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Who was George Orwell? Real name: Eric Arthur Blair—George Orwell was his pen name.

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Presentation on theme: "Who was George Orwell? Real name: Eric Arthur Blair—George Orwell was his pen name."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who was George Orwell? Real name: Eric Arthur Blair—George Orwell was his pen name

3 Despised communism after his experience in Spanish Civil War Best known for 1984 (Big Brother is Watching You!) and Animal Farm Believed that revolutions failed because those who attained power became corrupted by it 3

4 It uses talking animals to ridicule and poke fun at the Communist regime in Russia. 4

5 In the story, characters and events represent various figures and events in Russian history (remember, the story is an allegory!) Fill out your chart and KEEP IT!! You will need to refer to it throughout the story 5

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