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How to INTRODUCE = talk about yourself. I will talk about myself I am Hanneke Qua I come from Holland My mother is also from Holland My father is ????

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Presentation on theme: "How to INTRODUCE = talk about yourself. I will talk about myself I am Hanneke Qua I come from Holland My mother is also from Holland My father is ????"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to INTRODUCE = talk about yourself

2 I will talk about myself I am Hanneke Qua I come from Holland My mother is also from Holland My father is ????

3 China Holland

4 My father is…….. Chinese He is from Indonesia Indonesia

5 Palm tree sea boat = ship

6 Amsterdam is the capital Holland

7 bicycle canal

8 Windmill (old)

9 Windmill (new)



12 You are very good in English but I will help you to talk more in English Do not be shy!! Make new sentences Talk much in English Talk with your friends in English

13 My name is Peter Hello, I am Tom. What is your name ? Where do you come from ? I come from England Do you speak Chinese ? Yes, a little bit Where do you live ? Now, I live in China What do you like to eat? I like to eat this bone What do you like to do? I like to chase cats

14 Hello I am… What is your….. Where do you…. Do you speak English or Chinese ? What do you like to do? My name is …… I come from…. I live in………… I speak………… I like to………..

15 Linda: Good morning Sir. S: Good morning. Linda: May I know your name? S:Yes, you may. My name is Smith, and what is your name? Linda: My name is Linda. S: Nice to meet you Linda. Linda: Thank you Mr. Smith

16 Tom: Good afternoon Madam. J: Good afternoon Tom: Could you tell me your name please? J: My name is Mrs. Johnston, and what is your name? Tom: My name is Tom J: Pleased to meet you Tom Tom: Thank you Mrs. Johnston.

17 Good morning, how are you?Not very well, thanks What is wrong? I am very cold Let us drink something hotThat would be very nice Let us go insideO.k.

18 HOMEWORK: Exercise this with a classmate

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