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Tidy Towns Competition An Overview Billy Flynn Tidy Towns Adjudicator.

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Presentation on theme: "Tidy Towns Competition An Overview Billy Flynn Tidy Towns Adjudicator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tidy Towns Competition An Overview Billy Flynn Tidy Towns Adjudicator

2 What is Tidy Towns?  Longest running environmental competition in Ireland  Organised by DECLG  Main sponsor - Supervalu  Has evolved with time & changing env legislation/policies

3 Why Tidy Towns? Improve local environment Increase no. tourists More attractive place to live Better sense of community spirit/pride Improve local enterprise

4 Dates for your Diary…  Entry Packs now available  Entry form has been revised  Closing date for applications – 23 rd May  Round 1 judging - 1st June to mid July  Round 2 judging - late July/early Aug  National Awards - September  Regional Awards - Oct to Dec

5 Spread of 450 Marks (+ 50)

6 Tidy Towns Competition Categories

7 Community Involvement & Planning  Overall Development Approach  Increasing from 50 to 60 marks  Quality of Entry Form  Map/TT Plan  Appropriate backup material  Local community links/social inclusion  Local agency links/support  How do you communicate?

8 Built Environment & Streetscape  (was Built Environment)  Stays at 50 marks  Buildings:  Conservation/presentation  Preserving char/style  Good design shopfronts/civic buildings  Derelict/unoccupied sites  Access for all

9 Built Environment /Streetscape (cont’d)  Public Spaces  Squares, parks, streetscapes, paving, landscaping, street furniture, street, name plates,  Access points to amenities  use Irish language

10 Landscaping & Open Spaces  was Landscaping  Stays at 50 marks  Appropriate planning & mgt open spaces  Selection & siting native trees/shrubs/flowers for year round effect,

11 Landscaping & Open Spaces (cont’d)  Maintenance of planted areas  Presentation of roundabouts & all grass strips

12 Wildlife, Habitat & Natural Amenities  was Wildlife & Natural Amenities  Stays at 50 marks  Raising awareness/ understanding of natural amenities  Any important areas for conservation (e.g. waterway,  What do you have? (survey)

13 Wildlife, Habitat & Natural Amenities (cont’d)  Appreciation of how species & habitats should be best protected & managed  Maintaining/ enhancing biodiversity  Show engagement with expert groups/relevant authorities  Access to natural areas  Interpretation of key aspects (info boards)

14 Tidiness & Litter Control  Merging categories  Increase to 90 marks (plus 10)  Litter control (rotas)  Litter management plan  Recycling litter  Litter Awareness  Community links

15 What is Tidiness?  Not about litter!  Clutter (e.g. blocked footpath)  Unsightly wires/electric cables  Obsolete signage  Weed control  Redundant poles  Grafitti  Shopfront signage

16 Sustainable Waste & Resource Management  Increase by 30 to 50 marks  New guidelines 2013  Moving towards efficient use of all resources  Prevention or reuse better than recycling  Promote best practice  Link in with green school/local shop /business  Lots of help/handbook  Local Authority projects

17 Approach Roads, Streets, Back Areas  was Roads, Streets & Back Areas  stays at 50 marks  1st impression  Lanes/back areas  Street names  Road verges/paths  Bridges/cycle lanes  Inclusive access/peds

18 Residential Streets & Housing Areas  was Residential Areas  Increase to 50 marks  Res. Assocs  Boundaries/gardens  Communal (play) areas  Landscaping/litter  Name stones

19 General Impression  Category deleted in 2014 (was ten marks)

20 Special Award Categories

21 General  All info in your Entry Pack - read!  Must enter separately to general entry form  Relevant to current environmental issues  Sponsored by relevant org.  Enter if doing it anyway  Change from year to year – tbc 2014  Prize money available

22 Climate Change Award  DEHLG sponsor   Carbon footprint  Raise awareness local level, bring positive change  5 Q’s  Prize €1,000

23 Best Bring Bank Award  Repak sponsor   Community input  Litter/landscaping/sign age/tidiness/access etc  Send photo, ans 1 Q  Prize - €1,000 to each region, €1,000 overall

24 Tourism Towns Award  Fáilte Ireland, 3 rd year  Open to top 100 TT groups (‘13)  Strong tourism contributes to sustainability of towns/villages & to local economy  Best large town - €5,000  Best small town - €5,000 

25 Notice Nature Biodiversity Award  NPWS sponsor   protect/enhance area  new area  public awareness  ans q’s, send photos  Prize - 7 regions €1,000 each, overall €1,000

26 ‘Can It’ Award  Sponsor - Alupro  Creative way to reuse alum. Packaging  www.aluproireland.i e  Simple form  Send photo  Can enter online

27 Gum Litter Taskforce Award   raise awareness - gum litter  Community action  Cat A €2,000  Cat B € 2,000  Add €1,000 overall prize

28 EPA Waste Prevention Award  Recognise communities making efforts to prevent waste & use resources wisely  Reducing waste/ energy/water/  materials  Raising awareness  Community/schools/business  Overall national prize €1,000  2 national runner up prizes €500 ea

29 Tree Project Award  Sponsor - Tree Council of Ireland  Right trees in the right place  Importance of trees to community  Maintenance/planni ng  Prize - €1,000

30 Heritage Award  Sponsor - Heritage Co.  Raise awareness of local heritage value & impact of actions  Conservation  Community input  Exclusions - check! 

31 Sustainable Development Award  Sponsor - Comhar  Recognise communities putting sust. dev. into practice  Env/Social/Economic balance  Benefits to wider community  Wide-ranging

32 Urban & Rural Village Award  Sponsor - Irish Planning Institute (IPI)  Preservation, maintenance & dynamic reuse of trad. & historical core for community use  Creation of attractive village centres with strong emphasis on community  Published planning scheme/study managed & prepared by community or where community lead partner

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