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PowerPoint Guidelines Content Keep priorities straight when creating: –Content first –“Fun stuff” later CONTENT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Guidelines Content Keep priorities straight when creating: –Content first –“Fun stuff” later CONTENT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!"— Presentation transcript:


2 PowerPoint Guidelines

3 Content Keep priorities straight when creating: –Content first –“Fun stuff” later CONTENT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!

4 Word Phrasing Use phrases whenever possible Avoid sentences (too wordy)

5 Word Phrasing: Sentences vs.. Phrases “ To take advantage of the annual flooding of the Nile, the people built irrigation channels to carry water into the fields. They also built dams to hold back the water for use during droughts.” from Message of Ancient Days textbook p. 188

6 Word Phrasing: Phrases vs.. Sentences Annual flooding -advantages: Built: –Irrigation canals Carried water to the fields –Dams Held back water -use during droughts

7 Style of Font Choose style that is easy to read –Cute, fancy, etc.: they don’t matter! Should fit your topic

8 Size of Font Use as large a font as possible –Suggestion: nothing less than 40! (...and sometimes that’s even too small!)

9 Size of Font Keep audience in mind –Small group? –Whole class? We can’t see!

10 Font: A Wrong Example “Eagle Flight” An eagle wings gracefully through the sky. On the earth, I stand and watch. My heart flies with it. by Alonzo Lopez

11 Font: A Correct Example “Eagle Flight” An eagle wings gracefully through the sky. On the earth, I stand and watch. My heart flies with it. by Alonzo Lopez

12 Number of Words Limit yourself to 25 words per slide Present only “kernel” ideas –Use detail verbally when you present

13 Number of Words If need more room, make a new slide with additional information! 2 This slide is getting way too crowded, so... …MAKE A NEW SLIDE!!!

14 Colors Create contrast Use “opposite” colors when layering Examine carefully to see if pleasing to the eye

15 Backgrounds/Templates Should “set off” your ideas Should fit your topic Should not be a distraction

16 Pictures/Drawings Must be appropriate to presentation –Must fit time period, topic, etc., of project Must be large enough to see from distance

17 Pictures/Drawings Must not distract from text Give credit for pictures at end of presentation Credits!

18 Spacing Do not “crowd” slide –Leave “white space” so eye can process information on slide Leave some empty space!

19 Notice: –colors don’t compliment each other –background “fights” with words and pictures –picture doesn’t “fit” with topic of slide –slide too crowded Notice: –colors don’t compliment each other –background “fights” with words and pictures –picture doesn’t “fit” with topic of slide –slide too crowded Example: A Poor Slide

20 Notice: –colors compliment each other –background does not “fight” with words and pictures –picture “fits” with topic of slide –slide not too crowded Notice: –colors compliment each other –background does not “fight” with words and pictures –picture “fits” with topic of slide –slide not too crowded Example: A Good Slide

21 Sounds Use only in limited way Should not provide any distraction Useful to signal change of ideas

22 Animation Effects Should not be a distraction –Consistency! Should make it easier to process information on slide

23 Animation Timing Mouse Click vs.. Automatically Timed –Think through how being presented

24 Slide Transitions Should not be a distraction –Consistency! Should make it easier to process information –Not too slow; not too fast

25 Consistency If presentation is short: –All background, transitions, font styles, etc., should be same 1

26 Consistency If presentation is long: –Maintain consistency within sections of presentation

27 Way too many sounds! Example: A Poor Slide Way too many animation effects! All of the noise and activity distracts from the slide! –ANNOYING!!!

28 Limited sound Example: A Good Slide Consistent animation effects Nothing to distract from content

29 Music If saved within presentation, uses LOTS of memory

30 Proofreading EVERYTHING counts: –Spelling –Capitalization –Grammar MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PRESENTATION IS FREE OF ERRORS!

31 Final Thoughts Content!

32 Credits Message of Ancient Days Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: 2001 Chapter 7, Lesson 1, p. 188 Star-Walk Silver, Burdett, & Ginn: 1989 “Eagle Flight” by Alonzo Lopez, p. 331


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