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University of Kragujevac, Nov 7 2008
The impact of the European Qualifications Framework for the Design of University Curricula and Syllabi National Conference: Higher Education in Serbia – The Implementation of Bologna Process in Economics and Management Studies University of Kragujevac, Nov
Qualificationsframework -Referenceframework-
EU-Commission QFW for LLL Brugges- Copenhagen- Maastricht- Process Min. of Education Higher Education QFW for EHEA Bologna-Process Levels of Qualifications -Bachelor -Master -Doctorat Levels of Qualifications 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 6 – Described „horizontally“ according to the „Dublin Descriptors“ with Credits Describes learning progress Qualifications are builtby bundling learning outcomes according to descriptors Knowledge and understanding Applying k&u Making judgements Knowledge & Under- standing Skills Competences Communication Learn to learn
Why should we consider the two?
Issues to be considered
There is no national qualifications framework in Serbia yet: Will there be an overarching or one covering all educational and vocational areas? Will there be one for higher education only? Could a sectoral qualifications framework be useful? Is there an interest in establishing an institutional qualifications framework? Any benefit for a qualifications framework at faculty level?
Key Issue 1 Both EQF (Bologna / LLL) present a matrix of learning outcomes Learning outcomes are presented as a progression of learning according to criteria (descriptors) and level Learning outcomes state what the learner is expected to know and able to do at an identified stage of the learning process.
Joint Quality Initiative – Dublin Descriptors
Knowledge and understanding 1 (Bachelor) [is] supported by advanced text books [with] some aspects informed by knowledge at the forefront of their field of study (Master) provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing or applying ideas often in a research context (Doctorate) [includes] a systematic understanding of their field of study and mastery of the methods of research associated with that field
Readability – horizontal / vertical
Knowledge & Underst. Skills Competences L 6 advanced knowledge of a field of work or study involving a critical understanding of theories and principles advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation, in a complex and specialised field of work or study manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work and study Contexts - lead groups in work and study L 7 highly specialised knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledge in a field of work Or study, as the basis for original thinking critical awareness of knowledge issues in a field and at the interface Between different fields specialist research and problem-solving skills, including analysis and synthesis, to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields demonstrate leadership and innovation in work and study contexts that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches take responsibility for continuing personal professional development, for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and for reviewing the strategic performance of teams
Competences vs Learning Outcomes and credits
The learner acquires competences through learning, both subject and non-subject related (generic) competences. Competences are more than the sum of learning outcomes. They may be revealed in a final thesis, or in professional life or in any situation of day-to-day life. Learning outcomes are those parts of competences which have been assessed. All formal education and training programmes stipulate learning outcomes
Competences vs Learning Outcomes and credits
As credits can only be awarded on the basis of assessment, a learner acquires credits for having achieved respective learning outcomes. In other words: In formal teaching and learning programmes only those competences may be stipulated and documented by credits which can be assessed. These competences are specified as learning outcomes
Qualifications vs learning outcomes and credits
Qualifications are defined bundles of planned learning outcomes („profile“) Their „quality value“ is characterised by descriptors from a „qualifications framework“ Their „quantity value“ is characterised by allocated credits according to ECTS or ECVET All qualifications contain a qualitative and a quantitative element
EQF LLL vs EQF Bologna The EQF LLL does not describe qualifications, the EQF Bologna does. The EQF LLL is a matrix of learning outcomes, descriptors and levels defining progression in learning in each descriptor – from level to level. No credits are allocated A qualification is made up by a bundle of learning outcomes, formed by vertical / horizontal / lateral combinations LO Credits are allocated to qualifications
EQF LLL vs EQF Bologna The EQF Bologna describes qualifications
The EQF Bologna is a matrix of learning outcomes, descriptors and levels defining progression in learning in each descriptor – from qualification to qualifiation. A qualification is made up by a bundle of learning outcomes which is formed by horizontal combinations of learning outcomes Credits are allocated.
