Rs.10 Lakhs to kick off the further campaign. We appeal to every one of us to donate generously and to raise Rs. 10,000/- each from 100 youth (at present) who are seriously connected with organization, are close friends, well-wishers and affirmative about the ideas which we are pursuing.

21 We hope you will stand with us fully on your part and participate whole heartedly in upcoming campaign as well- till we reach its meaningful destination. We are taking a big responsibility on our shoulders and understand the risk involve to keep up pace with one’s personal livelihood; although with your support definitely we will realize this dream without it we cannot imagine its success.

22 Donate and Support Us Generously!
Contact Persons Nagpur: Dh. Kumarjeev Chetan Alok Pune: Arhant – Mumbai/ Thane Dr. Pranali Dh. Vasitkumar Nashik Uttam – Our Bank Detail Account Name: Network of Buddhist Youth Bank: State Bank of Hyderabad Branch: Power Grid, Nagpur Account Number: IFSC CODE: SBHY Head Office 183, Dixit Nagar, Nari Road, Nagpur MS India Phone: Web:

23 “My final words of advice to you are Educate, Agitate and Organize; have faith in yourself. With justice on our side I do not see how we can lose our battle. The battle to me is a matter of joy. The battle is in the fullest sense spiritual. There is nothing material or social in it. For ours is a battle not for wealth or for power. It is a battle for freedom. It is a battle for the reclamation of the human personality”  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

24 For More Details Please Visit Our Website
We need your support for developing our dream project “YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE” Please Donate and Support Us Generously!

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