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A Partnership in Workforce Innovation. © HHL Group MONTH 2013 2 Cultural Mentoring and NZCare An innovation partnership between: NZCare Auckland Te Pou.

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Presentation on theme: "A Partnership in Workforce Innovation. © HHL Group MONTH 2013 2 Cultural Mentoring and NZCare An innovation partnership between: NZCare Auckland Te Pou."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Partnership in Workforce Innovation

2 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 2 Cultural Mentoring and NZCare An innovation partnership between: NZCare Auckland Te Pou Waitemata District Health Board – Asian Health Support Services Workbase – Auckland Explore Service Advice

3 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 3 Te Pou Disability Workforce Development Innovation Fund The NZCare Cultural Mentoring Programme has been supported by The Disability Workforce Development Innovation fund This was a one-off funding initiative designed to support innovative workforce development opportunities and solutions NZCare was one of a small number of organisations who received support to fund projects and initiatives that enhance the capability or capacity of the disability workforce

4 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Why Cultural Mentoring Recognition of an organisational need to seriously think about how we effectively identify, support and manage the increasing cultural diverse workforce Recognition that cultural workplace understanding could improve the service delivery to the people we support and their families, and assist the team’s communication and their effectiveness 4

5 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 5 Over-arching objective Understand and measure the impact of culture on the way that NZCare communicates and trains its workforce, and the impact of this on service delivery A pilot project that would lead to a successful Cultural Mentoring model for other NZCare areas Identify cultural solutions that are aligned to the Ministry of Health’s Disability Workforce Action Plan 2013/2016

6 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 6 NZCare Demographics NZCare has an increasingly diverse cultural mix of staff, service users and their family members This is particularly evident in Auckland English is often their second language For many the first experience of working in New Zealand, translating skills, knowledge and experience to the ‘Kiwi’ workplace

7 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Our Cultural Mentoring Pilot Outline Pilot Services identified Pilot launch Information gathering Cultural training Mentors identified and trained Ongoing support and coaching Celebrate Area integration 7

8 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Information Gathering Understand the cultural mix within the Pilot Groups and how cultural difference can affect them in their workplace Undertaken through staff surveys and interviews with the Pilot teams Surveys were developed and conducted on our behalf by Workbase 8

9 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Training Cultural Training for Pilot Teams Waitemata DHB shared their Cultural Training Programme with NZCare and delivered it on our behalf to the Pilot Teams Identify and Train the Cultural Mentors Developed and delivered for NZCare by Workbase 9

10 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Information Gathering Cultural Statistics - Pilot Services A cultural mix from: Chinese Filipino Tongan Indo-fijian Indian Samoan Maori NZ European There are many other smaller cultural groups also represented within NZCare - Auckland 10

11 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Information Gathering Languages Spoken - Pilot Services English Maori Taiwanese Hake Mandarin Cantonese Fagaloo Tongan Hindi and Punjab NZ sign language Dutch Samoan 11

12 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 12 Cultural Training Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Training (CALD) Waitemata District Health Board 3 learning modules: Working in Culturally Diverse Teams Being Kiwi Managing Culturally Diverse Teams Delivered to all Staff and Managers involved in the programme

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15 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 15 Cultural Mentor Training A partnership with Workbase including: Evaluation tools pre and post training to establish intent and purpose of a mentoring model Design and integration of the mentoring model, including feedback around: Terms of Reference Job Description Design and delivery of training for NZCare mentors Post-training coaching for mentors

16 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 The Cultural Mentor Role NZCare has developed this role to provide leadership and support to employees from culturally diverse groups to fully understand their support roles Directly links to improving and enhancing quality service delivery to the people we support and their families 16

17 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 17 Terms of Reference and Job Description Provide an informal, confidential, trustworthy and readily accessible source of proactive assistance for culturally diverse teams who raise/have questions or concerns regarding a reportable event, incident, complaint or issue in the workplace Brief the NZCare Area Manager at predetermined scheduled meetings on general cultural diversity issues and trends while maintaining confidentiality Integrated into “Business as usual“ i.e. Induction, team/management meetings

18 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Appointment of Cultural Mentors Selection Process EOI – Expressions of Interest invited from staff Interviews held with Area Manager and service management team 18

19 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 Introducing our Cultural Mentors 19

20 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 20 Our Cultural Mentors Has been with NZCare since 5 February 2014 Born and growing up in Samoa, provided a rich family and community experience Before coming to NZCare, she worked as a House Mother for the Open Home Foundation, including conducting seminars and workshops specifically for youth, who would talk about their problems and experiences Likes the way in which NZCare supports its workforce to improve their skills and knowledge in providing quality lifestyles for the people we support

21 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 21 Our Cultural Mentors (cont’d) Comes from Ngaruawahia Has been working for NZCare for 15 months; prior to this worked with homeless people and people with disabilities Is excited about being a cultural mentor and the challenges this brings Describes her cultural mentoring position as an opportunity to mix with, and understand the values of, a culturally diverse workforce Is well recognised amongst her colleagues as having excellent listening skills, being a “peace keeper” and a compassionate, caring and understanding woman

22 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 22 Cultural Commitment in the service The cultural needs of the people we support and their families are central to all we do We have a zero tolerance to any type of abuse, harassment, discrimination and intimidation As staff we talk to each other with dignity and respect, and we feel confident in addressing the cultural issues as a team We listen to each other and are interested and curious to discuss cultural differences We feel confident to immediately discuss or report issues or concerns of a cultural nature with the mentor These commitments have been made and agreed by the teams together

23 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 23 Measures of the success of our Cultural Mentoring Programme Culturally safe environments, where the benefits are experienced by staff, people we support and their families/whanau Culturally and linguistically diverse teams clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in NZCare’s workforce Management understand their role in supporting and developing a culturally diverse workforce to provide quality support NZCare is recognised as an organisation which values cultural diversity in its workforce

24 © HHL Group MONTH 2013 NZCare – Awhi Te Tangata At the forefront of all we do, are people with disabilities and their families who use the services of NZCare The pilot has provided us with a strong foundation for learning, and developing cultural practice We are committed to the on-going implementation of a Cultural Mentoring practice 24

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