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Corporate Reputation Management Introduction to the Unit Unit Leader: Dr Jane Tonge.

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2 Corporate Reputation Management Introduction to the Unit Unit Leader: Dr Jane Tonge

3 Contents  What is reputation?  What is Corporate Reputation?  Why does it matter?  What topics do we cover in this unit?  Unit schedule and core text books  Tutors  Assessments 1 and 2  What do students say?  Contact details

4 What is reputation?  ‘the estimation in which a person is held, repute, known or reported character, general credit, fame, renown’  Reputation = a combination of the views and impressions of many different people  Reputation of an organisation = formed by impressions held by a wide range of stakeholders including consumers, the media, employees, local communities, government, investors and so on

5 Why do organisations need to manage their Corporate Reputation?  “Every single move, decision taken and isolated event that involves a company is scrutinised, documented and publicised globally, compounding the task of reputation managers. Just ask BP or Toyota.” (Roper and Fill 2012 p.5)  “Reputation was, is and always will be of immense importance to organisations, whether commercial, governmental or not-for-profit. To reach their goals, stay competitive and prosper, good reputation paves the organisational path to acceptance and approval by stakeholders.” (Watson and Kitchen 2010 p.270)

6 All of these people have reputations Which can be created and managed... or not

7 Organisations have reputations too... Not always good ones!

8 So why does reputation matter?  Competitive advantage and differentiation from competition  Creates loyalty from customers and builds trust in companies  Engenders good relations with a wide range of essential stakeholders – the media, employees, customers, local people  We have 24 hour media scrutiny – and poor behaviour is a popular source for news stories. A bad reputation will quickly lead to public ridicule and contempt – and you will lose the trust and support of your stakeholders  A poor reputation means you are not trusted and not valued – you may lose customers, employees have low staff morale and may even leave, it weakens the share value, and you receive widespread negative media coverage and criticism. It may ultimately lead to an organisation’s demise  It is essential that every organisation manages their reputation carefully so this never happens… This unit will help you understand how corporate reputation can be managed… and you can take this understanding in to any career you follow, as EVERY organisation needs to know about this!

9 What topics do we cover? To help us understand corporate reputation management, we look at these topics:  Essential Building Blocks of Corporate Reputation  Corporate Culture, Image and Identity  Stakeholder Theory: Who are the ‘Publics’?  Corporate Communications  Corporate Sponsorship  Integrated Marketing Communications  Campaign Planning  Issues and Crisis Management  Measuring Reputation  Managing Global Reputations  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

10 Unit Schedule  Weekly Lectures - usually Monday 2-3pm  Weekly Tutorials – 1.5 hrs on Mondays or Thursdays  Class size – between 70-100 students take the unit  Core Text:  Roper & Fill (2012)  Additional Texts:  Tench & Yeomans (2013)  Cornelissen (2011)

11 Tutors  Unit Leader - Dr Jane Tonge Senior Lecturer in Marketing Communications Tel: 0161 247 6040 Email: Room: 6.29 (6 th Floor)  Unit Lecturer - Susan Kinnear Senior Lecturer Tel: 0161 247 3845 Email: Room: 6.07 (6 th Floor)  Unit Tutors – Debbie Kelly and Suzanne Stolberg Email: and

12 Assessment  There are two assessments for this unit – an assignment and an exam  The assignment is paired work due in Term 2  The exam is individual and taken in Term 3  Both are worth 50% of the unit mark

13 Assessment 1 – 50% Coursework - Corporate Communications Campaign Working in PAIRS, you are required to research an organisation of your choice and prepare a management report suggesting a realistic corporate communications campaign to enhance corporate reputation.  You select your own organisation but no duplication with other students Two components:  Company Profile and Analysis (10%) – 3pp plus reference page x A4  Deadline – end of Term 1 in December  Corporate Communication Campaign (90%) - max 4000 word business report  Deadline – mid-Term 3, usually in February

14 Assessment 2 – 50% Open Book Examination This is an open book examination based on a case study issued prior to the examination at the end of Term 2.  Students must also prepare analysis to bring into the examination which forms 10% of their mark.  Exam in Term 3 - date to be confirmed.

15 What do students say in ISS?  The lecturers and tutors are very thorough and approachable. They make things easy to understand.  Clear and engaging lectures.  Really liked choosing your own brand for the assignment and being able to develop your own corporate campaign for this and really discover new things about corporate reputation.  The lectures are very well taught, well explained and very helpful.  Well organised.  Course leader is good at explaining things for the assignment.  Communication between staff and students is excellent.

16 Any queries?  If you have any queries about this unit, then just contact the Unit Leader, Dr Jane Tonge  Email:  Tel: 0161 247 6040  Room: 6.29

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