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Speak Up, Get Help, JUST ACT..  Become familiar with SAEM bystander education initiative.  Uncover personal barriers to intervening.  Develop basic.

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Presentation on theme: "Speak Up, Get Help, JUST ACT..  Become familiar with SAEM bystander education initiative.  Uncover personal barriers to intervening.  Develop basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speak Up, Get Help, JUST ACT.

2  Become familiar with SAEM bystander education initiative.  Uncover personal barriers to intervening.  Develop basic skills in bystander intervention.

3  Bystander  Is a part of a situation by chance.  They may be a witness to something, and they may or may not act.

4  Phenomenon in which someone is less likely to intervene in a problem situation when others are present.  People act  80% of the time when alone  20% of the time when others are present Don’t wait for someone else to act; It’s your responsibility.

5  Notice the event  Consider whether the situation demands your action  Decide if you have a responsibility to act  Choose what form of assistance to use  Understand how to implement the choice safely

6  There may be social impact  Not knowing what to do  In other people’s business

7  Others have done it for you  Just reacted  Want someone to do it for you

8  Say something to a friend  Interrupt the situation  Comment on a facebook status  Distract from the situation  Redirect  Tell a CA or Hall Director  Call the police  Tell someone of authority

9  There are clues that something may be getting out of hand, before violence occurs.  Intervening before imminent harm can reduce likelihood of violence.  Intervene early and often.


11  You are helping with move-in day at the residence halls. You are loading up a golf cart when you see a parent start to hit a younger sibling of one of our new students. What do you do?

12  You are working the homecoming tailgate and you see a young lady (NIU student) and her mom are very intoxicated. They are stumbling and one of them gets “sick” between two parked cars. You bring this to the attention of a nearby police officer. They choose to ignore it. What do you do?

13  You are at the holiday party when a colleague from another office starts to make jokes about some of the other people in the division. One of these comments is “That Steve Lux, he has been here forever, how can he connect with students?” What do you do?

14  You are walking out of the Student Center when you see two students in a physical altercation. There are several other students around, who look like they might also become involved. What do you do?

15  Victim advocacy services- Women’s Resource Center  Ombudsperson  Community Standards & Student Conduct  Counseling & Student Development Center  Residence hall Staff  University Police  Health Enhancement  Tip-line 753-TIPS

16 This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

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