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Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest
Old Covenant / New Covenant
HEBREWS Old Covenant / New Covenant angels sacrifice priest Mechizedek Abraham
…for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work…”
HEBREWS “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.” Hebrews 10: 22 …for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work…” Hebrews 4: 10
There is extant a work of Barnabas addressed to the Hebrews
Paul wrote in Hebrew Luke translated into Greek Clement of Alexandria c 200AD There is extant a work of Barnabas addressed to the Hebrews Tertullian c 220AD
HEBREWS Some have disputed the Epistle to the Hebrews, saying that it was rejected by the Church at Rome as not being by Paul Eusebius c 300AD
HEBREWS Paul wrote Hebrews St Amphilochius c 345AD
For many of the Latins it is uncertain that the Epistle to the Hebrews is Paul’s, because of the lack of harmony in its vocabulary Some suspect that it was written by Barnabas, others that it was written by Clement St Isidore c 630AD
HEBREWS Not Paul? “This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard Him.” Hebrews 2: 3
HEBREWS Apollos? – Acts 18: 24 Barnabas? – Acts 4: 36
“Come to the Word for one purpose and that is to meet the Lord
“Come to the Word for one purpose and that is to meet the Lord Not to get your mind crammed full of things about the sacred Word, but come to it to meet the Lord.” Norman Douty
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Jesus Christ is… Superior to the angels - 1: 4 Greater than Moses - 3: 3 He is God - 1: 6, 8, 10 Made like man – 2: 17
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest The Son… ~ heir of all things ~ universe made through Him ~ radiance of God’s glory ~ exact representation of His being ~ sustains all things ~ purified sin – sat down Colossians 1: 15-20
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest The Son… ~ is superior to the angels In fact… 1: 6 – YHWH (Septuagint – Deuteronomy 32: Rejoice, ye heavens, with him, and let all the angels of God worship him) 1: 8 – God 1: 10 – YHWH (Septuagint – Psalm 102: In the beginning, O LORD…) Hebrews 1: 4-14
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Pay attention – do not drift away! IF the law was binding & disobedience punishable, then … How can we escape if we ignore the salvation brought by the Son? Hebrews 2: 1-4
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Jesus & man Everything subjected to man – YET… So, Jesus was made to be like His brothers, to suffer death SO THAT… John 5: 24 - “from death to life” John 8: 51 – “never see death” Hebrews 2: 5-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…the author of their salvation…” “The LORD is my light and my salvation” yahweh yesha Psalm 27: 1 “Surely God is my salvation” el yeshua Isaiah 12: 2 Hebrews 2: 10
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…He too shared in their humanity so that by His death…” > destroy the devil/power of death > freedom from slavery by fear of death Hebrews 2: 14-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…made like His brothers in every way in order that…” > merciful, faithful high priest > atonement for the sins of the people He suffered to help me Hebrews 2: 14-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “Therefore, fix your thoughts on Jesus…” > Jesus was faithful > Moses was faithful Yet Jesus is worthy of greater honor than Moses Hebrews 3: 1-6
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “[do not] be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness…” “We have come to share in Christ IF…” Don’t be like some of the Israelites! Hebrews 3: 7-19
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…encourage one another daily SO THAT none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” “…as long as it is called TODAY” Hebrews 3: 13
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…as long as it is called TODAY” Hebrews 3: 13 “TODAY, if you hear his voice…” Hebrews 3: 7-8 “When the time had fully come…” Galatians 4: 4
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…in these last days…” Hebrews 1: 2 “…He will not delay… Hebrews 10: 37 “There will be no more delay!” Revelation 10: 6
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Enter the REST of God Disobedient cannot enter God’s rest God’s rest has continued since creation You are invited to enter God’s rest By faith & obedience Hebrews 3: : 11
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Enter the REST of God Rest from your own work Make every effort to enter God’s rest Not by your works But by His finished work Hebrews 4: 10-11 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11: 28-30
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Enter the REST of God SO THAT No one will fall by disobedience Disobedience based on the Word of God, and the Word of God is: Living, active, sharper than sword And it: Penetrates, divides, judges, uncovers & lays bare Hebrews 4: 11-13
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.” John 12: 47-50
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Nothing Will be – hidden Everything Will be – Uncovered, laid bare Therefore: “let us hold firmly to the faith we profess” “let us approach the throne of grace with confidence” Hebrews 4: 13-16
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest ~ 2000BC Melchizedek – king of Salem priest of God Most High Melek-Shalem = king of peace Meklek-Tsedeq = king of righteousness Received tenth, gave blessing Genesis 14: 18-20
