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Exhibit 2 Grant Application 2008 Supportive Housing Program both New & Renewal Requests Shelter Plus Care both New & Renewal Requests Section 8 Single.

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Presentation on theme: "Exhibit 2 Grant Application 2008 Supportive Housing Program both New & Renewal Requests Shelter Plus Care both New & Renewal Requests Section 8 Single."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exhibit 2 Grant Application 2008 Supportive Housing Program both New & Renewal Requests Shelter Plus Care both New & Renewal Requests Section 8 Single Room Occupancy New Requests Only

2 Faith Based Organization Faith based organizations are encouraged and welcomed to apply for funds for the homeless –Please note services funded by the government must be opened to participants of all faiths –an agency my not proselytize or require religious participation by clients We welcome all eligible and capable organizations to apply for funds through the Continuum of Care process. –Grants now go to a variety of faith based organization throughout Minnesota

3 Project Summary Budget General Project Information including grant term –1,2,3,5 or 10 years –Note if new or renewal project Shelter Plus Care Budget –Total request based on units by size, number of years and Fair Market Rents Supportive Housing Program Project Summary Budget –Capital costs (for new projects only) –Leasing –Supportive Services –Operations –Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) –Administrative –Total Request

4 Point in Time show New and Current levels Units –Number of units, bedrooms, and beds Participants –Number of households with dependent children, adults, disabled persons, –Number of households without children number of disabled persons and chronic homeless,

5 Targeted Subpopulations in percentages Chronic Homeless Severely Mentally Ill Chronic Substance Abusers Veterans Persons with HIV Victims of Domestic Violence Unaccompanied Youth (under age 18)

6 Discharge Policy for units of local government-not including housing authorities Project Leverage Commitments for funds, goods and services at the time of application HMIS Commitment all grant applicants must participate

7 Renewal Performance Unresolved findings Performance (see Annual Progress Report for grant) –For permanent housing projects number of clients who stayed more than six months –For transitional housing projects number of clients who left for permanent housing –For all grants number of individuals who left with employment income

8 SHP Budgets Rent and Leasing Unit size, number of units X HUD amount X number of months = Total Request Example 1 br., 10units X $600 X12 months=$72,000 2 br., 5units X $800 X12 months=$48,000 Request Total $120,000

9 SHP Support Services Costs such as case management, counseling services, transportation, other services directly benefiting client Total request and match Match must be at least 20% or a 80/20 split of the total budget

10 SHP Operating Costs such as maintenance/repair, staff, utilities, equipment, supplies, insurance, furnishing and equipment, relocation, food for communal kitchens, other Total request and match Match must be at least a 75/25 split or a 25% of the total budget

11 SHP Capital Costs Costs for acquisition of property, rehabilitation of property, and new construction Total request limited to $400,000 per site (a grant may have multiple sites) Match must be at least 50% of total budget or a 50/50 split up to $800,000 per site

12 Other Costs Requests Homeless Management Information System HMIS with a ma tch that is at least 20% or a 80/20 split of the total budget Administration limited to 5% of total request –HUD required audits, Annual Progress Report preparation, costs of drawing grant funds, HUD training directly related to learning about the grant requirements

13 Shelter Plus Care Budgets Unit size, number of units X Fair Market Rent x number of months (12 or 60) = total request Example for new 5 year grant –1 br., 10 units X $600 X 60 months = $360,000 –2 br., 5 units X $800 X 60 months = $240,000 Request Total $600,000 Example for renewal of 1 year grant –1 br., 10units X $600 X 12 months=$72,000= Total Request –First renewal request based on actual units served at time of renewal –Subsequent renewal request based on previous approved units Note you cannot requested more than 100% of FMR in 2008

14 Single Room Occupancy Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Number of units X FMR for 0 bedroom unit X 75% X 120% X 120 months = Total Example: 10 units X $400 X 75% X120% X 120 months = $432,000

15 New Project Narrative General Description of the Project –(1/2 a page maybe) Percentage of homeless participants –Coming from the streets –Coming from emergency shelters –Coming from Transitional Housing and documented as coming from the streets or shelters Outreach Plan to bring these households to your program

