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Models, Critique & Feedback

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1 Models, Critique & Feedback
Session 5, May 2014 NTI

2 Learning Targets I can explain how to effectively engage students in the analysis of models, critique protocols, and feedback sessions to ensure that they create high quality work.

3 Agenda Critique Session Descriptive Feedback Jigsaw of these practices
Analyzing Student Work

4 Task Sort the strips into two piles: Descriptive Feedback
Non-descriptive Feedback

5 Key

6 Task 2 Choose a couple strips of non-descriptive feedback.
Revise them to make them effective and descriptive – independently Descriptive Feedback is… Related to targets Specific/Clear Cue for next step

7 Crafting Feedback for Peers
Review your classmate’s work “xxxx” on page xxx in binder. Craft a piece of descriptive feedback for this him/her. Write this down on paper for your partner so they have it for revisions.

8 Critique Protocol Norms for critique: Trade with a partner
Be specific Be kind Be helpful Trade with a partner Read & Give descriptive feedback that is… Related to learning targets/rubric Specific/Clear Cue for next steps

9 Just completed… Most of a cycle:
Models (feedback strips), critique (with partner) Students would revise based on peer critique Next would be feedback from the teacher

10 Effective Descriptive Feedback
Should be specific to how to improve performance. Should be timely. Should be based on data. Should be relevant to the students and their goals. Should be clear and concise.

11 Ineffective Descriptive Feedback
Irrelevant General Delayed Overwhelming

12 To keep in mind……. “It is neither the presence nor amount of feedback that increases learning; it is the direct connection to achievement targets that makes the difference.” (Atkin, Black, and Coffey 2001)

13 Descriptive Feedback Starter Stems

14 Student-Engaged Assessment

15 Video Viewing How are the practices you identify similar or different to your current practices with descriptive feedback? What would be the right just next step for you and your students?

16 Jigsaw Organize into groups of 4 (home base) Review the protocol
Locate the Jigsaw recording form Choose an excerpt to become an expert on Read and take notes Get with others who read the same text Go back to your home base group Share Facilitator will keep time throughout

17 Student-Engaged Assessment

18 Analyze the Lessons Review the lessons you experienced in session 3 or 3A (5 min). Locate all models, critique, and feedback components. Discuss in pairs: Are there changes you would need to make for your students? Why or why not?

19 Student Work Samples Task: review the 3 samples of student work individually. Especially pay attention to the difference between draft one and the final draft. Then, look at each step of the process. How did each step support the student’s learning and the quality of the work? Are there additional steps you would have added?What would they be and why?



22 Synthesis Complete this sentence.
To effectively engage students in the analysis of models, critique protocols, and feedback to produce high quality work, teachers must…

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