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What do you think about litter? Click to start movie.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think about litter? Click to start movie."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think about litter? Click to start movie.

2 What Message of Action Should be Communicated? StopLitter

3 Litter


5 Messages that Introduce

6 Messages that Inform

7 What is the Definition of Litter? Misplaced Solid Waste. 18% of all littered items end up in our streams and waterways. Up to 40% of rural road litter comes from motorists and uncovered loads. Gardens Streets LITTER Streams Parking Lots

8 Improperly containerized household refuse (homes) Improperly containerized refuse dumpsters (businesses) Loading docks and areas Construction and demolition sites Uncovered vehicles (during hauling) Motorists (including boaters) Pedestrians 7 Sources of Litter:

9 “...if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken…. One unrepaired broken window is signal that no one cares and so breaking more costs nothing.” by Kelling/Coles Atlantic Monthly, 1982 Restoring order and reducing crime in our communities. The Root of the Problem: Broken Windows Theory

10 Social: public drinking; loitering; drug use; noise; panhandling and harassment on the streets. Physical: vandalism, graffiti and damage to public spaces; accumulations of litter and trash; dilapidated and abandoned buildings. Types of Disorder:

11 They believe someone else will clean up. They feel no sense of ownership for the property Trash has already accumulated Litterer Norm/Attitude:

12 Norm - pattern of behavior by groups that is accepted, expected and tolerated. Behavior becomes reinforced when others people behave in the same manner Norms are learned behaviors, and can therefore be changed. Norms/Attitudes of a Litterer

13 Citizen or neighborhood-based groups are a key element. They are bound by a common purpose- the restoration of order. Community organizations, with support from local and national foundations, have developed a set of tactics for restoring order that are clearly identifiable and can be taught to other groups. “Zero Tolerance” policies extend from Broken Window Theory. Fixing Broken Windows

14 Messages That Inform


16 Litter Conclusions: Repels economic development, investment, and location of businesses Decreases property values and increases urban decay Decreased tourism in certain communities due to litter and urban blight The U.S. Conference of Mayors: Best Practices Guide 1999

17 Decline in revenue for littered business districts Increasing cleanup costs takes needed taxpayer revenues. U.S. Conference of Mayors: Best Practices Guide 1999 Litter Conclusions:

18 Crime more likely in blighted areas (drug deals, prostitution, gang violence, loitering, vandalism, etc.) Litter & illegal dumping are often committed by those wanted for more serious crimes Littered areas indicate lack of concern and loss of local pride in obeying the law U.S. Conference of Mayors: Best Practices Guide 1999





23 Who Are We Talking To? The majority of littering is attributed to young men 16 to 34 years old Blue collar

24 How Can We Talk to These Young Men? Several things are culturally relevant to this target of 20 – 30 somethings – Late Nights Music Videos Internet/Video Games Movies Sports

25 StopLitter™ Campaign TV Buy – Targets 50% of 18-34 year olds in each major market. Outdoor Advertising – 60 boards per month in rotation across the state. Radio PSAs dubbed from TV spots, includes Spanish version. 206,000 spots played per year (average). Web site – TN Litter Attitudes Survey - Called 600 18-34 year olds across the state and asked them about litter. Asked: Do you think a cigarette butt is litter? Who picks up litter? Are litter laws enforced? Would they stop you from littering? Etc. StopLitter™ Community Campaign Kit

26 Public education- workshops, local business policy tie-ins, news articles. Awareness – media, cable, radio tags on PSAs, newspaper ad snipes, banners, posters, signage. Schools – classroom presentations, assemblies, local man on the street interviews. Convenient technology – waste receptacles, recycling containers, ash receptacles, truck tarps. Enforcement – officer and deputy workshops, post litter laws, inform judiciary. How You Can Help StopLitter™



29 This campaign brought to you by your community leadership, Keep Tennessee Beautiful and the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Questions?

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