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M. Deleuil Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille CoRoT mission highlights P. Bordé, A. Léger, M. Ollivier, B. Samuel (IAS), J.M. Almenara, A. Bonomo,

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Presentation on theme: "M. Deleuil Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille CoRoT mission highlights P. Bordé, A. Léger, M. Ollivier, B. Samuel (IAS), J.M. Almenara, A. Bonomo,"— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Deleuil Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille CoRoT mission highlights P. Bordé, A. Léger, M. Ollivier, B. Samuel (IAS), J.M. Almenara, A. Bonomo, C. Moutou, J.C. Gazzano, A. Santerne, P. Guterman, L. Jorda (LAM), D. Rouan (LESIA), J. Schneider (Luth), T. Guillot, D. Valencia (Obs Nice), A. Eriksson, E. Guenther, A. Hatzes, P. Kabath, M. Paetzold, H. Rauer, J. Cabrera,G. Wurchterl, S. Csizmadia, L. Carone, H. Deeg, B. Tingley, S. Aigrain, N. Gibson, C. Cameron, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi, S. Carpano, M. Gillon,D. Queloz, R. Alonso, M. Mayor,T. Mazeh, M. Endl, D. Ciardi, W. Cochran

2 A French/European/Brazilian mission (France : 80%) in operation since Jan 2007 March 2010 : end of the nominal mission March 2013 : end of the extended mission Core Program : stellar structure - asteroseismology planet search - transit method Bonus : stellar physics CoRoT - in brief Auvergne et al., 2009 A&A

3 Observations zone 1 Sun Earth Orbit 180 ° Rotation Plane of the orbit Observations zone 2 start

4 CoRoT “eyes”: different stellar properties CoRoT “eyes”: different stellar properties 1 1 2 3 2 4 10° radius circle Short Run (SR) Long Run (LR) centered at 18h50 centered at 6h50 FOV : 2 CCD 1.4 x 1.4 deg 1 CCD since 2009 11 ≤ V ≤ 16

5 CoRoT Light Curves 14 runs : ~ 81 000 Light Curves (LC) > 60 days ~ 50 000 SRa & c01 ; SRa02 & SRa03

6 Carpano et al., 2009 A&A; Cabrera et al., 2009 A&A; Carone et al., Samuel et al., Aigrain et al., (in prep) From CoRoT LC to planets... ~ 300 candidats per run / ~ 1800 in total

7 low-mass companion Grazing binary False positive Unresolved multiple system Low mass star Who’s that transiting guy... Planet!

8 Deeg et al 2009 A&A Photometry performed on board with pre-defined masks Extension PSF ~30’’ Photometry follow-up observations : more than 20 nights per semester Contaminating EB Photometric check

9 m v =13.2 P=10.5 d d=10 mmag SB 1 Moutou et al 2009 Spectroscopic check HARPS/La silla, SOPHIE/OHP, HIRES/KECK more than 35 nights per semester Eclipsing Binary blends

10 The CoRoT planets bloated planets

11 CoRoT-1b CoRoT-2b CoRoT-3bCoRoT-4b CoRoT-5bCandidate Zoom candidate Text Family portrait CoRoT-1b : Barge et al., 2008 A&A ; CoRoT-2b: Alonso et al., 2008; CoRoT-3b: Deleuil et al., 2008 CoRoT-4b : Aigrain et al.,2008 CoRoT-5b: Rauer et al.,2009 CoRoT-6b : Fridlund et al., 2010 CoRoT-7b :Léger et al., 2009 & Queloz et al., 2009 CoRoT-8b: Bordé et al., 2010 (in press) CoRoT-9b : Deeg et al., 2010 CoRoT-10b : Bonomo et al., (in press) CoRoT-11b : Gandolfi et al., (in press) CoRoT-12b : Gillon et al., (in press) CoRoT-13b : Cabrera et al., (in press) CoRoT-14b : Tingley et al., (submitted) CoRoT-15b : Bouchy et al. (in press)

12 150 days … CoRoT- 2b Period = 1.743 days M p = 3.31 +/- 0.16M jup R p = 1.465 ± 0.029 R Jup Alonso et al., 2008 A&A, 482, 21 Bouchy et al., 2008 A&A 482, 25 Age : a few 100 Myr Gillon et al., 2010, A&A e cos ω = −0.00291 ± 0.00063 ➛ tidal circularization and heating CoRot-2b : a planet orbiting a young and active star

13 Active regions on CoRoT-2 Brightness : Huber et al., 2009 & 2010 spot covering factor Lanza et al., 2009 A&A Two active longitudes Rotation period 4.522 d Cyclic oscillation 28.9 ±4.3 d : magnetic interaction ? stellar area covered by spots: ‣ 7% - 9% (Lanza et al.) ‣ up to 19% (Huber et al.)

14 Spots distribution on CoRoT-2 Rp/R ★ = 0.172 (3% larger) Average of 7 spots covered per transit spot size : 03 - 0.6 Rp Temperature : 4600 to 5400 K (R ★ =5625K) rise & decay ~ 30 days Czesla et al., 2009 Wolter et al., 2009 Silva-Valio et al., 2009

15 CoRoT-17b : bloated Jupiter orbiting an evolved G2 star CoRoT-17b : Period = 3.77 days M p = 2.45 ± 0.16 M jup R p = 1.47 ± 0.07 R Jup e = 0.0 ρ= 1.02 ± 0. 18/cm 3 G2V Age > 8 Gyr [Fe/H] = 0.00 Csizmadia et al., to be subm.

