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Smoke-Free Youth How long does it take for your body to begin a series of positive changes after quitting smoking? A.) 20 minutes B.) 40 minutes C.)

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2 Smoke-Free Youth


4 How long does it take for your body to begin a series of positive changes after quitting smoking? A.) 20 minutes B.) 40 minutes C.) 6 hoursD.) 1 day L A.) 20 minutes F


6 Approximately how many chemicals are in tobacco smoke? A.) 1500 B.) 2000 C.) 4000D.) 7000 LF


8 What positive outcomes are associated with youth who are tobacco-free? A.) Higher grades B.) Better athletes C.) Better looking skinD.) All of the above L F


10 Which of the following is not an effect of smoking affecting your physical appearance? A.) leathery skin B.) yellow teeth C.) increased hair growth D.) aging and wrinkles L C.) increased hair growth F


12 What percentage of Durham Region Secondary School students reported smoking daily or occasionally over the last 12 months? A.) 8% B.) 11% C.) 15%D.) 17% L B.) 11% F


14 What is a good tool to use to help someone quit smoking? A.) Nicotine Patch B.) Smokers’ Helpline C.) Zyban (Bupropion)D.) all of the above L D.) All of the above F


16 What are some choices people can make to limit the negative health effects of tobacco on their health? A.) Avoid Exposure to second hand smoke B.) Don’t use tobacco (chew, snus, hookah, cigarettes) C.) Have a smoke-free home and car D.) not smoke at all L D.) All of the above F


18 Smoking causes increased stress because… A.) the smell increases anxiety B.) Nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure C.) it causes lack of sleep D.) decreases bowel movements leading to constipation L B.) nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure F


20 What are nicotine withdrawal symptoms? A.) Depression B.) Hunger C.) RashD.) A & B only L F


22 What are positive ways to handle stress? A.) Get some physical activity B.) Talk about it with your friends C.) Do something you enjoyD.) All of the above LF


24 How much money does a ‘pack a day’ smoker spend on cigarettes per year? A.) $1,390 B.) $2,760 C.) $3,285D.) $4, 565 L C.) $3,285 F


26 What are the 4 D’s to deal with cravings? A.) Deep breaths, drink water, distract, & delay B.) Dine out, drink soda, do fun things, & dance C.) Distract, delay, drink coffee, & do exercise D.) Deep breaths, distract, do exercise, & discuss with friends L A.) Deep breaths, drink water, distract, & delay F


28 What is a safe smoking cessation aid? A.) Gum B.) Lozenge C.) Patch L D.) All of the above F


30 A.) Deforestation & loss of productive farmland B.) Decreased Litter C.) Global warmingD.) Helps plants with photosynthesis L A.) Damage to forests F What is an effect that smoking has on the environment?


32 A.) Heart diseaseB.) Cancer C.) Lung diseasesD.) All of the above L F Tobacco use can lead to which of the following?

33 Congratulations!

34 Smoke-Free Youth

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