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Satirizing Society. DO NOW: Write down on a sheet of paper at least one movie or TV show that you would say does a good job at making fun of certain things.

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Presentation on theme: "Satirizing Society. DO NOW: Write down on a sheet of paper at least one movie or TV show that you would say does a good job at making fun of certain things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satirizing Society

2 DO NOW: Write down on a sheet of paper at least one movie or TV show that you would say does a good job at making fun of certain things in society. Make sure to provide a specific example: Example: The Daily Show’s Indecision 2008 did a great job of making fun of the other news medias’ coverage of the election, as well as poking fun at the candidates.

3 What is Satire? A work that ridicules its subject through the use of techniques such as exaggeration, reversal, incongruity, and/ or parody in order to make a comment or criticism about the subject Exaggeration – to enlarge, increase, or represent something past normal bounds Reversal – to present the opposite of the normal order Incongruity – To present things that are out of place or are absurd in relation to the surroundings Parody - to imitate the techniques and/ or style of some person, place, or thing in order to ridicule the original

4 Exaggeration

5 Reversal

6 Incongruity

7 Homer Votes Homer Votes

8 Parody

9 Episode: Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish Summary: Bart and Lisa catch a 3-eyed fish in a polluted stream near the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, bringing tons of negative publicity to Mr. Burns. In order to fight the bad press, Burns decides to run for Governor, enlisting a team of spin doctors. But all the spin doctors in the world can’t fix Mr. Burns’ major blunder when, on live TV, Marge serves him a 3-eyed fish for dinner and he finally coughs up his true feelings about pollution.

10 Predict the themes that you think will be the subject of satire in the episode.

11 To complete by end of class: On your graphic organizer for the episode: Look for satirical techniques in the episode that relate to the themes you selected and take notes of it while watching You should find at least 3 examples for each theme After we finish watching, in small groups discuss your observations (5 minutes) Come back for class discussion Charts collected at the end of class

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