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest ~ 1000BC The LORD says to my Lord… The LORD has sworn…you are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. Psalm 110: 1-7
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest ~ 500BC A crown on the head of the high priest Whose name is the Branch He will be a priest on his throne And there will be harmony between the two Zechariah 6: 9-15
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest ~ 60AD You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek No parents? No genealogy? Eternal? A priest forever? Hebrews 5,6,7
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest …we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens… Hebrews 4:14 Called & appointed by God Offering for sin Empathy/sympathy (4:15) Entered behind the curtain (6:20) Hebrews 5
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. Hebrews 7:22 Perfection not attained through the law Tribe of Judah, not Levi Not by ancestry, but by oath of God Former set aside for the better Sacrificed once – not day after day Hebrews 7
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Such a high priest meets our need… Hebrews 7:26 Earthly priest – only by ancestry, temporary, dies, sins, sacrifices daily Heavenly priest – only by oath of God, permanent, eternal, sinless, holy, pure, blameless, sacrificed ONCE Hebrews 7
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest …the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which He is mediator is superior to the old one… Hebrews 8: 6 Earthly priest – offers gifts & sacrifices in the earthly temple – a copy & shadow Heavenly priest – serves in the true tabernacle, in heaven Hebrews 8
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest …they serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. Hebrews 8: 5 Earthly sanctuary – Tabernacle – Exodus 25 ~ 1400BC Temple – II Chronicles 3 ~ 950BC Heavenly sanctuary – Isaiah 6, Ezekiel, Revelation 11, 15 Hebrews 8
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest I will make a new covenant Hebrews 8: 8 Old Covenant – People at fault – unfaithful to covenant New Covenant – law written in minds & on hearts Remember sins no more Hebrews 8: 8-12
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Now that which decayeth and groweth old is ready to vanish away. Old Covenant – obsolete Perpetual, imperfect sacrifice – sins always before them – never able to obey the law – no assurance of salvation New Covenant – Christ in us Remember sins no more Perfect sacrifice has been made Hebrews 8: 13
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Temporary, external regulations Old Covenant – earthly sanctuary Building, rooms, furnishings, sacred artifacts, only the high priest, annually, rituals, blood, sacrifice for priest and for the people Never able to clear the conscience Only food, drink, washings External regulations – until the new comes Hebrews 9: 1-10
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ…cleanse our consciences…” Hebrews 9: 14 Old Covenant – Holy of Holies - Never without blood New Covenant – the perfect, heavenly Holy of Holies With Christ’s own blood - forgiveness Hebrews 9: 11-22
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest You are a royal priesthood – to declare the praises of God I Peter 2: 4-9 “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father — to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 1: 5b-6
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Hebrews 9: 22 Old Covenant – Animal blood on the earthly altar New Covenant – Christ’s own blood on the eternal altar This is my blood of the new covenant Hebrews 9: 11-22
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “For He bore the sin of many.” Isaiah 53: 12 New Covenant – Entered heaven itself Once, for all Took away sin Eternal He will return Hebrews 9: 23-28
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ…” Galatians 3: 24 “…[the law, the shadow] can never… make perfect those who draw near to worship.” Hebrews 10: 1-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “it is impossible for the blood of bulls & goats to take away sins.” Hebrews 10: 4 Old Covenant – Animal blood, year after year, never perfecting the worshipper New Covenant – body of Christ, once for all, we are made holy Hebrews 10: 4-10
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.” Hebrews 10: 18 Old Covenant – standing, day after day, never able to take away sin New Covenant – one sacrifice for sin, sat down, it is finished Hebrews 10: 11-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “…by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” Hebrews 10: 14 By one sacrifice > made perfect forever – position in Christ those who are being made holy – our condition, ongoing sanctification Hebrews 10: 14
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest THEREFORE… SINCE - We have confidence We have a great priest THEN… Hebrews 10: 19-25
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest THEN… LET US… ~ Draw near to God ~ Hold on to hope ~ Spur one another on ~ not give up meeting together ~ encourage one another Hebrews 10: 19-25
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest By faith…. Faith - 27 X Of that number By Faith - 22 X Promises made Promises not received Faith is …. By faith we understand … Hebrews 11
