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Singlish – English in Singapore. Singlish English is a language for national unification. Singlish is an English used in Singapore. → British English.

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Presentation on theme: "Singlish – English in Singapore. Singlish English is a language for national unification. Singlish is an English used in Singapore. → British English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singlish – English in Singapore

2 Singlish English is a language for national unification. Singlish is an English used in Singapore. → British English “Singlish is the spontaneous and delightful way that Singaporeans express themselves in English. In short, street talk. It is a language that is exclusively ours, lah… Singlish is the common dialect of the people of Singapore.”

3 Description of language 1.Phonology (sounds) /th/= /t/… ex) three = tree /d/…ex) then = den /f/…ex) with = wiff /p/, /t/, /k/ = sometimes unaspirated ex) pat, tin, come = bat, din, gum /l/, /r/ …ex) Use your blain! (brain) Don pray pray! (play)

4 Description of language 1.Phonology (sounds) To put an accent equally ex) celebration, anniversary Not to distinguish between verb and noun ex) increase, object Unique ex) advantageous, character, colleague, economic, faculty, specific…

5 Description of language 2. Semantics (lexicon) Different from British English ex) coffee shop… 街角の軽食屋 market… 買い物をする outstation… 出張中 From China or Malay ex) kia-su… afraid of losing, makan… eat jalang-jalang… 散歩する, siao… ばか tai-tai… おばさん, chio bu… かわいい女性 shake legs… ブラブラする

6 Description of language 3. Syntax (grammar) Nouns… ex) one of my lecture To be… ex) Dis house very nice. I still finding. Tense… ex) I go there yesterday. Reduplication… ex) Wait wait!/ Can can! can/ cannot… ex) Can you…? - Can./ Can-lah. Cannot./ No can.

7 Description of language a/an… ex) I like to read storybook. is it?/ isn’t it?... ex) You are from Japan, is it?

8 Description of language 4. Discourse style (communication style) lah… larh, luh ex) Drink lah!- Just drink! He is big sized, lah? (tag question) wat (what), mah, lor, leh, hor, ar, hah, meh, siah…

9 Description of language A: You spend me drink, can or not? B: Can. A: Thanks, man. B: I see you with girl at hawker centre last night. Your classmate, is it? A: Friends only. Friday, she got off-day. Usually we take makan and go to disco-la B: You are going steady? A: Not actually, but very closely. B: She is still schooling? A: No, working –la.

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