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We appreciate your co-operation during our works and any guidance you provide to help us minimise the impact we make on your lives will be gratefully received.

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Presentation on theme: "We appreciate your co-operation during our works and any guidance you provide to help us minimise the impact we make on your lives will be gratefully received."— Presentation transcript:

1 We appreciate your co-operation during our works and any guidance you provide to help us minimise the impact we make on your lives will be gratefully received. If you have any concerns or complaints with regard to the construction project I am happy to take your call at any time on the mobile number given below: Carillion Building Site Office Stockport Road West Bredbury Stockport SK6 2EE Stockport Property Alliance Community Update The site progress since the last News Letter has been difficult due to the discovery of cement board Asbestos in the external play area fill material under the existing Tarmac finish. Carillion has worked closely with Stockport council environmental health team and the HSE and have now removed this material from the site. Looking forward into 2015 we will be recommencing construction works to complete the foundations in order to commence installation of Structural steel and Pre-cast concrete floor and roof planks. Carillion are currently planning the section 50 works to the site entrance from Stockport Road West. Section 50 works are works in the highway and in this case will be in Stockport rd west. This will involve temporary traffic lights and traffic management which will be in place until the works are complete. Once the plans are in place and commencement date agreed with the local authority we will advise our neighbours of the start date and the likely period of the works. Carillion will be looking at programme recovery going forward and will be looking for opportunities within the programme to recover some of the time lost to ensure the School is completed on the agreed date. As stated in the previous News letter Carillion's good neighbour policy is at the forefront of every action we take and our staff and operatives will be considerate to our neighbours at all times. We trust that we have demonstrated since the start of the project that we have listened and acted upon any concerns raised by our neighbours and we will continue to do so throughout 2015. Dear Parent, Carer and Resident, This project is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and we have now installed CCS banners and contact details on the site perimeter fencing The site team will continue to comply with the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice, covering the following key issues: Care about appearance Respect Community Protect Environment Secure everyone's safety Value their work force Further detailed information on the scheme can be found at: Please feel free to come to the site offices or use the telephone numbers to contact site management if you have any queries or concerns. The site offices are open Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.00pm and, on occasion Weekends 7.30am to 2.00pm by arrangement Carillion Building’s Newsletter for Arden Primary School Project January 15 Project Manager Brendan Lunn Mobile: 07803 262862 e-mail : Welcome to the first Carillion News Letter for Arden Primary School of 2015. We hope and trust that you have all had a restful Christmas and we would take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for 2015.

2 Progress so far... Commencing works in September on what is essentially a green field site in a heavy populated community comes with significant challenges and we trust that you will agree that Carillion has met these challenges well and shown real commitment to working closely with the community and our neighbours to ensure all concerns are addressed. Progress has been made difficult so far because of discovery of cement board Asbestos under the Schools external play area tarmac. Carillion in liaison with Stockport Council environmental health team have now excavated and removed this material from site and following removal; work has now recommenced on installation of foundations in preparation for delivery of structural steel in late January 15. Progress Photographs Construction of new access road and car park Engaging the Workforce of the Future The Carillion team are now working with the Schools and supporting them where possible with the curriculum. Carillion's has now met with the school to offer potential opportunities for the construction of the works to interface with the curriculum Supporting the Community. Carillion have a proud history of working with local apprenticeship schemes and our own training skills training services to provide work placements for young people in joinery, electrical and plumbing work skills. We also have students on site to work with the site team learning site administration and quantity surveying duties in preparation for life in the work place. Engaging with the children In October Carillion in liaison with the considerate constructor scheme organised for Ivor Goodsite to visit Arden Primary School’s Key Stage 1 children. It was very clear from the reaction of the children that Ivor was a great success and Carillion's message on the dangers of playing on building sites was well received.

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