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Of all that God has promised me, what part have I obtained? None Partially Fully Hebrews 11
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Abraham, Isaac, Jacob “did not receive the things promised” Hebrews 11: 13 You & I “persevere so that… you will receive what [God] has promised.” Hebrews 10: 36
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Faith is: the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen NKJV This is what the ancients were commended for Hebrews 11: 1
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest THEREFORE… SINCE - We have confidence We have a great priest THEN… LET US… ~ Draw near to God in full assurance of faith Hebrews 10: 19-22
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “Faith standing on the facts of the Word of God substantiates and gives evidence of things not seen. And everyone knows that evidence must be founded on facts.” Miles J. Stanford Faith is: the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Hebrews 11: 1 NKJV
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “Faith standing on the facts of the Word of God substantiates and gives evidence of things not seen. And everyone knows that evidence must be founded on facts. All of us started on this principle when we were born again – our belief stood directly on the eternal fact of the redeeming death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Miles J. Stanford Faith is: the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Hebrews 11: 1 NKJV
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. Amplified Bible Psalm 19 Romans 1: 18-20 Hebrews 11: 1
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest This is what the ancients were commended for By Faith we understand: God commanded all that is out of all that was not Earth was without form and void Hebrews 11: 2-3
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 They did not receive the things promised They were longing for a better country – a heavenly one. Hebrews 11: 13-16
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11: 6
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Temporary, earthly tents Eternal, heavenly city Hebrews 11: 9-10 A heavenly country – a city prepared for them Hebrews 11: 16 Our citizenship is in heaven Philippians 3: 20 I go to prepare a place for you John 14: 3
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest What more shall I say? The world was not worthy of them None of them received what had been promised God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews 11: 32-40
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest THEREFORE Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses Not vicarious spectators – but seasoned, empathetic, victorious witnesses Hebrews 11: 40 – 12: 1
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses: Let us: Throw off hindrances & sin Run with perseverance Fix our eyes upon Jesus Hebrews 11: 40 – 12: 1
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Psalm 25: 15 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” Joshua 1: 7
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest The Author – the Finisher With JOY… Endured the cross Scorned its shame Sat down at God’s right hand Hebrews 12: 2
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Then, can I… Consider Him… not grow weary not lose heart Hebrews 12: 3
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Have you resisted to the point of bloodshed? what struggle? Hebrews 12: 4
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Proverbs 3:11-12
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Do not make light of the Lord’s discipline He punishes His sons Endure hardship as discipline Submit to the Father God disciplines us Discipline is painful Hebrews 12: 5-12
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest God disciplines those He loves He punishes those He accepts Endure hardship as discipline If not disciplined - illegitimate Respect earthly father – how much more, our heavenly Father God disciplines us for our good Our discipline, though painful, produces righteousness & peace Hebrews 12: 5-12
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Make every effort to live in peace with all men Hebrews 12: 14 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12: 18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest - Live in peace Be holy Be grace-full Avoid bitter roots Avoid sexual immorality & godlessness Hebrews 12: 14-18
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Old mountain – New mountain Sinai - Old Mountain fire – darkness, gloom, storm unbearable voice & command death terrifying, trembling, fear Hebrews 12: 18-21
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Old mountain – New mountain Zion – New Mountain Jerusalem – city of the living God joyful angels church of the firstborn God, the judge righteous men made perfect Jesus, the mediator sprinkled blood Hebrews 12: 22-24
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Old mountain – New mountain Sinai Zion fear joy then don’t refuse the invitation Hebrews 12: 25
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on…. Sinai Zion temporary eternal I will once more shake the heavens and the earth… Haggai 2: 6-7 …the heavenly bodies will be shaken… Matthew 24: 29 Hebrews 12: 26-29
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Lessons for living Hebrews 13 Toward God – continual sacrifice of praise Toward others – love each other Toward self – grace-strengthened hearts
