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New Developments in Starburst Modelling: 30 Doradus and NGC 604 as Benchmarks Rafael Martínez-Galarza Leiden Observatory Brent Groves (Leiden/MPIA) Bernhard.

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Presentation on theme: "New Developments in Starburst Modelling: 30 Doradus and NGC 604 as Benchmarks Rafael Martínez-Galarza Leiden Observatory Brent Groves (Leiden/MPIA) Bernhard."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Developments in Starburst Modelling: 30 Doradus and NGC 604 as Benchmarks Rafael Martínez-Galarza Leiden Observatory Brent Groves (Leiden/MPIA) Bernhard Brandl (Leiden) Deidre Hunter (Lowell) Genevieve de Messieres (Virginia) Remy Indebetouw (Virginia) Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

2 Overview Starbursts in the Universe The Mid-IR properties of Starbursts Our benchmarks: 30 Dor and NGC 604 Data Models & Fitting Results Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

3 What is a starburst region? NGC 3603 in our Milky Way, Brandl et al., 1999  Region of space where the process of star formation is enhanced by particular conditions.  These are the places where most massive stars in galaxies are formed.  Up to ~10 5 M  of gas can be turned into stars simultaneously. (Engelbracht, 1996).  O stars interact with surrounding ISM.  IMF?? Galaxy Evolution?? Massive SF? Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

4 Mid-IR properties of Starbursts Brandl et al., 2006

5 Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) Modelling  If a galaxy is unresolved, its integrated SED is our primary source of information.  Each physical process leaves its imprint on the shape of the SED. Brandl et al., 2006 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

6 Ingredients of the SED modeling Based on sketch by Mike Bolte, Rick Waters & Brenda Wilden Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

7 SED Fitting  A grid of models given.  Given the observed SED, find best fit model.  However:  Robustness of results limited by quality and amount of data.  Many free model parameters.  Need to calibrate method (benchmarks).  Need objective method (results repeatable).  As long as those caveats are not taken care of, SED fitting will not provide unique and reliable results. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

8 Our goal  Build a robust fitting routine that quantifies the uncertainties in the parameters and calibrates a specific model, by solving the mentioned issues.  We use a Bayesian inference approach.  We choose well known benchmarks with independent calibrations for its parameters. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

9 Our benchmarks ESO Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 30 Doradus NGC 604 Similarities:  Two most luminous GHRs known to date.  Filamentary structure  IR luminosity -> ~ 4 × 10 7 L  (Brandl et al., 2005)  Stellar mass (few x 10 5 M , Bosch et al., 2009, Eldridge & Relaño, 2010) Differences  Different age distribution  Stellar density  H a luminosity 4 times bigger in 30 Doradus (1.5 × 10 40 erg s -1 ) than in NGC 604 (Hunter, 1999; Kennicutt, 1984)

10 A Multi-wavelength View [S IV]IRAC 8  mHST WFPC Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 30 Doradus NGC 604

11 The Spitzer-IRS spectral maps  Low resolution (R ~ 60-120) modules.  Wavelength coverage: 5.2- 38mm  Spatial resolution in the SL module is about 0.5 pc  Wavelengths shown:  33.4 um : [SIII]; I.P. = 34.8eV  10.5 um : [SIV]; I.P. = 47.30eV (ionized by most massive O3 stars)  6.2 um : PAH emission Indebetouw et al., 2009 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

12 The two regions compared Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

13 Modelling expanding HII regions  Groves and collaborators.  How it works:  Stellar synthesis: Starburst99. Kroupa IMF, M cl = 10 6 M   Radiative transfer calculated in two cases: HII region only. PDR covering HII region.  Time evolution: Mass loss expanding bubble driven by stellar wind and/or SN (Castor et al., 1975).  Add a component of UCHIIRs (embedded objects, hot dust).  Ages up to 10 Myrs. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

14 Model Parameters  Metallicity, Z  ISM pressure, P 0 /k  Cluster age, t  Stellar mass, M ★  ‘Embedded mass’, M emb  PDR covering, f PDR  Compactness, C Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 UCHIIRs SB99 synthetic spectra evolution of the HII region HII regions at 0 – 10 Myr impact of PDRs old stars & diffuse emission

