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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCING A NEW COMPONENT FOR TODAY’S INTEGRATED MARKETING."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAN has been an important connection to the metalworking Job Shop for 42 years.   Monthly print magazine   Monthly email newsletter   24/7 website   Monthly print magazine   Monthly email newsletter   24/7 website

3 The MAN eBook: merging the best of PRINT and ELECTRONIC media The MAN eBook: merging the best of PRINT and ELECTRONIC media eBOOK MAN now introduces the next step in integrated marketing

4 reaching 100,000 + manufacturing professionals… worldwide. reaching 100,000 + manufacturing professionals… worldwide. eBOOK MAN now introduces the next step in integrated marketing

5 eBOOK MAN is partnering with the forefront in digital magazine publishing Nxtbook: the Nxt solution in digital publishing MAN is partnering with the forefront in digital magazine publishing Nxtbook: the Nxt solution in digital publishing MAN now introduces the next step in integrated marketing

6 CONVERGENCE OF TWO MEDIA:   PRINT: high-quality content and images for branding   ONLINE: speed, accessibility, and ROI   PRINT: high-quality content and images for branding   ONLINE: speed, accessibility, and ROI WHY AN eBOOK?

7 SIMPLIFIED SUBSCRIBER PROCESS   Instant delivery via email or MAN website   One-time short subscription form includes: email - name - title - company - address - phone - spec or buy selection   Small files, fast download, streaming media   Flexibility of additional interactive content   No software - eliminates corporate download restrictions   More efficient, productive use by reader   Instant delivery via email or MAN website   One-time short subscription form includes: email - name - title - company - address - phone - spec or buy selection   Small files, fast download, streaming media   Flexibility of additional interactive content   No software - eliminates corporate download restrictions   More efficient, productive use by reader WHY AN eBOOK?

8 STORAGE   “Going Green” - eliminates paper and recycling   Archive of past issues remains online for fast research   “Going Green” - eliminates paper and recycling   Archive of past issues remains online for fast research WHY AN eBOOK?

9 SIMPLIFIED SUBSCRIBER PASS-ALONG   Ability to email forward a single article/ad or entire issue to co-workers   One click printing of digital pages   Ability to share content with media sites: Facebook,, Digg, & Google bookmarks (go viral!)   Ability to email forward a single article/ad or entire issue to co-workers   One click printing of digital pages   Ability to share content with media sites: Facebook,, Digg, & Google bookmarks (go viral!) WHY AN eBOOK?

10 MONITORS READERS’ NEEDS   Ability to track readers’ activity   Allows for improved targeting to meet readers’ needs   Ability to track readers’ activity   Allows for improved targeting to meet readers’ needs WHY AN eBOOK?

11 INTERNATIONAL REACH   Unlimited global exposure   No additional cost   Unlimited global exposure   No additional cost WHY AN eBOOK?

12 RESULTS: RESEARCH ON DIGITAL EDITIONS Done by TEXTERITY, May 2008   33,897 responses (11.4% response rate)   BPA certified   Third annual survey Done by TEXTERITY, May 2008   33,897 responses (11.4% response rate)   BPA certified   Third annual survey WHY AN eBOOK?

13   89% are very satisfied or satisfied   Readers take action 90% of the time   76% visit an advertiser’s website   90% read their edition during the week of delivery – 39% read it the same day   61% read 3 out of 4 issues: similar to print readers   89% are very satisfied or satisfied   Readers take action 90% of the time   76% visit an advertiser’s website   90% read their edition during the week of delivery – 39% read it the same day   61% read 3 out of 4 issues: similar to print readers WHY AN eBOOK? RESULTS: RESEARCH ON DIGITAL EDITIONS

14   Readers are all ages – median: 46 year old   They average 17 years in the industry   Predominantly in professional, managerial or technical positions   Higher use of websites and email   Majority of readers prefer getting their information ONLINE   Readers are all ages – median: 46 year old   They average 17 years in the industry   Predominantly in professional, managerial or technical positions   Higher use of websites and email   Majority of readers prefer getting their information ONLINE WHY AN eBOOK? RESULTS: RESEARCH ON DIGITAL EDITIONS

