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The blind leading the informed... Road Ahead. The blind leading the informed... Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "The blind leading the informed... Road Ahead. The blind leading the informed... Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 The blind leading the informed... Road Ahead

2 The blind leading the informed... Welcome

3 The blind leading the informed... David Newton Web design Guide Dogs volunteer David Lucas Guide dog owner Access auditor VLO, Branch Chairman & Press Officer About Us

4 The blind leading the informed... Blindness “To be blind is not miserable, not to be able to bear blindness, that is miserable.” John Milton

5 The blind leading the informed... More About Us “The Road Ahead” A film made in 2006 About Guide Dogs Road Ahead ( The organisation) A group of friends Fundraising Awareness

6 The blind leading the informed... Today’s Objectives Help to gain a deeper knowledge of The effects of visual impairment The needs of visually impaired people and how best to help them Guide dogs, the dogs, the owners & the charity Questions

7 The blind leading the informed... Outline Disability Dave’s story (Part 1) Film clip Effects of visual impairments The etiquette of visual impairment Dave’s story (Part 2) The guide dog story ( with film clips) Healthy eyes

8 The blind leading the informed... The Facts About Blindness There are 2.1 million people in the UK with sight loss 1 in 3 drivers would currently fail driving test For every one person on the register a further 2 go unregistered 75% of visually impaired people live below the poverty line 71% of visually impaired people are unemployed 1 person in the UK is registered blind every 3 minutes 68% of blind people live alone

9 The blind leading the informed... What Can I See?

10 The blind leading the informed... Normal view

11 The blind leading the informed... Macular degeneration

12 The blind leading the informed... Dave’s Story Part 1

13 The blind leading the informed... Film Clips Part 1

14 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Approaching Speak first Identify yourself if appropriate Offer help

15 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Talking Normal voice Talk directly Don’t worry about vision related words Describe things and locations Give clear directions When in a group, call by name

16 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Guiding Don’t pull Ask first Offer your left elbow Ask their advice Describe changes of surface Describe obstacles Are stairs up or down? Handrail and last step Tell them when leaving

17 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Bars & Restaurants Ask if they need help Direct or guide to seat Read menu Spots & stains

18 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette House Guests Orientation Don’t move furniture Leave doors fully open or fully closed

19 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Guide Dog Owners Don’t distract when working Petting the dog Motorists Don’t park on pavements Don’t flash lights to tell them to cross

20 The blind leading the informed... Shared Streets

21 The blind leading the informed... The Etiquette Gardeners Hedges Trees Wheelie bins Cyclists Not on the pavement

22 The blind leading the informed... Dave & Abbot Part 2

23 The blind leading the informed... Film Clips Guide Dogs, The Process

24 The blind leading the informed... The Campaign We are campaigning to see better access to literature for all visually impaired people. There are 2 ways you can help. 1.Join this Facebook group Audio Books For The Visually Impaired 2. Sign the petition at /

25 The blind leading the informed... Literature The Facts There are 2.1 million people in the UK with sight loss Less than 6% of all literature is available in other formats Less than 3% of blind people read braille Most of the UK has at least an 8 year waiting list to get on to a braille course Accessible literature is up to 75% more expensive than the normal print version.

26 The blind leading the informed... Healthy Eyes

27 The blind leading the informed...

28 The blind leading the informed... The Abbot’s Blessing May your bowl always be full May your walks be long and happy May there always be space in front of the fire May there always be someone to hold your paw In return you must lead gently, guide true. And remember… forward, always forward.

29 The blind leading the informed... Thank You!

30 The blind leading the informed... Good Bye

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