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NotesSpeech/Miller.  Context  Sender – has to ENCODE the message  1 a : to convert (as a body of information) from one system of communication into.

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Presentation on theme: "NotesSpeech/Miller.  Context  Sender – has to ENCODE the message  1 a : to convert (as a body of information) from one system of communication into."— Presentation transcript:

1 NotesSpeech/Miller

2  Context

3  Sender – has to ENCODE the message  1 a : to convert (as a body of information) from one system of communication into another; especially : to convert (a message) into code b : to convey symbolically ◦ (Merriam – Webster online)  In other words: has to decide how best to say or share their message

4  The Sender has to encode the MESSAGE.  The encoding goes through the FILTERS that belong exclusively to the Sender. ◦ Gender ◦ Age ◦ Religion ◦ Family/ current or past ◦ Education ◦ Attitudes ◦ Physical condition ◦ Experience

5 CONTEXT Sender MESSAGE encoding

6  Symbols – anything that stands for an idea and can be used for communication (letters, texts, emails, memos, drawings, etc.)  Verbally – with words  Nonverbally – anything other than words ◦ Hand/body gestures ◦ Tone of voice ◦ Silence

7  Receiver has to DECODE the message  1 a : to convert (as a coded message) into intelligible form b : to recognize and interpret 2 a : decipher b : to discover the underlying meaning of

8  The message has to go through the RECEIVER’S filters in order to be decoded.  Same TYPES but different and unique to each individual ◦ Gender ◦ Age ◦ Religion ◦ Family/ current or past ◦ Education ◦ Attitudes ◦ Physical condition ◦ Experience

9 Sender CONTEXT MESSAGE Receiver encoding DECODING channel

10  In order to show understanding or LACK of understanding, the Receiver then provides FEEDBACK  This is the RETURNING message, encoded through the filters to go back to the original Sender  The sender decodes that reply and responds accordingly.  Repeat as necessary (it’s a cycle)

11 Sender CONTEXT MESSAGE Receiver ENCODING DECODING encoding channel FEEDBACK decoding

12 Sender CONTEXT MESSAGE Receiver ENCODING DECODING encoding channel FEEDBACK channel decoding

13  BARRIERS are obstacles that could get in the way of effective communication  Are things the people take in with them: ◦ BiasesEducation level ◦ StereotypesSocial ◦ AttitudeCulture ◦ SicknessEnvironment ◦ Weather  These things do NOT change during course of the communication

14 Sender CONTEXT MESSAGE Receiver ENCODING DECODING encoding channel FEEDBACK channel decoding Barriers

15  Things that could prevent the message from being clear or easily understood.  These things occur DURING the communication. ◦ Physical noise ◦ Semantic noise ◦ Psychological noise

16  Physical Noise: anything heard with the ears that could distract from the message ◦ Clicking pens ◦ Growling stomach ◦ Someone else’s conversation ◦ Ticking clock ◦ Papers rustling ◦ Lawn mower outside ◦ Dog barking

17  Semantic Noise: words used that confuse the listener ◦ Don’t know what the word means (defenestrate) ◦ Don’t appreciate the words used (Now, children)

18  Psychological Noise: anything going on in the Receiver’s OR Sender’s mind that could distract ◦ Hunger ◦ Test next class ◦ hot girl/guy just walked by ◦ Grounded by parents ◦ Argued with teacher last class ◦ Broke up with boy/girl friend ◦ About to sneeze ◦ Discomfort/uncomfortable

19 Sender CONTEXT MESSAGE Receiver ENCODING DECODING encoding channel FEEDBACK channel decoding A B C A= physical B= semantic C= psychological

20  Context  Sender  Receiver  Message  Channel  Feedback  Encoding  Decoding  Barriers  Interference or NOISE  Physical, Psychological, Semantic

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