16 New Project Narrative cont. Availability & proximity of Community Amenities to project location area Maximum stay if new transitional housing program (generally no more than 24 months) Permanent Housing with disabilities describe if more than 16 clients will reside how this meets local market consideration For S+C tenant based units any limitations on where clients may reside For SRO discuss proposed property to be used For SHP explain how this will be a new project –Add units to existing project, create a new project, replacement of project due to withdrawal of private funds or bring property up to code

17 New Project Narrative of Support Services given to Participants Check appropriate --Outreach, case management, life skills, job training, various counseling services, health services, employment, education, child care, transportation, other Frequency –Daily, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, other –Be appropriate for proposed population!

18 New Project Narrative Accessing Permanent Housing –how will applicant access permanent housing for clients Participant Self-Sufficiency –Employment, increase income, & maximize ability to live independent

19 New Project Experience Narrative List type of experience in serving population, construction or project development if applicable, rental assistance management etc. –What experience does the applicant have in operating and developing the proposed project List previous experience with Federal programs and McKinney Vento Programs –Include list of projects –Explain any delays if applicable –Unresolved findings Explain accounting practices/procedures (i.e. IRS 501 C( 3), United Way, or certification) Special narrative for HMIS only

20 Project Application Forms 424 basic application form Certification Form to comply with program requirements, carry out agreed upon grant, and comply with other applicable Federal requirements signed and dated Consolidated Plan Certification from local authorities Lobbyist Certification and Disclosure Code of Conduct for staff and board members Logic Model

21 Important e-snaps Resources

22 Get a DUNS Number By phone: 1-866-705-5711 Online: All Exhibit 2 applicants Process takes less than 15 minutes Organizations only need to apply for a DUNS number once, it is good for the lifetime of the organization.

23 Get a CCR Online: All Exhibit 2 applicants Process takes several weeks The system will request the North American Industry Classification system or NAICS – use code 624229 “Other Community Housing Services” Grantees must renew the certification annually!!!!!!!!!

24 Tips Is the proposed population eligible that is are they originally from places unfit for human habitation or emergency shelters? Are the clients to be served disabled if requesting permanent housing? Or Chronic Homeless? Does the application meet the NOFA criteria? Is the proposal consistent with the program regulations?

25 TIPS Do you know if your application is a new or a renewal project Need to know the correct activities, components and grant program for your proposal. If you do not submit the correct information esnaps will lead you through the wrong screens for your project. HUD staff may not be able to correct your mistakes during the review process ending in your application being rejected with out a chance to correct it after awards are announced.

26 Tips Is the applicant’s narrative proposal clear and complete? (Proof read) Is the proposed budget cost effective and numerically correct and consistent? (Proof read) Did you list your project in e-snaps with the correct COC by name and number? (There are two --St. Louis County COCs one in Minnesota and another in Missouri) Did you have your COC review your exhibit two prior to submitting it to HUD through e-snaps?

27 Tips Do not assume reader knows Minnesota terms, use national terms or spell out the full name Are your requested dollar amounts the same as approved by your COC? (One dollar difference will reduce your request) If an SHP renewal project, is the amount requested the same or less? Is The budget distribution the same as in your last approved grant prior to May 1, 2008? If a S+C renewal project, what is the base for your renewal request for units?

28 Tips Site Issues and location –Convenient to services, commercial centers, transportation, education, employment –Environmentally acceptable that is out of the flood plain, no excessive noise, historical site considerations, wet lands, hazardous waste, lead paint and asbestos removal –Relocation expenses for occupied properties Use of Federal funds require funds to be spent to relocate businesses and households Purchase of a property with Federal funds requires the buyer to inform the seller of the fair market value of the property

29 Assuming you are successful! For new SHP and SRO projects, there will be a second application or the Technical Submission to be approved by the local HUD office. Once approved the field office will offer a grant agreement. For renewing grants and new S+C grants, based on last year there is no technical submission and a grant agreement is issued by the field office – If special conditions in the initial fund reservation exist or a renewal grantee wishes to change its budget then a technical submission or addition information may be requested

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