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Barb Allessie, Lisa Bly, Don Fureman, and Glen Knudsen
Lee and Marlene Canter Met in 1968 while attending college.
Lee aspired to be a teacher, while Marlene wished to be a social worker specializing in working with children.
Lee and Marlene married in 1970 and focused on the hopes for the future – to make a difference in children’s lives. Lee now was pursuing a Master’s degree in social work, while Marlene was finishing work on gaining a teacher certificate and advanced special education training.
Lee worked several years in the social work field, and then started to focus on teacher training and school consultation as a career. Marlene was teaching special education as she pursued the study of child development and special education techniques. During Marlene’s teaching experience, she encountered a child whose behavior was so disruptive that she needed to search for new techniques that would help the child to reach his full potential.
Lee and Marlene began researching disciplinary problems in the classroom, as well as those methods used by successful teachers to handle these problems. Thus Assertive Discipline came to the forefront of their lives. The focus began with a behavior management plan based on consistency, clear expectations, follow-through, and the development of positive relationships.
What is it? Assertive discipline is a systematic and objective way of ensuring a teacher-controlled classroom. Teachers are demanding yet treat everyone fairly. Has a discipline plan that clearly outlines expectations as well as positive and negative consequences.
How has it evolved? Developed in the mid-70’s as an authoritative approach. Now is more democratic to fit into today’s classroom environments. The theory is more of a mindset and is often taught in classes or sold as prepackaged programs. Both individual classrooms and schools as a whole can benefit from the program.
What is the theory behind it?
No pupil should prevent a teacher from being able to teach and a student from being able to learn. Teachers should act assertively right away in dealing with a behavior, as opposed to passively dealing with the behavior later. The teacher entering the classroom needs to be trained in behavior management in order to have a successful school year.
Teachers have the right to determine what is best for their classroom and tailor the program to fit their needs. Students actually want teachers to control their behaviors. Society requires that its members act appropriately in all situations. Teachers have the right to request and get assistance from parents, administrators, and society.
RESPONSE STYLES The Canters believe that a teacher’s response style sets the tone of his or her classroom. This response style impacts students’ self-esteem and the students’ success in the classroom.
3 RESPONSE STYLES The 3 response styles, according to the Canters, are as follows: ★ Nonassertive ★ Hostile ★ Assertive •Your task is to work with your group members to define each of the 3 response styles in your own words.
NONASSERTIVE One in which the teacher is passive in response to student behavior. Expectations are not clearly communicated to the students. No solid leadership is provided. Inconsistent in response to student behaviors. Students may be confused by this style.
HOSTILE One who is able to meet his or her own needs in the classroom, but may do so at the expense of the self-esteem of his or her students. Uses discipline to control students rather than to empower them and teach them how to behave in an appropriate manner. Views the classroom as him or her versus the students.
ASSERTIVE The teacher identifies the expectations clearly and follows through with consistency. The teacher explains to the students what behavior is unacceptable and acceptable. The consequences of various behaviors are made clear to the students.
An assertive teacher understands the needs for students to have limits.
A positive attitude is prevalent in an assertive teacher’s classroom. Appropriate behavior does not go unnoticed in the assertive teacher’s classroom.
Classroom Discipline Plan
POSITIVE RECOGNITION Will motivate students to behave appropriately.
Reduces problem behaviors. Helps to build relationships with students. Increases students’ self-esteem.
CONSEQUENCES Something that will not be liked by the students, but is never potentially harmful to them. Consequences must be delivered to the students as a choice. Consequences do not have to be severe or harsh to be effective.
CONCLUSION Canter has been criticized for some of his suggestions to monitor classroom behavior, such as writing the misbehaving student’s name on the board. In an article in response to this criticism, Canter (“Assertive discipline: More than”) writes: “It troubles me to find my work interpreted as suggesting that teachers need only provide negative consequences – check marks or demerits – when students misbehave.”
Canter emphasizes that the key to an effective assertive discipline program is to “catch” students behaving appropriately by recognizing them and supporting them when they are being good. Canter’s wish is to assist new teachers in their classroom management so they continue to pursue education as a lifelong passion and commitment.
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