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The Simple Past When? How?. When do we use the Simple Past? A- When we speak about an action or a series of actions that began and ended in the past,

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Presentation on theme: "The Simple Past When? How?. When do we use the Simple Past? A- When we speak about an action or a series of actions that began and ended in the past,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Simple Past When? How?

2 When do we use the Simple Past? A- When we speak about an action or a series of actions that began and ended in the past, we use the Simple Past. כאשר הפעולה או הפעולות החלו והסתיימו בעבר. A- When we speak about an action or a series of actions that began and ended in the past, we use the Simple Past.

3 When do we use the Simple Past? B- When we speak about a habit in the past, that we don ’ t have now, we use the Simple Past. כאשר אנו מדברים על הרגל שהיה בעבר ועכשיו כבר לא עושים אותו.

4 When do we use the Simple Past? משהו בעבר, שהיה ונגמר. An action in the Past A habit in the Past Actions in the Past A single duration in the Past

5 Examples: Dan finished his work last week. (Now, he is not working.) ed ed An hour ago, she washed her face and combed her hair. (Now, her face is clean and her hair looks nice.) המעשה נגמר - היה ועבר.

6 yesterday a… (moment, week, year) ago last… (night, week, year) in/on/at a past date (in 1960 / on 25/10/1960 / at 8:00 ) When? – Commonly used time expressions:

7 How do we form it? We use the past form of the verb (V2). נשתמש בצורת העבר של הפועל, כי לדבר על דברים שקרו בעבר.

8 How do we form it? A-Regular Verbs (in this presentation) B –The verb be C –Irregular verbs

9 How do we form it? A-Regular Verbs With regular verbs we make the simple past by adding –ed (or –d if the verb ends in –e). ed לפעלים הרגילים, נוסיף בדרך כלל ed.

10 Example: Usually, we stay at home on Saturdays. Last Saturday we stayed at home.

11 I You He She It We They watchedtelevision on Sunday. last night. Yesterday. How do we form it?

12 How do we form it? More Spelling rules A1 When the verb ends with e we add only –d I like to watch movies. I liked yesterday’s movie. ed לפועל רגיל המסתיים ב- e, נוסיף רק d.

13 A-2 When the verb ends in a consonant with one vowel before it, we double the consonant and add –ed. stop stopped rub rubbed כשהפועל מסתיים בעיצור ולפניו " אות ניקוד " ( אחת במילה ), נכפיל את העיצור לפני הוספת ed. More Spelling rules

14 A-3 VC + C +ed … but we don’t double -w, -x, y mix mixedshow showed play played More Spelling Rules כאשר האות האחרונה היא -w, -x, -y, לא מכפילים אותה.

15 A-3 If the verb ends in one consonant before -y, change the –y to –i and then add –ed. i study studied play played More Spelling Rules

16 A-3 VC +ed When the verb has two or more syllables, we double the consonant only when the accent is on the final syllable. prefer preferred happen happened More Spelling Rules

17 A-4 If the verb ends in one consonant before -y, change the –y to –i and then add –ed. study studied cry cried BUT… More Spelling Rules

18 A-5 If the verb ends in one vowel before -y, we simply add –ed. play played More Spelling Rules

19 It is practice time Yesterday we (celebrate*) my friend’s Bat Mitzvah. We (listen) to music and (dance) a lot. She was very happy that she (start) to cry. We (stop) dancing and (hug) her. She (laugh) again and than we (play) together until 11 o’clock. *celebrate - לחגוג*hug - לחבק


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