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Business Profile Past - Present - Future. 2 Technology Processes, Platforms, Partners 2002-2009 Virtual Instructors 2002-2015 1to1 Knowledge 1997-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Profile Past - Present - Future. 2 Technology Processes, Platforms, Partners 2002-2009 Virtual Instructors 2002-2015 1to1 Knowledge 1997-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Profile Past - Present - Future

2 2 Technology Processes, Platforms, Partners 2002-2009 Virtual Instructors 2002-2015 1to1 Knowledge 1997-2008 IT Virtual Institute 1999-2008 ACCA Virtual Institute 2006-2008 Internet Maths 2010-2015 Software & Object Innovation, Research & Development IE - Business Overview

3 3 Technology Processes, Platforms, Partners IE - Business Overview Microsoft IBM Advanced Meetings

4 4 Informa Europe (IE) - Profile Informa Europe is an Information & Communications Technologies (ICT) software development and services company Set up in 1997 - Core Business - Conferencing, Collaboration, Knowledge Management and Learning Solutions - Instructor led OnLine Education business divisions - Software Research and Development activities

5 5 Informa Europe (IE) Foresight - "The Internet is rapidly transforming business processes. - Real-Time Internet is enabling Live Interaction and Collaboration with Staff, Customers, Partners and Suppliers. - Informa Europe is at the forefront of this business transformation process."

6 6 2020 : Faster, Smarter, Business Engineering & Delivering Real-Time Business Processes Using Innovative & Advanced Technologies

7 7 IE Business Divisions - 1. IE - IT Education Services : Virtual Instructors : Delivery and Management Technologies for Training and Education IT Virtual Institute : Internet & Classroom based Advanced ICT Technology Training & Education ACCA Virtual Institute : Internet & Classroom based Business and Financial Training & Education Internet Maths : OnLine Internet Maths Programmes for Secondary and College Level - 2. IE - IT Consulting Services : 1to1 Knowledge : Services & Technologies for Conferencing, Collaboration and Knowledge Management - 3. IE - Software Research and Development : Research and Development for Web 3.0 (Next Generation)

8 8 Virtual Instructors - Virtual Instructors is the learning solutions division of Informa  Consulting and Solutions for Virtual Classroom Technologies (VCT) using Internet and VoIP  Integration of VCT into Learning Management Systems (LMS)  VoIP solutions for Language and Communications Learning  Tools to covert education content into compliant LMS formats  Tools for the creation and management of OnLine testing

9 9 IT Virtual Institute - IT Virtual Institute is the ICT training and education services division of Informa Europe - Instructor led advanced ICT training and education programmes - Delivered OnLine using Virtual Classroom Technologies - OnSite programmes also provided to clients

10 10 ACCA Virtual Institute - ACCA Virtual Institute is the business and financial learning services division of Informa Europe - Instructor led business and financial education programmes - Delivered OnLine using Virtual Classroom Technologies - OnSite programmes also provided to clients

11 11 1to1 Knowledge - 1to1 Knowledge is the Knowledge Management division of Informa Europe  Consulting and Solutions for Audio, Video and Internet Conferencing  Advanced Web Conferencing and Collaboration Solutions  Event management services for Webinars (Web Seminars) and WebCasts (Web Broadcasts)  Crisis Management Solutions  Tablet PC software, solutions and training

12 12 IE - Software Research & Development - Strategic Technologies & Research Activities - NG Conferencing & Collaboration - C&C - Artificial Intelligence - AI - Language Engineering - NLP - Tracking Technologies - RFID - Voice Interfaces - VXML - Gesture Based Computing - Semantic/Smart Web - Virtual Reality Technologies - VR - Tablet PCs : (UMPCs, iPads etc..) - Enterprise 2.0

13 Thank You!

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