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The North Carolina Stakeholder Engagement Group Initiative

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Presentation on theme: "The North Carolina Stakeholder Engagement Group Initiative"— Presentation transcript:

1 The North Carolina Stakeholder Engagement Group Initiative

2 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

3 Who We Are Why We Got Together What the NC SEG Wants How Other Groups/Organizations Can Help How to Become Involved

4 Who is the NC Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG)? An Organization Solely of Consumers and Family Members Cross-Disability Focused – Intellectual/Developmental, Physical, Mental Health Disabilities, and Addictive Disease, Caregivers, Aging Initiated and Funded by the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities Informed by standards and expectations of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Council on Disabilities Policy & Implementation Considerations for Medicaid Managed Care for People with Disabilities Partnering with NC DHHS, DMA, and DMH/DD/SAS

5 Why We Got Together 1.Become Educated to Make Informed Decisions regarding NC MLTSS 2.Provide Consumer and Family Insight and Expectations to Those Directing Medicaid Change 3.Inform Our Constituent Groups of Expectations The SEG’s Mission The SEG’s Positions Focus on Measurable Life Outcomes and System Accountability Ensure that Consumer and Family Expectations are Met in 13 Key Elements of System Design

6 Consumer & Family Stakeholder Engagement Entrance To System Waiting Lists Assess- ment Person- Centered Planning Self- Direction Support Coordina- tion ServicesQuality Qualified Providers Payment Structure System Transition Participant Protection A Consumer & Family Centric Approach For LTMSS Implementation No Waiting Lists Integrated Employment Inclusive Living Asset Development An Accountable System The System The Outcomes

7  All eligible people receive services and supports they require - no waiting list  Everyone works in integrated community employment at competitive wages, with the supports necessary to be successful  Everyone lives inclusively in the community, in housing that is not segregated by disability, with people of their choice and actively participates in his or her community  Everyone is able to develop personal and financial assets  The system is continuously accountable (achieves the desired outcomes and is transparent to the public) by involving consumers and families in its design, development, oversight, and evaluation The SEG’s Required Outcomes and Accountability of a Successful North Carolina MLTSS System Consumer & Family Stakeholder Engagement Entrance To System Waiting Lists Assessment Person- Centered Planning Self- Direction Support Coordination ServicesQuality Qualified Providers Payment Structure Transition Planning Participant Protections

8 SEG Member Had Their Voice Heard “Some of the strongest statements during the forum came from people with disabilities ranging from mental health to developmental to physical. From his wheelchair, Matthew Potter made an impassioned plea to the panel to keep people such as him in the forefront as they make their decisions, telling the panel, “I feel that the voices of clients and consumers are often lost in this process.” He said the panel should maintain advisory bodies that allow for patients and consumers of care to give feedback to providers.” - Article published by NC Health NewsNC Health News SEG Members Matthew Potter and Michael Mayer both spoke at the January Medicaid Reform Advisory Committee Meeting

9 The NC SEG was Mentioned in the Medicaid Reform Legislative Report “The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities worked with a group of stakeholders from all types of disabilities and all parts of the state to identify the values that will guide the underpinnings of reform. I recommend that as details are developed, the state follow the adage “Nothing about me, without me” for consumers, providers (BH and primary health care), hospitals, and others. I also suggest that the value statements developed by the NCCDD workgroup be continually referred to as decisions are made, whether decisions are to be made about fiscal matters such as PMPMs, quality measures, or access into the system. In this way, all stakeholders can be part of the solution.” -Peggy S Terhune, Ph.D., MBA Member of Medicaid Reform Advisory Group Appendix 1, Proposal to Reform North Carolina’s Medicaid ProgramProposal to Reform North Carolina’s Medicaid Program

10 “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates

11 How Can Your Group Help? Endorse our Outcomes & Expectations Report! How? Once your group has discussed and formally agreed, email Please provide: – a contact name and title – organization name – phone number – email address. Your organization’s name will be added to our endorsement list!

12 Stay Connected! “Like” us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit our website: Join our email list

13 Questions?

14 For More Information Contact: Consumer & Family Stakeholder Engagement Entrance To System Waiting Lists Assessment Person- Centered Planning Self- Direction Support Coordination ServicesQuality Qualified Providers Payment Structure Transition Planning Participant Protections

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