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何德華、董瑪女製作 Created by Victoria Rau & Maa-Neu Dong Ciriciring no Tao: Jeopardy Game in Yami 達悟語言遊戲.

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Presentation on theme: "何德華、董瑪女製作 Created by Victoria Rau & Maa-Neu Dong Ciriciring no Tao: Jeopardy Game in Yami 達悟語言遊戲."— Presentation transcript:


2 何德華、董瑪女製作 Created by Victoria Rau & Maa-Neu Dong Ciriciring no Tao: Jeopardy Game in Yami 達悟語言遊戲

3 500 400 300 200 100 5. 完成句子 Sentence completion 4. 詞彙 Vocabulary 3. 翻譯 Translation 2. 招呼道別 Hi & Bye 1. 招呼 Greeting

4 請跟一位老師打招呼 Greet a teacher in Yami. Theme 1 Prompt 100 Points

5 Theme 1 Response 100 Points sinsi kong. 或 or kokay, mo sinsi.

6 Theme 1 Prompt 200 Points 請跟兩位老師打招呼 Greet two teachers together.

7 kokay kamo. 或 or sira sinsi kong. Theme 1 Response 200 Points

8 Theme 1 Prompt 300 Points 請跟一位女性同學打招呼 Greet a female classmate.

9 Theme 1 Response 300 Points kavakes kong. 或 or kokay, mo Magaga. (填入同學的名字 fill in your classmate’s name )

10 請跟一位男性同學打招呼 Greet a male classmate. Theme 1 Prompt 400 Points

11 kehakay kong. 或 or kokay, mo Miwalam. (填入男性同學的名字 fill in your classmate’s name ) Theme 1 Response 400 Points

12 請跟多位女性同學一起打招呼 Greet several female classmates together. Theme 1 Prompt 500 Points

13 sira kavakes kong. Theme 1 Response 500 Points

14 請跟多位男性同學一起打招呼, 並自我介紹名字 Greet several male classmates together and introduce your name. Theme 2 Prompt 100 Points

15 Theme 2 Response 100 Points sira kehakay kong. si Masaray ko. (請填入自己的名字 fill in your name )

16 Theme 2 Prompt 200 Points 請向大家打招呼,並自我介紹名字 Greet the whole group and introduce your name.

17 kokay kamo. si Jiateneng ko. (請填入自己的名字 fill in your name ) Theme 2 Response 200 Points

18 Theme 2 Prompt 300 Points 你和同學要先行離開,請跟老師道別 You and your classmates are leaving now. Say goodbye to your teacher.

19 Theme 2 Response 300 Points mi namen rana an.

20 你自己要先行離開,請跟大家道別 You are leaving now. Say goodbye to the rest of the group. Theme 2 Prompt 400 Points

21 mi ko na an. Theme 2 Response 400 Points

22 請回應別人的道別 Respond to a leave-taking. “mi ko na an!” “nohon, _______!” 請慢走 ! (lit. Walk well!) Theme 2 Prompt 500 Points

23 makapia ka an Theme 2 Response 500 Points

24 翻譯下列句子 : Translate the following sentence into Yami: “ 大家好! ” How are you (plural)? Theme 3 Prompt 100 Points

25 Theme 3 Response 100 Points kókay kamo.

26 Theme 3 Prompt 200 Points 翻譯下列句子 : Translate the following sentence into Yami: “ 老師好! ” How are you (teacher)?

27 sinsí kong. Theme 3 Response 200 Points

28 Theme 3 Prompt 300 Points 翻譯下列句子 : Translate the following sentence into Yami: “ 女同學好! ” How are you (female classmate)?

29 Theme 3 Response 300 Points kavakés kong.

30 翻譯下列句子 : Translate the following sentence into Yami: “ 男同學好! ” How are you (male classmate)? Theme 3 Prompt 400 Points

31 kehakáy kong. Theme 3 Response 400 Points

32 翻譯下列句子 : Translate the following sentence into Yami: “ 你好! ” How are you? Theme 3 Prompt 500 Points

33 kókay. Theme 3 Response 500 Points

34 填入正確的字﹕ Fill in the blank with the right word: 你很漂亮 You are good-looking. ka _________ tao. Theme 4 Prompt 100 Points

35 Theme 4 Response 100 Points apía

36 Theme 4 Prompt 200 Points 填入正確的字﹕ Fill in the blank with the right word: 他很開朗 He is optimistic (always smiles). ya _________.

37 magága Theme 4 Response 200 Points

38 Theme 4 Prompt 300 Points 填入正確的字﹕ Fill in the blank with the right word: 我很年輕 I am young. ko _________.

39 Theme 4 Response 300 Points malaváyo

40 填入正確的字﹕ Fill in the blank with the right word: ya apía ___ si Jiateneng. 賈德能很漂亮 Jiateneng is good-looking. Theme 4 Prompt 400 Points

41 tao Theme 4 Response 400 Points

42 填入正確的字﹕ Fill in the blank with the right word: ya malaváyo ___ Miyowyaw. 米遊遙很年輕 Miyowyao is young. Theme 4 Prompt 500 Points

43 si Theme 4 Response 500 Points

44 完成下列句子﹕ Complete the following sentence: kavakes mo ori? nohon, __________. Theme 5 Prompt 100 Points

45 Theme 5 Response 100 Points kavakes ko ori

46 Theme 5 Prompt 200 Points 完成下列句子﹕ Complete the following sentence: si ina mo ya?nohon, ______.

47 si ina ya. Theme 5 Response 200 Points

48 Theme 5 Prompt 300 Points 完成下列句子﹕ Complete the following sentence: si ina mo ya?beken, ______. (這是我姐姐) This is my older sister.

49 Theme 5 Response 300 Points si kaka ang.

50 完成下列句子﹕ Complete the following sentence: “kamo mangay jino?” “_____ mangay miyowyaw”. Theme 5 Prompt 400 Points

51 namen 我們 (we) Theme 5 Response 400 Points

52 完成下列句子﹕ Complete the following sentence: “ka mangay jino?”“______” 我去遊玩 (I’m going to play.) Theme 5 Prompt 500 Points

53 ko mangay miyowyaw Theme 5 Response 500 Points

54 好玩嗎? Did you enjoy the game?

55 The Daily Double

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