Lessons learned Compatibility is achieved through the learning matrix, not through the qualifications or credits This procedure allows for coherence and consistency This is documented by the „onion model“ including sectoral and institutional frameworks
National Qualifications Frameworks
Example: Germany
The German Qualifications Framework
Level Competence Bachelor / Master / Doctorate Knowledge Knowledge-broadening Knowledge-deepening Skills Knowledge- developing and accessing instrumental communicative - interpersonal systemic
Sectoral Qualifications Framework
Bachelor level – Betriebswirtschaftslehre = Business Studies
Margin Added Value Support activities Margin Added Value
Infrastructure of the institution – Learning Space Margin Added Value Human resource management - Staff Support activities Learning Technology development Procurement Operations Teaching and Learning Marketing and sales Employ-ment support Service Con-tinuing Edu Inbound Logistics Recruiting Students Outbound logistics Exams Margin Added Value Primary activities
Value Chain of the Instituion of Higher Education
Value Chain Network School value chain Vocational school Job value chain Value Chain of the Instituion of Higher Education Employer´s value chain Other institution´s value chain Self-employment´s value ch. Learner´s value chain
Principles in Practice
Information process Learning Agreement Learning Space Information Pack. Employability et al Modularisation Descriptors Individual Advice/ Selection Learning Outcomes Profile Performance Credits Grade Level Workload Award / Diploma Supplement Credit Transfer / Accumulation Transcript of Records Information process
Total Quality Management
Learning Chain Labour Market Change of paradigm Learnig outcomes Learners Learning space Total Quality Management Labour Market
Desired „Can Do“ Profile -
Communication / Ability to work in teams 99% (Tuning Empl 5) Can analyse 88% (3) Problem solving 97% (2) Broad subject related knowledge 87% (Academics 1) Learn to learn (1) Knowledge about the EN 78% - Independent working 96% Managerial competence 70% (bottom 5) Adaptability (4) Specialisation 68%
Total Quality Management
Learning Chain A PROMISE Labour Market Change of paradigm New Governance in many MS LO Subject related -Broad knowledge Generic -communicate, solve problems, learn, adapt, analyse, (manage) Learners Necessitates Advice/ Selection; accumulates credits, may make use of transfer Learning space Teaching and learning, materials, methods, forms of assessment, suitable to demonstrate in the time specified, workload and level indicated,credits and grades allocated = LO achieved Total Quality Management Accreditation, Evaluation Standards and Guidelines Labour Market
Tuning Bologna in Action
Indicators Trainability/ Learning Agreement Information Package Employability Structure of a Module Individual Advice/Selection Interview Portfolio u.a. Learning Outcomes: Subj. rel. /non subj. rel. Knowledge widening Knowledge deepening Knowledge accessing Instrumental Interpersonal systemic Dublin Descriptors Qualifications-framework LLL Performance Credits 5 Grade Local Ranking Workload -Effectiveness - Efficiency Award / Diploma Supplement Transfer / Accumulation Transcript of Records Indicators
Level 6 Knowledge broadening The student is able to ….
wesentlich hinaus. Absolventen haben ein breites und integriertes Wissen und Verstehen von Absolventen bauen auf der Ebene der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung auf und gehen über diese Wissen und Verstehen der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen ihres Lerngebietes nachgewiesen: Define and differentiate organisations and their elements and unterstand their relationship. This may embrace: Purposes, objectives, structures, functions and processes respecting the particular organisational culture, both the individual and institutional Behaviour and the internal and external effects. Economy, environment, values and norms, law, politics, society, technology, including their respective effects on Management at local, national and International level. Processes and methods of effective and and efficient leadership of organisations. This includes knowledge about theories, models and and decision making Within a strategic and operative context. Level 6 Recognise and differentiate the environment of organisations and their elements, and understand their relationship. Explain and assess concepts and tools of management
Sectoral Qualifications Framework
Master level – Betriebswirtschaftslehre = Business Studies
Orientation framework Master – Profile-in-demand Learner´s Perspective
Master programmes in business studies may distinguish three types in the light of employability due to the target group and the time-schedule. For each type the profile – either more research or application oriented – has to be specified additionally. The graduate is… Type 1 Specialist -Objective: Professional start in a defined area or professional development -sequential to the first degree or after work experience -first degree in the discipline Study-programmes for this target group normally specialise on a selection of the following learning outcomes, in particular in the area of knowledge deepening. The graduate wants… To update and consolidate his knowlege and acquire detailed knowledge about selected business subject areas (e.g. functions, type of enterprises, business sectors, regional characteristics, buying and sales markets, topical issues, such es business ethics). Type 2 Generalist -Objective: Professional start in a broad area -more often sequential to the first degree -first degree not in the same discipline Study-programmes for this target group normally achieve the following learning outcomes, which helpt to improve employability by enlarging the scope of activities in comparison to that of the first degree. Because of a lack of or little work experience the subject related emphasis is on concepts and theories. To transfer generic competences of the first degree on to the new stuy-area. Broad basic knowledge with possible deepening of business related areas (e.g. functions, type of enterprises, business sectors, regional characteristics, buying and sales markets, topical issues, such es business ethics). . Type 3 -Objective: Professional development -minimum of 2-years professional experience -first degree normally not in the same discipline Study-programmes for this target group nromally take into account the business experience and the learning outcomes achieved in the first cycle programme by extending them to managerial competences. To transfer generic competences of the first study-programme and the experiences gained in practice on to the new study-area. Broad basic knowledge in business related areas (e.g. functions, type of enterprises, business sectors, regional characteristics, buying and sales markets, topical issues, such es business ethics) and managerial competences.
