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Broiler Housing & Equipment Topic # 3133A Ashlee Gibson.

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1 Broiler Housing & Equipment Topic # 3133A Ashlee Gibson

2 Broiler Project  Broiler- Young chicken 6-7 weeks  Cornish  Ultimate meat breed  8lbs  Goals  Efficient  Quality  Limited casualties

3 Preparing the Housing  Sanitation  Litter  Lighting  Temperature  Humidity  Ventilation  Floor space

4 Sanitation  Before chicks arrive  Scrub area  Disinfect  During raising  Keep dry and clean  Remove dead carcasses  Clean contaminated feed & waters

5 Litter  Important to keep clean, dry litter  Decrease disease spread  Newspaper  Woodchips

6 Lighting/ Temperature  Heat lamps dual purpose  Hang about 18 inches above litter  Move up or down to control temp  Keep lights on 24 hours  Promotes eating  Chicks not scared  Temp 90-95° F  Lowered as chickens get older  Not too hot not too cold

7 Ventilation  Slots in house  Small fan  Why Important  Control disease associated with ammonia

8 Floor space  Require about.5-.75 ft 2 per bird  As grow require more room  Increase pen size  Chick Guard  Cardboard or wood to keep chicks by heat source  Circular

9 Feed and Water  Feed and water available at all times  Clean  Feed and water placement  Do not want fighting for feed space

10 Conclusion  Design an adequate floor plan for efficient growth  Keep pen clean and dry  Constant supply of feed and water  Comfort is key

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