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Lessons for living Hebrews 13: 8 Toward God – the unchangeable Jesus Christ “I the Lord do not change.” “Jesus Christ came in the flesh”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Lessons for living Hebrews 13: 10-15 Toward God – the altar of grace - altar of law body of Christ - ceremonial foods outside the city – in the Temple eternal city to come – earthly, temporary city continual sacrifice of praise – continual sacrifice of animals
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Lessons for living Hebrews 13: 1-3, 7, 16-19 Toward others – Love as brothers Exercise hospitality Remember your leaders, obey them, submit to them Do good, share with others Pray for us
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Lessons for living Hebrews 13: 1-3, 7, 16-19 Toward self – Honor marriage – keep it pure Be content, don’t love money Don’t be carried away by strange teachings God-equipped for doing His will For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, Which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2: 8
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses Hebrews 5: 11 – 6: 12 Hebrews 10: 26-39 “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses Hebrews 10: 36 “You need to persevere so that…” (And if I do not persevere, then what?) Matthew 10: 22; 24: 12-13 “He who stands firm to the end…” (And if I do not stand firm, then what?) “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses John 15: 5-6 “IF you remain in Me…” “IF you do not remain in Me…” “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses Eternal Security Can I lose my salvation? Free Will Election and predestination Once saved, always saved What is God’s covenant through Christ? “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses Calvinist? Arminian? “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses Hebrews 5: 11 – 6: 12 A powerful pause between 5:10 & 6:13 We have much to say about Jesus and Melchizedek, BUT… “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “All seems so simple and solved during the infant stage of our Christian life. But the Lord must take us on from milk to meat, to become responsible, spiritually intelligent, adult believers. We must not only become firmly and clearly established in the deeper truths ourselves, but we must be qualified to share them effectively with others.” Miles J. Stanford
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses YOU ought to be teachers by now! Hebrews 5: 11-12 “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses You’ve been a Christian HOW LONG? And you are still on the elementary teachings? Hebrews 5: 12 – 6: 3 “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses You’re still not ready for solid food? No wonder you don’t know what righteousness is! No wonder you can’t tell good from evil! “IF” Hebrews 5: 12 – 6: 3
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses IF: Enlightened Tasted heavenly gift Shared in the Holy Spirit Tasted the good Word of God IF they fall away - impossible “IF” Hebrews 6: 4-6
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest This passage has been interpreted in four ways: that the danger of a Christian losing his salvation is described, a view rejected because of biblical assurances that salvation is a work of God which cannot be reversed; (2) that the warning is against mere profession of faith short of salvation, or tasting but not really partaking of salvation (The New Scofield Reference Bible, p. 1315);
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest (3) that hypothetically if a Christian could lose his salvation, there is no provision for repentance (The Ryrie Study Bible, p. 1843); (4) that a warning is given of the danger of a Christian moving from a position of true faith and life to the extent of becoming disqualified for further service (1 Cor 9:27) and for inheriting millennial glory. Bible Knowledge Commentary
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” I Timothy 4: 1-2 “You should know that these who have the seared consciences fall away into false doctrine.” A.W. Tozer; Faith Beyond Reason
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Healthy land: drinks in rain produces a crop receives the blessing Unhealthy land: worthless in danger of curse will be burned OT – promised land Obey = fruitful land Disobey = cursed & barren land Hebrews 6: 7-8 Matthew 13: 7,22
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Confident of better things > salvation Help others > show love for God Diligence to the end > make hope sure Don’t become lazy but, Imitate faith & patience > inheritance Hebrews 6: 9-12
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses IF: Enlightened Tasted heavenly gift Shared in the Holy Spirit Tasted the good Word of God IF they fall away - impossible “IF” Hebrews 6: 4-6
The 5 Points The 5 Points of Calvinism of Arminianism Total Depravity
John Calvin – Total Depravity Sin controls every part of man. He is spiritually dead and blind, and unable to obey, believe, or repent. He continually sins, for his nature is completely evil. The 5 Points of Arminianism Jacobus Arminius – Free Will Sin does not control man’s will. He is sick and near-sighted, but still able to obey, believe and repent. He does not continually sin, for his nature is not completely evil.