15 3 main reasons they read digital editions:   Convenience   Ease of searching   Environmentally friendly 3 main reasons they read digital editions:   Convenience   Ease of searching   Environmentally friendly WHY AN eBOOK? RESULTS: RESEARCH ON DIGITAL EDITIONS


17 CIRCULATION   Reach Job Shop market with expanded manufacturing bonus distribution   More than 100,000 active email addresses, worldwide   Email names are wholly-owned and maintained daily by Nelson Publishing   Reach Job Shop market with expanded manufacturing bonus distribution   More than 100,000 active email addresses, worldwide   Email names are wholly-owned and maintained daily by Nelson Publishing MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

18 CIRCULATION   98% include full names, titles, and company names   More than 100,000 valid mailing addresses   UNLIMITED reach…non-restricted global circulation   98% include full names, titles, and company names   More than 100,000 valid mailing addresses   UNLIMITED reach…non-restricted global circulation MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

19 BENEFITS   Less than half the cost of print insertions   Published using same production materials as print (no added production costs to Advertiser)   Immediate electronic reader response and ROI   Added web traffic driven from your ad to your website   Archived issues retain live links forever   Less than half the cost of print insertions   Published using same production materials as print (no added production costs to Advertiser)   Immediate electronic reader response and ROI   Added web traffic driven from your ad to your website   Archived issues retain live links forever MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

20 LEADS! LEADS! LEADS!   Free LEADS (all contact information on file) of visitors to your ad - name, title, company, address, email MAN eBOOK DELIVERS   Free, additional OPT-IN PRODUCT CATEGORY LEADS from the exclusive MAN Reader Service pop-up frame

21 READER SERVICE CATEGORY LEADS   Exclusive feature to MAN eBook!   In addition to direct ad leads, receive valuable opt-in product category leads at no additional cost!   Registers individual prospects who personally request your service/product by product category   Exclusive feature to MAN eBook!   In addition to direct ad leads, receive valuable opt-in product category leads at no additional cost!   Registers individual prospects who personally request your service/product by product category MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

22 ADD ENHANCEMENTS FOR SIZZLE! MAN eBook delivers a media-rich experience that keeps readers coming back for more. Optional enhancements bring sizzle to your ad!   Animation, slide shows, video, voice, music, sounds   Add your full product brochure…a white paper library…video presentation   Surveys, product comparisons, corporate profiles MAN eBook delivers a media-rich experience that keeps readers coming back for more. Optional enhancements bring sizzle to your ad!   Animation, slide shows, video, voice, music, sounds   Add your full product brochure…a white paper library…video presentation   Surveys, product comparisons, corporate profiles MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

23 ADD ENHANCEMENTS FOR SIZZLE! Traditional add-ons are also available:   Bellybands dominate the screen & add animation   Tabs jump to your ad or article mention   Gatefolds within issue stop readers and hold their attention We offer optional in-house production of enhancements! Traditional add-ons are also available:   Bellybands dominate the screen & add animation   Tabs jump to your ad or article mention   Gatefolds within issue stop readers and hold their attention We offer optional in-house production of enhancements! MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

24 PERFECT “PUSH – PULL” MARKETING PUSH:   We push MAN eBook to qualified subscribers   Hot links within the book push your ad or website PULL:   Your ad’s hot links pull buyers into your website   Ad activity pulls in full-contact leads   Plus, Reader Service pop-up pulls highly-qualified leads MAN eBOOK DELIVERS

25   Reduced cost   Global reach   Exclusive Reader Service opt-in leads   Multiple exposure points   Archive ability – group searchable   Multiple options for enhancements   Reduced cost   Global reach   Exclusive Reader Service opt-in leads   Multiple exposure points   Archive ability – group searchable   Multiple options for enhancements WHY MAN eBOOK?

26 DOWN MARKET? BIG OPPORTUNITY!   Best time to increase your brand and visibility   Timing is right for non-traditional advertising   More effective, engaging publication   MAN eBook delivers branding…ROI….and leads!   Less cost…more impact   Best time to increase your brand and visibility   Timing is right for non-traditional advertising   More effective, engaging publication   MAN eBook delivers branding…ROI….and leads!   Less cost…more impact MAN eBOOK

27 Put the new MAN eBook to work for you! MAN eBOOK


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