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Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project.

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1 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project

2 Communication Patterns Family Functions Adaptability Biosocial Issues Boundaries Cohesion Dialectical Interplay Family Images Family Life Cycle

3 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Family Life Cycle Stage Emotional Process of Transition: Key Principles Second-Order Changes in the Family Status Required to Proceed Developmentally Leaving home: single young adults Accepting emotional and financial responsibility for self a. Differentiation of self in relation to family of origin b. Development of intimate peer relationships c. Establishment of self in respect to work and financial independence The joining of families through marriage :the new couple Commitment to new systema. Formation of marital system b. Realignment of relationships with extended families and friends to include spouse Families with young children Accepting new members into System a. Adjusting marital system to make space for children b. Joining in child rearing, financial and household tasks c. Realignment of relationships with extended family to include parenting and grand parenting roles Families with adolescents Increasing flexibility of family boundaries to permit children’s independence and grandparents families a. Shifting of pare/child relationships to permit adolescents to move into and out of system b. Refocus on midlife marital and career issues c. Beginning shift toward caring for older generation Launching children and moving on Accepting a multitude of exits from and entries into the family system a. Renegotiation of marital system as a dyad b. Development of adult-to-adult relationships between grown children and their parents c. Realignment of relationships to include in-laws and grandchildren d. Dealing with disabilities and death of parents (grandparents) Families in later lifeAccepting the shifting generational roles a. Maintaining own and or couple functioning and interests in face of physiological decline: exploration of new familial and social role options b. Support for more central role of middle generation c. Making room in the system for the wisdom and experience of elderly, supporting the older generation without over functioning for them The Stages of the Family Life Cycle

4 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project ABC-X Family Stress Model The double ABC-X model Used to describe the pile-up concept of stressor overload (prior unresolved stressors) and predicting family adjustment. Stressor Events Do not have to lead to crisis situations; the key is how individuals and families respond to the situation. Family Crisis A turning point that requires family members to change their patterns of thinking and acting.

5 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project A = Stressor event Created by life event or transition or crisis Loss of Job Untimely death Serious illness Good luck in the lottery

6 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project B = Family's management strategies coping skills Ties into Family’s Cohesion and Adaptability Money Friends Time Space Problem Solving Skills  Articulated in

7 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project C = Family's perception definition of the situation Affected by Stories Myths Legacies In triangles Alliances Rules Expectations Through emotional and relational patterns

8 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project X = Family's adaptation to event Characterized By Family's inability to restore stability Continuous pressure to make changes in the family structure and patterns of interaction And on such life issues as: Power Sexuality Gender Race Ethnicity Success Failure Religious values

9 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Major Life Cycle Stages Emotional Process of Transition Order Changes in Family Status Required to Proceed Developmentally. Transitions between Stages

10 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Together a, b, and c contribute to the experience of stress Unique to each family Beliefs Attitudes Prejudices Depends on Background Resources Interpretation of event

11 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Life Cycle Effects In Dysfunctional Families Transition not done at appropriate time Piling up effect Reactive Responses to Crisis

12 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Definition of Crisis A crucial or decisive point or situation;a turning point. An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change. A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration. An emotionally stressful event or traumatic change in a person's life. A point in a story or drama when a conflict reaches its highest tension and must be resolved.

13 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Stages of Family Crisis Shock/ Denial Recoil Depression Reorganization

14 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Examples of Crisis Minor situations Not being prepared for class Late for Work Unpredictable Stresses Death Divorce Teen Pregnancy

15 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Three Distinct Phases of Family Crisis Event that precipitates the crisis Period of disorganization Reorganizing or recovery phase after the family reaches a low point

16 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Pile Up Effects Denying or avoiding problems Not expressing frustrations Keeping feelings inside

17 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Crisis Resolution Factors Positive outlook Spiritual values Support groups Adaptability Informal social support

18 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project Conclusion What is a crisis for one person May not be a crisis for another person. Crisis is environmentally based. What is now a crisis may not have been a crisis before or would not be a crisis in a different setting. Resilient Families Cope well in a time of crisis or adversity. Vulnerable Families Have difficulties functioning effectively before the onset of additional stressors or demands.

19 Lori Hockert Family Communication PowerPoint Project References Fischer, K. E., & Kittleson, M. (2000). The Relationship of Parental Alcoholism and Family Dysfunction to Stress Among... Journal of American College Health, 48(4), 151. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Soukup, D. (1990). Effects of Family Dysfunction and Parental Problem Drinking on Adult Offspring. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Lavee, Y., McCubbin, H. I., & Patterson, J. M. (1985). The Double ABCX Model of Family Stress and Adaptation: An Empirical Test by Analysis of Structural Equations with Latent Variables. Journal of Marriage & Family, 47(4), 811. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

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