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Eurostat UNECE/Eurostat/EEA Workshop on Waste Statistics 4 November 2013 Geneva Karin Blumenthal, European Commission, Eurostat.

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Presentation on theme: "Eurostat UNECE/Eurostat/EEA Workshop on Waste Statistics 4 November 2013 Geneva Karin Blumenthal, European Commission, Eurostat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurostat UNECE/Eurostat/EEA Workshop on Waste Statistics 4 November 2013 Geneva Karin Blumenthal, European Commission, Eurostat

2 Municipal waste statistics – content Context What is municipal waste ? Guidance document - How to collected municipal waste data Data Quality Report - Tell us how municipal waste data collection is done in your country 2

3  Municipal waste represents ca. 10 % of total waste (ca. 30 % of non-mineral waste)  Households – main generators  Municipalities – main actors for collection and processing  Data are needed for planning purposes  Waste collection and treatment capacities 3 Municipal waste statistics - context

4  Focus on consumption waste  OECD / Eurostat joint questionnaire  Gentlemen's agreement  Sustainable development indicator  Guidance on the reporting is available  Improvement of data quality through better coordination with OECD and perhaps new reporting variables Municipal waste statistics - context 4

5  Municipal waste is defined by the following set of criteria: -Waste materials/fractions -Origin of waste -Type of collection 5 Municipal waste – what is it ?

6 Municipal waste includes household waste and similar waste  The definition also includes – if managed as waste: -Bulky waste (e.g. white goods, old furniture, mattresses) -Yard waste, leaves, grass clippings, street sweepings, the content of litter containers, market cleaning waste  It includes waste originating from: -households -commerce and trade, small businesses, office buildings and institutions (schools, hospitals, government buildings) -waste from selected municipal services – if managed as waste, i.e. waste from park and garden maintenance, waste from street cleaning services (street sweepings, the content of litter containers, market cleansing waste) 6 Municipal waste – OECD/Eurostat JQ definition

7 It includes waste collected -Door-to-door through traditional collection (mixed household waste) -Fractions collected separately for recovery operations  It also includes waste from the same sources and similar in nature and composition which: -are collected directly by the private sector not on behalf of municipalities -originate from rural areas not served by a regular waste service  The definition excludes: -Waste from municipal sewage network and treatment -Waste from municipal construction and demolition waste 7 Municipal waste – OECD/Eurostat JQ definition

8 8 Municipal waste – collection systems / sources Household waste Garden waste Bulky waste Waste in litter-bins in parkc & public places Door-to-door collection Waste from offices etc (schools, hospitals, canteens Drop-off containers Waste from trade and services activities Street cleaning residues and green waste Municipal waste

9 Municipal waste materials 9

10 10 Bulky waste (Furniture, large WEEE [coolers, TVs, washing machines]) Hazardous waste (paints, inks, oils, resigns, detergents etc.) Recyclables (paper, glass, plastics, metals organic waste) Municipal waste – waste materials included Residual waste (mixed waste from households) No picture

11 11 Municipal waste – waste materials excluded End-of-life vehicles Construction and demolition waste Waste from municipal sewage network

12 Municipal waste – data collection Reporting on MW generation and management  Waste generation  Recycling  Composting  Incineration  Landfilling  Coverage of MW collection system - in % Energy recovery (R1) Incineration (D10) in 1 000 tonnes 12

13 Municipal waste – Guidance document Pre-treatment'Final' treatment 13

14 Mechanical biological treatment Exhaust air

15 Guidance – rules for reporting on treatment 15  Process and water losses are not reported  Preparatory activities (e.g. blending, mixing, re- packaging) are not reported  Pre-treatment (e.g. sorting) outputs should be assigned to the treatment operations following it  Residues from the four „final“ treatment categories (e.g. ashes from waste incineration) are not further reported  Exceptions  significant amounts of residues (R-code ≠ Recycling)  sorting facilities at the place of a final treatment plant

16 Municipal waste – Data quality report 16

17 Municipal waste – Data quality report Generation of municipal waste  Municipal waste data collection process  Total MW estimation if population is not completely covered by a collection scheme  Composition and sources of household /municipal waste  Packaging waste from households and business  Methodological changes 17

18 Municipal waste – Data quality report Management of municipal waste  Temporary storage  Reporting on input to pre-treatment facility - estimate the share of residues/recycled amount  Data validation process  Export of municipal waste – monitoring of recycled amounts  Distinction between energy recovery (R1) and incineration (D10) 18

19 Municipal waste – Data quality report 19

20 20 Municipal waste



23 Eurostat Thank you for your attention European Data Centre Waste

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