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Children’s Trust Network 19 October 2011 Education Attainment and Progression Anthony May Corporate Director for Children, Families and Cultural Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Trust Network 19 October 2011 Education Attainment and Progression Anthony May Corporate Director for Children, Families and Cultural Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Trust Network 19 October 2011 Education Attainment and Progression Anthony May Corporate Director for Children, Families and Cultural Services

2 Key Stage 2 English & Maths Percentage Level4+ 2011 (Provisional results) BetterWorse England Ave. 74%

3 Key Stage 4: 5+ A*-C GCSEs or equivalent 2011 (inc. English and Maths) BetterWorse 2010 England Ave. 53.5% (Provisional school reported results)

4 Percentage of Pupils Achieving 5+ A*-C GCSE or equivalent (inc. English and Maths) 2006-2011 NottinghamshireEngland *2011 results are provisional and subject to change

5 Key Stage 5: provisional performance report ( Provisional school reported results – subject to appeal) The notable improvement in performance at Key Stage 4 has not followed through to produce a step change at age 19 (although complete 2011 figures are not yet available) Pass rates at A level have improved in Nottinghamshire and nationally –The overall Nottinghamshire 2011 pass rate in A levels is 97.6% of entries gaining an E or above ( a slight increase from 96.7% in 2010) compared to 97.8% nationally –42.5% of Nottinghamshire A level entries achieved a pass at grades A*-B, compared to 52.6% nationally In 2010, 45.2% of Nottinghamshire young people achieved a level 3 qualification by age 19, compared to 51.0% nationally – Nottinghamshire is the lowest achieving shire county

6 Participation in Apprenticeships In the last year, there has been a rise in the number of apprenticeships, in Nottinghamshire and nationally Nottinghamshire participation in apprenticeships is estimated to be at 12.9% (by the National Apprenticeship Service) Apprenticeship starts in Nottinghamshire have increased, but at a lower rate than in the rest of the East Midlands or nationally Currently, in Nottinghamshire, there are: – 2972 young people participating in Intermediate (level 2) apprenticeships –1240 participating in Advanced (level 3) apprenticeships –10 participating in Higher (level 4) apprenticeships

7 Promote a variety of models of leadership, governance and partnership to match local needs and circumstances. We shall encourage those head teachers and governing bodies who are interested in academy status to make their decisions in the best interest of their pupils. The local authority will seek to work in partnership with all Nottinghamshire schools, irrespective of their status. Schools Policy

8 National Context 1000 new academies have opened in the last year There are 1300 Academies open across the country In 29 local authorities the majority of secondary schools are academies In addition to the open academies, a further 575 are in the pipeline, with more applications expected in the new school year 12 special schools have become Academies and a further 25 are interested in doing so over the next year.

9 Nottinghamshire Academies In Nottinghamshire, to date: 17 schools have converted to academies 3 schools converting to academies have unresolved issues with PFI (Valley, Portland and Retford Oaks) 2 schools are prospective convertors, with an academy order issued (Brunts and Joseph Whitaker)

10 Admissions A new Admissions Code is being consulted upon currently. Government says academies will be subject to the code. There is, and is bound to be, greater complexity in admissions with multiple authorities We have not yet seen any attempt at social or academic selection in Nottinghamshire academies

11 Exclusions Government insists that academies should not exclude proportionately more than other schools Government is considering making all schools and academies responsible for outcomes of students they exclude The issue is unresolved nationally and is expected to feature in the new Education Act, due to receive Royal Assent early in 2012 Too early to tell if exclusions will become an issue with Nottinghamshire academies – head teachers and principals insist that it will not be.

12 Raising standards Track record of Sponsors Some of our lower performing schools are being sponsored by outstanding Nottinghamshire academies e.g. Redhill/Wheldon Some schools have invited sponsors with outstanding records with similar types of schools e.g. Serlby Park/School Partnership Trust

13 In summary We have tried to adapt our partnership model of improvement to the national policies we face We are consulting with schools and academies on our services to schools offer We shall update our Schools Policy with a Memorandum of Understanding which aims to cover the issues raised in this presentation. This will be drafted by Christmas and will underpin our approach to schools and academies from the beginning of the new financial year in March 2012.

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