Institutional Qualifications Framework
Design of a learning matrix for the university / faculty
Profile of Institution
Centre of Learning Excellence Based on applied research For a particular region Networking internationally Providing programmes effectively and efficiently according to the needs of the learner and of all stakeholders
30 Learning Outcomes and Levels
Bachelor Degree 3 years Level 1 Descriptor Level 2 Level 3 The ability to demonstrate and / or work with Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge widening General a broad knowledge of the subject/ discipline in general a broad knowledge of the scope, defining featues, and main areas of a subject/ discipline a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the scope, main areas and boundaries of a subject/ discipline knowledge that is embedded in the main theories, concepts and principles understanding of a limited range of core theories, principles and concepts a critical understanding of a selection of the principal theories, principles, concepts and terminology an awareness of the evolving/ changing nature of knowledge and understanding limited knowledge and understanding of some major current issues and specialisms an outline knowledge and understanding of research and equivalent scholarly/ academic processes Module related Knowledge deepening an understanding of the difference between explanations based in evidence and/ or research and other forms of explanation, and of the importance of the difference detailed knowledge in some areas knowledge that is detailed in some areas and/ or knowledge of one or more specialisations that are informed by forefront developments
Level 1 The ability to / is able to work with ….
Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge Widening Level 1 A broad basis of the subject area / of the disciplines in general Accounting: -describe and explain the role of accounting as part of the information management system in an organisation … Knowledge which is embedded in the essential theories, concepts and principles An awareness about The developing and Dynamic type of knowledge and understanding
Consequences at faculty level: Example cooperation
Forms of cooperation Strategic Alliances „Dual“ Study-Programmes Models for Curricula design Platform Hub-and-spoke One-stop-shop Screwdriver institution
Common Platform – plus customised modules =
individual study-programmes
One-stop-shop FH OS Regional E&T Center
Bereich Quakenbrück Bereich Nordhorn Uni OS One-stop-shop FH OS Regional E&T Center Bereich Bramsche Bereich Melle BA Lingen
Hub-and-Spoke Code Sharing Atlantik Dallas LA Berlin New York Hannover
Spokes HUB UA Spokes Berlin Spokes New York Hannover HUB LH Spokes FMO Düsseldorf
Further curricula elements
Structures Modularisation Organisation and Communication Electives Block week Projects Placement Dissertation Mobility window
Curricular Form of Mobility Window Type I
Learning Outcomes 30 Credits Full Semester = 30 Credits Learning Outcomes of the Semester abroad have to be defined as a whole and not according to individual modules
Curricular Form of Mobility Window Type II
MM Full Semester = 30 Credits Learning Outcomes defined for 1 MOCCA Module (MM) plus 5 „traditional“ Modules
Curricular Form of Mobility Window Type III
Full Semester = 30 Credits Learning Outcomes defined for 6 modules including Mobile Learning Outcomes (M) inherent in all modules taught at the host institution
Quality Assurance/ -enhancement Standards & Guidelines / Register
Learning Chain Tools at work Labour Market Change of Paradigm Learning Outcomes Subject-related -Knowledge Deepening / Widening Generic -Skills / Competences Knowledge opening / developing QFR-NQR-HQR-SQR Learner Credit Transfer + Accumulation Application /CV / Learning Agreement/ TOR / Mobility Pass Language Pass Diploma/Certificate Supplement Learning Space Teaching and Learning, Research Learning Environment Information Package / Course Catalogue y Quality Assurance/ -enhancement Standards & Guidelines / Register Labour Market
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