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Learning Functions and Neural Networks II 24-787 Lecture 9 Luoting Fu Spring 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Functions and Neural Networks II 24-787 Lecture 9 Luoting Fu Spring 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Functions and Neural Networks II 24-787 Lecture 9 Luoting Fu Spring 2012

2 Previous lecture 2 Applications Physiological basis Demos Perceptron Y = u(W 0 X 0 + W 1 X 1 + W b ) Y X0X0 X1X1 Δ W i = η (Y 0 -Y) X i x fHfH

3 In this lecture Multilayer perceptron (MLP) – Representation – Feed forward – Back-propagation Break Case studies Milestones & forefront 3 2

4 Perceptron 4 A 400-26 perceptron © Springer

5 5 XOR Exclusive OR

6 Root cause Consider a 2-1 perceptron, 6

7 A single perceptron is limited to learning linearly separable cases. 7 Minsky M. L. and Papert S. A. 1969. Perceptrons. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

8 8

9 9 Cybenko., G. (1989) "Approximations by superpositions of sigmoidal functions", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2 (4), 303-314 An MLP can learn any continuous function. A single perceptron is limited to learning linearly separable cases (linear function).

10 How’s that relevant? Function approximation Intelligence 10 Waveform Words Recognition The road ahead Speed Bearing Wheel turn Pedal depression Regression

11 11

12 12 0

13 13 1

14 14 2

15 15 3

16 16 3

17 17 ∞

18 18

19 Matrix representation 19

20 20 Knowledge learned by an MLP is encoded in its layers of weights.

21 What does it learn? Decision boundary perspective 21

22 What does it learn? Highly non-linear decision boundaries 22

23 What does it learn? Real world decision boundaries 23

24 24 Cybenko., G. (1989) "Approximations by superpositions of sigmoidal functions", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2 (4), 303-314 An MLP can learn any continuous function. Think Fourier.

25 What does it learn? Weight perspective 25 An 64-M-3 MLP

26 How does it learn? From examples By back propagation 26 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Polar bear Not a polar bear

27 Back propagation 27

28 Gradient descent 28 “epoch”

29 29

30 Back propagation 30

31 Back propagation Steps 31 Think about this: What happens when you train a 10-layer MLP?

32 Overfitting and cross-validation 32 Learning curve error

33 Break 33

34 Design considerations Learning task X - input Y - output D M K #layers Training epochs Training data – # – Source 34

35 Case study 1: digit recognition 35 28 An 768-1000-10 MLP

36 Case study 1: digit recognition 36

37 Milestones: a race to 100% accuracy on MNIST 37

38 Milestones: a race to 100% accuracy on MNIST 38 CLASSIFIER ERROR RATE (%) Reported by Perceptron12.0LeCun et al. 1998 2-layer NN, 1000 hidden units4.5LeCun et al. 1998 5-layer Convolutional net0.95LeCun et al. 1998 5-layer Convolutional net0.4Simard et al. 2003 6-layer NN 784-2500-2000-1500- 1000-500-10 (on GPU) 0.35Ciresan et al. 2010 See full list at

39 Milestones: a race to 100% accuracy on MNIST 39

40 Milestones: a race to 100% accuracy on MNIST 40

41 Case study 2: sketch recognition 41

42 Case study 2: sketch recognition Convolutional neural network 42 Convolution Sub-sampling Product Matrices Element of a vector Or Scope Transf. Fun. Gain Sum Sine wave … (LeCun, 1998)

43 Case study 2: sketch recognition 43

44 Case study 2: sketch recognition 44

45 Case study 3: autonomous driving 45 Pomerleau, 1995

46 Case study 4: sketch beautification 46 Orbay and Kara, 2011

47 Case study 4: sketch beautification 47

48 Case study 4: sketch beautification 48

49 Research forefront Deep belief network – Critique, or classify – Create, synthesize 49 Demo at:

50 In summary 1.Powerful machinery 2.Feed-forward 3.Back propagation 4.Design considerations 50

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