15 Compactness C  Can be defined from M cl and P 0 /k as: log C = 3/5 log(M cl ) + (2/5)log (P 0 /k)  Intuitively, it has to do with the proximity of the dust to the ionizing stars.  For a given value of C, a run of T dust with time is defined.  Controls the position of the IR bump. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

16 Bayesian inference  The parameters are taken as random variables with associated probability distribution functions (PDFs).  The problem transforms: Find the PDFs given the data.  PDFs represent the complete solution to the problem.  The Bayes theorem states that: PDF ~ Likelihood * Prior  If errors are Gaussian: PDF ~ exp(-  2 /2) Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

17 Our priors  Grid size: ~9 x 10 5 models  We introduce bounded uniform priors for M ★, M emb, f PDR and C. Z = 0.4 Z_sun, P 0 /k remain fixed.  Boundaries are set to cover broad range of physical environments.  For example, log C 6.5 has never been measured. ParameterRangeResolution t (Myr)0-100.5 Log C3-6.50.5 f PDR 0.0-1.00.05 M★M★ 2 orders of magnitude0.13 dex M emb 1.2 orders of magnitude0.08 dex Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

18 Continuum fitting: Integrated spectrum  With the defined priors we run the routine for continuum (Thermal + PAH) fitting.  Routine input: Observed spectrum, observational errors, priors.  Routine output: best fit values and PDFs calculated over the multi-dimensional parameter space.  Fit is poor at ~15  m. Dust in hot component might be hotter. IRS data Model Embedded objects HII region PDR region Martinez-Galarza et al., in prep. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

19 Probability Density Functions: Integrated Spectrum Martinez-Galarza et al., in prep. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

20 Refining age priors: Nebular Line Ratios  We use line fluxes measured at high resolution with Spitzer-IRS (Lebouteiller et al., 2008).  [SIV]10.5mm/S[III]18.7mm  [NeIII]15.5mm/[NeII]12.8mm  We use Gaussian distributions with standard deviations corresponding to the age uncertainties.  For the integrated spectrum, used age derived from low-res line ratios.  Extinction might have an effect on sulfur ratios, making the source appear older. 0 Myr 2 Myr 2.5 Myr Young ages, < 2.5 Myrs Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

21 30 Dor and NGC 604 compared Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 30 Doradus NGC 604 Best fit parameters t = 1.5 MyrM ★ = 2.8 × 10 5 M log C = 4.0M emb = 7.1 × 10 4 M f PDR =0.4 Best fit parameters t = 4.0 MyrM ★ = 2.1 × 10 5 M log C = 3.0M emb = 7.2 × 10 3 M f PDR =0.9

22 “Embedded” population exists  None of the spectra can be fitted without including this component.  Part of it could be related to the presence of embedded stars.  Embedded stars have been detected at centimeter wavelengths. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 Maercker & Burtonl., 2005

23 Embedded mass  Time resolution is not enough to judge if the hot component of dust represented by f emb is related to embedded star formation.  Alternative explanation: dust that has not been pushed away by the stellar wind of the cluster and is associated to individual stars.  This component might imply that the modeling of the attenuation would be more complex than a simple dusty screen. 30 DorR136 30 Dor YSO candidate NGC 604 Stars NGC 604 IR bright f emb 0.310.200.360.020.010.04 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

24 Independent measurements Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011  NGC 604:  M* = 3.8 x 10 5 M  (Eldridge & Relaño, 2010)  Age = 3-5 Myr (Hunter et al., 1996)  30 Dor:  M* = 4.5 x 10 5 M  (Bosch et al, 2009, Selman et al., 1999)  Age = 2-3 Myr (Walborn & Blades, 1997)  f PDR and f emb consistent with NGC 604 being a more evolved system.

25 Summary  SED modeling provides a powerful tool to understand the physics of unresolved starbursts.  BUT: calibrated, repeatable method needed  We have presented state-of-the-art models and a fitting routine that provides a complete solution for the model parameters.  Calibration using 30 Doradus and NGC 604 suggest that a robust determination of mass, age, amount of PDR material and embedded population is possible for unresolved systems.  Continuum fitting is insufficient to constrain all parameters. Nebular line analysis needed.  NEXT step: Apply to set of unresolved star-forming galaxies Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011

26 Individual Regions  Types of sources  Star clusters (R136)  IR-bright sources – IR excess  High Extinction sources – Deep silicate absorption  Strong ionization sources Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. January 26, 2011 NGC 60430 Doradus

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