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Social Development Racial Issues Lesson 1 6th Grade1.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Development Racial Issues Lesson 1 6th Grade1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Development Racial Issues Lesson 1 6th Grade1

2 What do you think about this statement? Making a decision about a person or group of people without really knowing them is unkind and unfair. 6th Grade2 What could cause you to make decisions about people?

3 Racial Issues Racism- hatred of one person by another due to their race or culture. What are some basic examples of Racism? – Name calling – Bullying – Slurs – Discrimination-Isolation 6th Grade3

4 4 Genocide The act and intent to deliberately and systematically destroy an entire people. Bias Motivated Violence Individual: Murder Rape Assault Community: Arson Terrorism Vandalism Discrimination Economic Employment Educational Political Housing Segregation Individual Acts of Prejudice BullyingName CallingSlurs Ridicule Social Avoidance De humanization Bias StereotypingInsensitive RemarksBelittling Jokes Noninclusive Language Pyramid Of Hate

5 What Can You Do? What can you do if you encounter racism? – Speak up – Be educated about other cultures – Don’t make assumptions/Get to know people – Include everyone to join your groups/friends 6th Grade5

6 6 STOP HERE This is the end of Racial Issues Lesson 1

7 Gang Issues Lesson 2 6th Grade7

8 Gangs A Gang is a group of people who often use violence or intimidation tactics. It can be tempting to join a gang because some people feel secure, a sense of family, loyalty, and protection. Gangs can be dangerous and often YOU have to do something violent to become a part of it. In some gangs, members may have to vandalize, steal, assault, and possibly sell drugs. 6th Grade8

9 Avoiding Gangs Tell and adult if you are approached by a gang member Be clear to others that you are not interested in joining a gang Stay away from areas where gangs hang out 6th Grade9

10 Join a sports team or club Volunteer with a neighborhood watch group Coach a sports team for younger teams Get involved in your community 6th Grade10 Other Choices Besides Gangs..

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