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Norms and Energy Use: Transportation in Groningen.

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Presentation on theme: "Norms and Energy Use: Transportation in Groningen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norms and Energy Use: Transportation in Groningen

2 mm-dd-yy | 2 Social Norm Theory ( Cialdini, Kalgren & Reno, 1990 ) ›Injunctive norms: The behavior commonly (dis)approved. (Social) Sanction, Reward ›Descriptive norms: The behavior commonly displayed. ›Salience is important ›Aligned norms are stronger

3 Project 1 ›Promoting Orderly Bike Parking in Groningen

4 Kaartje binnenstad

5 Previous Studies on Parking Problems ›44% Sees inappropriate parking as a problem ›67% Shopping ›64% Park < 30 minutes ›42% Not enough parking spaces

6 Making the injunctive norm salient Prohibition sign: 37% Prescriptive sign: 60%

7 Making the injunctive norm salient ›How? ›Please park your bicycle within the green area

8 PROPOSED FIELD EXPERIMENT ›Method: Pre and post intervention Observational ›Outcome measures: % Bikers conforming to parking norm % Bikers being socially sanctioned

9 Project 2: Reducing cars driving to city

10 Negative Env Impact Behavior Car Public Transit Bike Walk > 10kmPublic Transit 5-10kmPT or bike < 5kmBike or walk

11 Segmented approach


13 Social Norms ›Theoretical gaps: Behavior suggestions: 1 vs. 2 alternatives Norm effectiveness: perception vs. actual

14 Action Research ›4 conditions (all groups receive information + incentive) Bike norm info Public transport norm info Bike + PT norm info Control

15 Action Research ›Procedure Telephone Survey Mail packages Outcome measures Telephone follow up survey Objective assessment

16 The message (For people 5-10 km) ›Many people believe that using sustainable transportation is the right thing to do. (injunctive) ›53% of people in your neighborhood use a bike or public transportation to go to work everyday. (descriptive) ›Join us in making Groningen the most sustainable city in the Netherlands! ›Please use a bike or public transportation when you go to work.

17 Expected outcomes ›Practical Decrease car use in city for segmented area ›Theoretical hypotheses Experimental groups will reduce car use more than control Perception of norm may interact with reported norm

18 Project 3: The use of norms on testimonials

19 Purpose of the study: increase preference for the tram

20 “ Well, I think the tram is a good plan, as long as it will go past Euroborg” “I used the tram in Rio de Janeiro, Brussels, Amsterdam, and a couple of other city's. I really like it”

21 ›Injunctive: “The tram will be an appropriate means of transportation” ›Descriptive: 60% of people traveling within Groningen will take the tram Which message works best? When both norms align tram preference will increase

22 Which message works best… and for whom? Identification with models will increase tram preference Vs. ›Target group: People working in Groningen and living outside of Groningen ›Important: Identify with the individual providing the testimonial

23 mm-dd-yy | 23 Thank you for your attention

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