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Title Text 1 Expert Meeting Science & Technology for Sustainable Development Goals SDSN and UN-DESA New York 16th December 2013 Prof. Johan Rockström Stockholm.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Text 1 Expert Meeting Science & Technology for Sustainable Development Goals SDSN and UN-DESA New York 16th December 2013 Prof. Johan Rockström Stockholm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Text 1 Expert Meeting Science & Technology for Sustainable Development Goals SDSN and UN-DESA New York 16th December 2013 Prof. Johan Rockström Stockholm Resilience Centre A world transformation to a Safe Operating Space The need for global scientific collaboration

2 From stability and into the unknown – Holocene to the Anthropocene

3 “Global sustainability has become a prerequisite for human development at all scales, from the local community to nations and the world economy. “

4 Global Challenges Foundation Risks related to agreed global goal of 450 ppm Probability of Exceedance Average Global Temp rise at Equilibrium (C) 6 6 1,6%

5 The planetary safe operating space

6 Planetary Stewardship: Transitions to Global Sustainability

7 1.An energy revolution – Facilitating a global energy transformation (>80 % reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050) 2.Future food - a food system transformation to achieve +70% production by 2050 through Sustainable Intensification 3.An urban planet - Achieving sustainable urban living 4.The rising billion - Adapting to the population transition and preparing for a world of 9 billion people 5.Protect, restore & sustain - A biodiversity Management Transformation 6.Strengthen global governance - A private and public Governance transformation Six necessary & desirable Transformations

8 Building on adaptive Innovation A triply green approach to sustainable intensificationrn Conservation agriculture Rainwater harvesting Sustainable sanitation Photo:S Edman/Azote

9 Green energy Solar PV installations leading countries Wind power in leading countries

10 A new direction: People and Planet Setting the agenda on Sustainable Development Goals

11 New collaborations for global sustainability WBCSD, World Resources Institute & SRC

12 Future Science for a rapidly changing earth

13 Key Messages 1.The world needs a rapid global transformation to a new development paradigm of human prosperity within the Safe operating Space on Earth 2.This new ”Anthropocene logic” places sustainability at the forefront of all development 3.The challenge? Global ”Revolutions” on food and energy; new approaches to urban development, transport, circular economic development; global governance 4.Science and technology can and must play a key role in delivering integrated systems solutions for world prosperity within Earth’s SOS 5. Planetary challenge, requires Global network of scientific collaboration

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