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EFSA’s Mission and Priorities Bernhard Berger Head of the Advisory Forum and Scientific Cooperation Unit Conference “Importance of food additives today.

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Presentation on theme: "EFSA’s Mission and Priorities Bernhard Berger Head of the Advisory Forum and Scientific Cooperation Unit Conference “Importance of food additives today."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFSA’s Mission and Priorities Bernhard Berger Head of the Advisory Forum and Scientific Cooperation Unit Conference “Importance of food additives today and in the future Lithuania” Vilnius, 17 October 2011

2 The presentation Who we are How we work The way ahead 2

3 The presentation Who we are How we work The way ahead 3

4 4

5 Regulation 178/2002 sets three main objectives for EFSA Scientific and technical support of EFSA helps to Improve EU food safety Re-build consumer confidence in EU food safety Re-build confidence of trading partners in the EU food supply 5

6 EFSA structure 6 Management Board Management Board Advisory Forum Advisory Forum Scientific Committee and Panels Scientific Committee and Panels Executive Director + + + =

7 Risk Analysis Framework RISK MANAGMENT Policy based RISK ASSESSMENT Science based RISK COMMUNICATION Interactive exchange of information and opinions concerning risks

8 Key values of EFSA Excellence in science Independence Responsiveness Openness and transparency

9 The presentation Who we are How we work The way ahead 9

10 EFSA’s Panels 10 Plant Health Animal health and welfare and their diseases Biological food chain hazards Food chain contaminants Dietary, nutritional and novel food Plant Protection Genetically modified organisms Animal feed Food additives Flavourings and Processing aids Food packaging

11 Meeting Thomson Reuters, 26 January 2011 Risk Assessment at EFSA Assessment Adoption & Communication Receipt of request Identifying experts, setting up a Working Group Declaring interests Extensive literature research Reviewing data Scientific cooperation Draft opinion Incl stakeholder consultations Finalisation and adoption by Panel Opinion send to requesting body Publication & communication From European Commission European Parliament EU Member States or on EFSA’s own initiative Allocation to Panel(s) 11

12 Publication of our outputs: The EFSA Journal Re-launched in December 2009 Indexed in bibliographic databases Subscribe to get monthly Table of Content 12

13 Experts in Scientific Committee, Scientific Panels or in their working groups Experts do not represent Member States, organisations or stakeholders Declaration of interest of expert Independence

14 Excellence in Science Selection of Panel members (every three years) and experts to Working Groups (via the Expert Database) is based on scientific excellence Panels adopt scientific opinions Risk assessment methodologies and guidance Scientific colloquia and workshops

15 Advisory Forum Focal Points Scientific networks Cooperation between EFSA and Member States

16 EFSA and MS: working together Cooperation with all competent authorities responsible for food safety in Europe (e.g. food safety agencies) Over 400 research institutes in Member States (Art36 Network) > 1000 external scientific experts

17 The presentation Who we are How we work The way ahead 17

18 Strategic Plan of EFSA EFSA has identified six key strategic areas and objectives to guide the Authority over the 5 years (2009-2013)

19 Key strategic areas 1.Integrated approach for scientific advice 2.Timely, high-quality evaluation of products, substances and claims 3.Coordinate data collation, dissemination and analysis 4.Be at the forefront of risk assessment methodologies and practices in Europe and internationally 5. Reinforce confidence and trust in EFSA and the EU food safety system  effective risk communication & dialogue with partners and stakeholders 6. Assure the responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of EFSA …. 19

20 Globalisation and new / re-emerging risks Innovative technologies and new science Sustainability and climate change Societal changes Changes in policies and the regulatory framework Future challenges 20

21 21 EFSA’s vision To become globally recognised as the European reference body for risk assessment on food and feed safety, animal health and welfare, nutrition, plant protection and plant health

22 Getting involved If you want regular information on risk assessment:  From EFSA: Subscribe to the Table of Contents and RSS of the EFSA Journal  From other MS: ask the Lithuanian Focal Point for access to the risk assessment output of other Member States via the Information Exchange Platform

23 Getting involved If you want to carry out work for EFSA:  Apply to calls for proposals to be awarded a grant in line with Article 36 of EFSA’s Founding Regulation  Apply to calls for tenders (procurement)

24 Getting involved If you are an expert you may want to:  Sign up to the Expert Database to join the pool of experts  Express your interest to become a Seconded National Experts within EFSA  apply for Traineeship on risk assessment via BTSF (in 2012)  apply to attend scientific colloquia organised by EFSA

25 Thank you for your attention

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