Calvinism Unconditional Election God chose the elect solely on the basis of His free grace, not anything in them. He has a special love for the elect. God left the rest to be damned for their sins. Arminianism Conditional Election God chose the elect on the basis of their foreseen faith. He loves all men equally. God passed over no one, but gives everyone an equal chance to be saved.
Calvinism Limited Atonement Christ died especially for the elect, and paid a definite price for them that guaranteed their salvation. Arminianism Universal Atonement Christ died equally for all men, and paid a provisional price that made salvation possible for all but guaranteed it for none.
Calvinism Irresistible Grace Saving grace is irresistible, for the Holy Spirit is invincible and intervenes in man’s heart. He sovereignly gives the new birth, faith and repentance to the elect. Arminianism Resistible Grace Saving grace is resistible, for God does not overrule man’s free will. Man is born again after he believes, for faith and repentance are not gifts of God.
Calvinism Perseverance of the Saints God preserves all the elect and causes them to persevere in faith and obedience to the end. None are continually back-slidden or finally lost. Arminianism Falling from Grace Only a few Christians continue in faith and obedience to the end (Arminians are divided over whether one can actually lose his salvation).
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Sincere heart – full assurance of faith – sprinkled hearts - cleansed of guilt – hold unswervingly – spur one another meet together Hebrews 10: 19-25 Received the light – stood your ground – persecuted – persevere to receive God’s promises – We are not > shrink back = destroyed We are > believe = saved Hebrews 10: 32-39
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses IF: deliberate sin after receiving knowledge of the truth Trampled the Son of God Treat as unholy the blood of the covenant Insulted the Spirit of grace How much more severely the punishment “IF” Hebrews 10: 26-31
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Praise the redeemer’s goodness; Mankind, proclaim His grace; He dies in loving-kindness, To save your sinful race Oh, triumph, all ye ransom’d; Ye shall to bliss attain, If ye in love unfailing, In faith and hope, remain. But woe to those despising The blood for them pour’d out; A curse from God awaits them, And judgment is their lot. Christ on the Mount of Olives Beethoven
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Those troublesome verses …just as there will be false teachers among you. …they have left the straight way If they have escaped… and are again entangled …turned their backs on the sacred command II Peter 2: 1-2, 15, 20-22 “IF”
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “I refused to remain in the pulpit and be an intellectual hypocrite. I renounced my faith even though it was the unpopular thing to do.” G. Vincent Runyon
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Marriage & Salvation Divorce Apostasy Never truly married to begin with Never truly saved to begin with Marriage Salvation Drawn to person Formalize – license Ongoing effort Relationship Drawn to Christ Formalize – accept Ongoing effort Relationship
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Marriage & Salvation Marriage Salvation Grow in knowledge of spouse / of Christ Forced to stay married? Saved? Dangers of complacency? Have a fight – still married? Have doubt of faith – still saved? Is it the license that keeps us married? Is it the baptism that keeps us saved?
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Marriage & Salvation Marriage Salvation What destroys a marriage? Salvation? Degradation of relationship Unresolved anger, bitterness Unfaithfulness Apathy, complacency Selfishness
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Marriage & Salvation Marriage Salvation Divorce (apostasy) usually takes place in the heart long before it happens on paper. I want a divorce I no longer want God State: sorry – we have a marriage license on file, you will have to stay married God: sorry – I have a covenant – you will have to stay saved Are we forced to remain in a relationship we don’t want?
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest God cannot break His covenant But, can I? …they [Israel] broke My covenant Jeremiah 31:32
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest Calvinist Don’t take election lightly, for granted Arminian Healthy relationship = secure salvation Marriage & Salvation Healthy Marriage Healthy Salvation Do you live in constant fear of divorce? Of apostasy?
Return of the King/Priest
HEBREWS Return of the King/Priest “There is no fear in love – perfect love drives out fear.” I John 4:18 Fix your eyes on Jesus So that you will not grow weary & lose heart Hebrews 12: 2-3
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