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PRESENTATION ON SADC PROTOCOL ON FORESTRY Presentation deals with: Process Objectives Why Necessary for RSA Ratification.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON SADC PROTOCOL ON FORESTRY Presentation deals with: Process Objectives Why Necessary for RSA Ratification."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION ON SADC PROTOCOL ON FORESTRY Presentation deals with: Process Objectives Why Necessary for RSA Ratification

2 Process Initiated by SADC FSTCU in 1998 in collaboration with IUCN Country Reports collected to develop Elements for the Protocol 1999 Draft Elements for the Protocol produced Consultations begin with member countries to determine support to the elements and the process Draft Protocol produced in November 2000 and countries are requested to consult

3 Process Cont. November 2000 Draft presented at NFAC NFAC appoints a steering Committee to co- ordinate the consultation process January 2001 first meeting of the Steering Committee held and outlines process Protocol is widely circulated to stakeholders One on One consultation with stakeholders in particular the previously disadvantaged

4 Process Cont. Steering Committee continues to meet to receive comments from stakeholders and synthesis them Steering Committee convenes a National Workshop-June 2001 Steering Committee meets after Nat. W/shop to look at the final document and agree on the delegates to the SADC Regional Workshop

5 Process Cont. SADC Regional Workshop held in Pretoria- September 2001. Final draft agreed to by all countries and submitted to the Legal process May 2002 another SADC Regional workshop is held in Luanda and produce the final draft for submission to the ICM Submitted to the Legal advisors for recommendation


7 Process Cont. Legal advisors recommend the signing of the Protocol with a proviso of reviewing Article 17 (3) of the Protocol (which provides for “Where any State party is asserting a right under this Article against any third party, other State parties shall support the assertion of such rights” The Heads of States sign the Protocol in October 2002 in Luanda.

8 Process Cont DFA requests DWAF to speed up process for Ratification DWAF prepares Cabinet Memo and submit to Cabinet for the Parliamentary process

9 Objectives Promote the development, conservation, sustainable management and utilisation of all types of forests and trees Promote trade in forest products throughout the Region in order alleviate poverty and generate economic opportunities for the peoples of the Region Achieve Effective protection of the environment, and safeguard the interests of both the present and future generations

10 How do we achieve the Objectives? State Parties shall co-operate by: Assisting and supporting each other to address issues of common concern including deforestation, genetic erosion, climate change, forest fires, pests, diseases, invasive alien species and law enforcement in a manner that makes the best use of technical, financial and other resources in the region Promoting the sustainable management of shared forests, taking into account other Protocols Building trade and investment based on the sustainable management and utilisation of forests including agreeing on common standards for SFM and forest products etc.

11 Why Necessary for RSA RSA should take the lead in the co- operation on economic upliftment of the SADC countries Protocol promotes co-operation among SADC Member States As a leader in the AU and NEPAD initiatives RSA should always be in the forefront in ratifying Regional agreements

12 Why Necessary for RSA Cont. Protocol has emphasis on poverty alleviation and empowerment of women which are programmes that RSA already has, e.g. Community Forestry Agreements. Restructuring of Cat. B plantations Eastern Cape Afforestation Deregulation of the Wattle bark industry to involve the PDIs in the bark economy.

13 Ratification Article 22(1) of the Declaration Treaty and protocol for SADC provides for Members States should conclude such Protocols as may be necessary in each area of co- operation, which shall spell out the objectives and scope of, and institutional mechanisms for cooperation and integration.

14 CONCLUSION The DWAF together with its stakeholders are very pleased with the involvement of all concerned in the development and negotiations of the Protocol on Forestry The principles contained in the Protocol are those of international standards and also enshrined in the National Forests Act, No 84 of 1998.

15 Conclusion Cont Based on that motivation requests the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa to Ratify this Protocol. Prepared by Motsamai Nkosi DWAF (August 2003)

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