16 16 CoRoT-11b : a bloated planet around a fast rotator CoRoT-11b F7V - vsini = 40km/s 49 transits Period = 2.99 days M p = 2.33 ± 0.34 M jup R p = 1.43 ± 0.03 R Jup ρ= 0.99 ± 0.15 g/cm 3 [Fe/H] = -0.03 ± 0.08 Gandolfi et al., A&A

17 17 CoRoT-10b : long period & eccentric orbit CoRoT-10b : 15 transits Period = 13.24 days M p = 2.75 ± 0.16 M jup R p = 0.97 ± 0.07 R Jup e = 0.53 ± 0.04 ρ= 3.7 ± 0. 83g/cm 3 K1V [Fe/H] = 0.26 Text Kozai oscillations or planet-planet : radial monitoring needed

18 CoRoT-16b : possible eccentric orbit CoRoT-16b : Period = 5.35 days M p = 0.53 ± 0.08 M jup R p = 1.17 ± 0.14 R Jup e = 0.33 ± 0.1 ρ= 0.33 ± 0. 11 /cm 3 G2V [Fe/H] = 0.19 Ollivier et al., to be subm.

19 19 CoRoT-9b : a transiting Jupiter on a Mercury-like orbit CoRoT-9b : 2 transits G3V Period = 95.27 days M p = 0.84 ± 0.07 M jup R p = 1.05 ± 0.04 R Jup ρ= 0.525 ± 0.15 g/cm 3 Deeg et al., Nature 2010

20 At the extremes of the mass function Deleuil et al., 2008 A&A 491, 889 - Super-planet or brown dwarf ? - Rare or selection bias ? - definition of a planet CoRoT-3b : 34 transits F3V - vsini = 17 km/s Period = 4.26 days M p = 21.6 ± 1.00 M jup R p = 1.01 ± 0.07 R Jup ρ= 26.4 ± 5.6 g/cm 3

21 21 CoRoT-15b : a bona fide Brown Dwarf Bouchy et al., 2010 A&A submitted CoRoT-15b : F7V vsini = 19.0 km/s Period = 3.06 days M p = 63.3 ± 4.10 M jup R p = 1.12 ± 0.3 R Jup ρ= 59.0 g/cm 3

22 22 CoRoT-8b : a Neptune-like planet CoRoT-8b K1 V - vsini = 2 km/s 49 transits Period = 6.21 days M p = 0.22 ± 0.03 M jup R p = 0.57 ± 0.02 R Jup ρ= 1.6 ± 0.10 g/cm 3 [Fe/H] = 0.30 ± 0.10 Bordé et al., 2010 A&A

23 CoRoT-7b : the first hot super earth Rotational period ~23 days - star spots evolution Léger, Rouan, Schneider et al., 2009, A&A 506, 287 0.35 mmag CoRoT-7 : K0V [Fe/H] =0.12 +/- 0.06

24 Stars activity : spots challenge radial velocity measurements Would have been discarded from radial velocity surveys! More than 100 HARPS spectra collected between Fev 2008 - Fev 2009 Queloz et al., 2009, A&A 506, 303 The mass of CoRoT-7b : a challenge! Photom Euler VR FWHM CCF bissector Ca II

25 25 The mass of CoRoT-7b : a challenge! R p = 1.68 ± 0.09 R Earth Léger, Rouan, Schneider et al., 2009, A&A M p = 4.8 ± 0.8 M Earth Queloz et al., 2009, A&A 506, 303 R p = 1.58 ± 0.10 R Earth M p = 5.2 ± 0.80 M Earth Bruntt et al., 2010, A&A M p = 6.9 ± 1.4 M Earth Hatzes et al., 2010 A&A Lanza et al., 2010 A&A M p = 5.7 ± 2.5 M Earth Boisse et al., 2010 A&A in press M p = 1 - 4 M Earth Pont et al., 2010 sub. MNRAS CoRoT-7b

26 CoRoT-7c P= 3.70 d a = 0.046 AU e = 0 M p = 8.4 ± 0.9 M Earth Queloz et al., 2009 M p = 12.4 ± 0.42 M Earth Hatzes et al. 2010 M p = 13.1 ± 4.0 M Earth Boisse et al. 2010 fake detection M Earth Pont et al., 2010 CoRoT-7 planetary system : how many ? CoRoT-7d P= 9.02 d a = 0.08 AU e = 0 M p = 16.7 ± 0.42 M Earth Hatzes et al., 2010 CoRoT-7c CoRoT-7d

27 CoRoT-1b Red LC : Depth = 0.0126 ± 0.0033% T = 2390 K ± 90 Snellen et al., 2009, Nature White LC : Depth = 0.016 ± 0.006% T = 2330 K +120 / -140K Alonso et al., 2009a A&A Secondary eclispses CoRoT-2b White LC : Depth = 0.006 ± 0.002% T = 2120 + 95 / -110K Alonso et al., 2009b A&A CoRoT-1b CoRoT-2b

28 Period (day) Depth % Detection : performances Cabrera et al., 2009 A&A 506, 501 + priv. com. cf J. Cabrera’s talk LRc01 Su Neptune Jupiter Super-Earth

29 Summary In orbit for 1383 days. Mission extended till 2013 1 CCD lost explore the exoplanet close in population from Earth-size planets to regular hot Jupiters & the Brown dwarf desert one “temperate” Jupiter Long duration : stellar spots, star-planet interactions, reflected light A lot of candidates are still waiting for follow-up

30 Second CoRoT Symposium: Exploring Planet Diversity & Stellar Musics 13 to 17 June 2011 in Marseille at the Palais des Congrès. http://symposiumcorot2011.oamp.fr Scientific Organisation committee : A. Baglin (chair) M. Deleuil E. Michel P. Bordé T. Guillot C. Moutou the CoRoT science council

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