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By- Dr.Hemant Mittal  The word depression describes a range of mood from low spirits to a severe physical problem.  Clinical Depression.

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Presentation on theme: "By- Dr.Hemant Mittal  The word depression describes a range of mood from low spirits to a severe physical problem.  Clinical Depression."— Presentation transcript:

1 By- Dr.Hemant Mittal

2  The word depression describes a range of mood from low spirits to a severe physical problem.  Clinical Depression is when this low and sad mood is present through out the day, it can be observed by others and hampers with day activities. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

3  Anyone can become depressed.  There is no age, cast, religion or gender specification for it. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

4  Some people have higher chance than others in becoming depressed: 1. Sudden traumatic experience- heart break, relationship failure, death of dear one, sudden financial loss. 2. A daily exposure to high amounts of stress. 3. Childhood traumatic experience. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

5 4. Physical Aliments like diabetes, physical handicap, hypertension, thyroid dysfunction. 5. Family history of depression. 6. Improper Food Habits- higher amount of fats and carbohydrates in food. Smoking and alcohol addictions. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

6  Clinical Depression is caused when the unconscious and conscious mind are unable to take the tensions, stress of daily life. Leading to an sadness of mood thru out the day.  This event, precipitates changes in the brain chemical system, leading to the decrease in production of neuro-transmitters like Serotonin and Nor epinephrine. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

7  A Prolonged period of Clinical Depression can lead to structural changes in the brain. This can cause a permanent damage to the brain chemical system, making a person life-long dependant on medications. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

8  If any person has 5 or more of the following symptoms present for more than 2 weeks period, then do consult a psychiatrist immediately: Dr.Hemant Mittal (

9 1. Feeling low or sad through most of the day 2. Frequent Headaches and/or body pains. 3. Blaming yourself too much and feeling worthless 4. Sleep problems- lack of sleep or excessive sleeping 5. Thinking about death or attempted Suicide or Self- harm in any way. 6. Change in appetite – loss of appetite or increase in appetite 7. Fatigue or loss of energy through out the day 8. Memory problems –Increased in forgetfulness &/or decreased concentration 9. Loss of interest in pleasurable activities Dr.Hemant Mittal (

10  A healthy life-style can prevent clinical depression from setting in.  Few of the useful techniques include: 1. Staying physically active 2. Make time for pleasurable activities- watch a movie, listen to music, do a hobby Dr.Hemant Mittal (

11 3. Spend quality time with people who support you- a. Develop a network of people who want to help you. b. Talk about your problems. Venting out is self-healing. c. Confide in at least one elder. 4. Practice relaxation and meditation daily. 5. Keep your goals simple and attainable- don’t build un-realistic expectations. 6. Eat a balanced diet, avoid addictions. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

12  When you have tried everything,  When a person doesn’t respond to all positive ques given to him.  When a person is becoming more and more withdrawn.  Remember its not under his control anymore. His brain chemicals system is going wrong and needs to be rectified. Dr.Hemant Mittal (

13  Depending on the Severity clinical depression is curable within weeks to 6months of medications  If extremely severe then might require a year of medications.  Newer medications aren’t sleeping pills, and don’t cause addiction. Ask your psychiatrist for such a combination. Dr.Hemant Mittal (


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