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Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab Craig Hogan, Director, FCPA Dan Bauer, Deputy Director, FCPA Presented to the FNAL PAC November, 2009 Overview and Strategic.

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Presentation on theme: "Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab Craig Hogan, Director, FCPA Dan Bauer, Deputy Director, FCPA Presented to the FNAL PAC November, 2009 Overview and Strategic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab Craig Hogan, Director, FCPA Dan Bauer, Deputy Director, FCPA Presented to the FNAL PAC November, 2009 Overview and Strategic Plan for the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics

2 DOE/OHEP Mission The mission of the High Energy Physics program is to understand how our universe works at its most fundamental level. We do this by discovering the most elementary constituents of matter and energy, exploring the basic nature of space and time itself, and probing the interactions between them. ---Mission Statement, DOE Office of High Energy Physics 2 Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer

3 Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (from P5) Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 3

4 4  Inflation/ early universe Imprint of new primordial quantum fields on large scale matter and radiation today  Dark Energy Apparent acceleration of cosmic expansion  Dark Matter What is most of the mass in the universe?  High energy particles Cosmic acceleration, propagation, interaction  Unification Where space-time, mass-energy meet New Physics at the Cosmic Frontier

5 Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 5  Inflation/ early universe/Dark Energy Cosmic surveys - Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Dark Energy Survey (DES)  Dark Matter Direct Detection – Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS), Chicgoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (COUPP)  High energy particles Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - Pierre Auger  Unification Axion searches - GammeV Fermilab experiments already span the cosmic frontier

6 Current and Planned Projects and Activities  Current core projects (bulk of activity and funding)  Dark Energy Survey (DES)  Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)  Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (COUPP)  Pierre Auger Observatory (South)  Theoretical Astrophysics Group  New initiatives with mature designs, collaborations, and plans  Dark Matter: Liquid argon  High energy particles: Pierre Auger North  Cosmic Background: QUIET II  Unification: Axion, chameleons, holographic interferometer  Theory: Cosmological computing  Future Initiatives  Dark Matter:, solid xenon, CCD,…  Dark Energy: JDEM, LSST, BigBOSS, 21cm,…. Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 6

7 Lab-Wide Cosmic Frontier Effort by Research Area Total FNAL [DOE] particle astrophysics budget ~ $26M [$100M]

8 Lab-Wide Cosmic Frontier Effort by Project

9 FNAL role in the larger particle astrophysics community  Fermilab enables large projects with substantial university participation  Examples include SDSS, DES, CDMS, COUPP, Auger,…  Lab engineering and technical base vital  Project management and interface to DOE  Fermilab facilitates R&D  Facilities and technical personnel allow for generic detector R&D (e.g. bubble chambers, liquid argon, solid Xenon, CCDs,…)  Lab scientist and engineering base allow internal review process as projects materialize from detector R&D  New ideas can be generated either within FNAL or from users (mainly from the university community) Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 9

10 Evolving Program  On-going programs in Dark Energy (DES), Dark Matter (CDMS, COUPP), High Energy Particles (PAO South) and Theory will continue to cover the Frontier  Will remain the core Particle Astrophysics program  Other initiatives ready to start: depend on proposal, review to get non-scientist funding  Dark Matter (next generation CDMS,COUPP, LAr)  Planck scale unification (Holometer)  CMB (QUIET-II)  FCPA also explores new ideas  Need to shape new activities beyond ~2015 as DES ends  Most will not ever become fully realized  Often driven by younger people (Wilson Fellows, postdocs) Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 10

11 PASAG recommendations  “In all budget scenarios, the Xenon100 upgrade, the LUX350 detector, an effort on DAr, funding for the MiniCLEAN detector, the additional towers in SuperCDMS Soudan, the COUPP 500 construction, the 100-kg SuperCDMS- SNOLAB experiment and the phase II upgrade to ADMX are supported.”  We are positioned to become the world’s leading DM lab  “PASAG recommends that QUIET II be supported at the proposed scope under all budget scenarios.”  In all budget scenarios, new FNAL role in CMB is supported  “Auger North addresses questions of great interest (namely the origin of the highest energy particles) using an established technique that builds on the success of Auger South. Given its relative science priority for HEP and the funding constraints, PASAG recommends significant HEP support for the construction of Auger North in budget Scenarios C and D.”  Great physics, but may have to wait for improved funding Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 11

12 New projects outside scope of PASAG review  Holometer, GammeV, CHASE, GRIM REPR: –“nonaccelerator beams”: laser cavities as new tools for fundamental physics –New fundamental physics up to Planck scale –Where “Cosmic Frontier” intersects with others  Proposals to be submitted –Starts with modest scale experiments –Holometer is next step –PAC will hear more about new axion searches at the next meeting (CHASE, GRIM REPR) Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 12

13 Plan for New Projects  Expand Dark Matter experiments now  Depends on funding of expansion proposals  Major thrust now recommended by PASAG  Add new program in holography, axion physics now  Reviews and proposals this fall/winter  Add CMB now  Final outcome depends on NSF QUIET-II proposal  Develop other options for future  PASAG noncommital on Dark Energy projects  JDEM still an option, but scope of SOC is in doubt  21 cm? LSST? BigBOSS?  DUSEL DM?  PAO North?  Solid Xe? CCD DM? Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 13

14 Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 14 Very Schematic 10 year funding Profile Actual program will be shaped by discoveries, proposal outcomes, etc. A broad, substantive, evolving program fits into realistic resources

15 Strategic Planning, Development Process  FCPA planning retreats  Strategic plan document, revisited every year  Overall criteria (PASAG)  Physics: matter, energy, space and time  Key particle community/ lab role  Process for new initiatives  Alignment with long term lab, DOE program needs  Early development through KA15  internal review  PAC, Directorate approval  Field Work Proposal  Upon approval, graduate to KA13 15 Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer

16 Strategic Planning Process Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 16

17 Project Lifecycle Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 17

18 Planning and budgeting process  FCPA coordinates KA13, astro parts of KA14,15  Align with agency; frequent phone meetings  Align with Directorate  Division budget/effort reconciliation: challenges in allocating Division resources  KA 13 01 02 = Scientists  KA 13 01 03 = Projects  KA 14 01 02 = Theory (including astro theory)  KA 15 03 02 = Generic Detector R&D Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 18

19 Budget Process Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 19

20 FY2010 Budget: Problems with DOE FIN plan  Main issue in current budget: ~$1.1M shortfall in particle astro scientist (“base”) funding  Needs fixing before we can move forward on anything  If it is not fixed, need to shrink scientist participation  Forfeit our leading position to respond to PASAG  Even established core programs are at risk  True shortfall is bigger by 365K, covered by carryover  How do we make sure the scientists are covered? Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 20

21 Summary  FCPA program is at the forefront of particle astrophysics  Leading efforts in Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics Theory  New initiatives in Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays and Unification presented to the PAC at this meeting  Holometer – Fundamental structure of spacetime  QUIET II – CMB polarization window to the early universe  COUPP 60 kg – Spin-dependent direct detection of dark matter  Pierre Auger North – Origin and composition of cosmic rays  Darkside – Depleted Liquid Argon search for dark matter  Internal reviews have been held for the first three of these (available to the PAC on the web site) Particle Astrophysics at Fermilab-- November 2009-- Craig Hogan and Dan Bauer 21

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