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POULTRY GUARD FOR AMMONIA CONTROL Technical Department Bedson Africa.

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1 POULTRY GUARD FOR AMMONIA CONTROL Technical Department Bedson Africa

2 WHAT IS POULTRY GUARD It is an absorbent clay carrier loaded with pure concentrated sulfuric acid.

3 ADVANTAGES OF POULTRY GUARD It delivers consistent ammonia control. It does not require moisture during application. It does not have to be incorporated into the litter. It is virtually dust free. It takes up moisture much faster than other similar products.

4 HOW POULTRY GUARD WORKS It works by reducing litter pH and by binding ammonia. It react with and neutralizes the ammonia that is released. HOW? Sulfuric acidAmmonia gasAmmonium sulfate Poultry Guard + 2NH 3 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + spent clay with H 2 SO 4

5 IMPORTANCE OF AMMONIA Ammonia is a colorless gas produced by microbial decomposition of nitrogenous compounds (protein, amino acids and non-protein nitrogen) in the excreta. Birds do not utilize all the protein/nitrogen consumed and excrete the excess nitrogen as uric acid.

6 IMPORTANCE OF AMMONIA (CONT) Uric acid is converted into ammonia by the enzyme urease produced by microorganisms. Urease converts the nitrogen into ammonia. Moisture, temperature, and pH of the litter also play an important role in the conversion of nitrogen into ammonia.

7 DANGERS OF AMMONIA Without adequate ventilation it is possible for ammonia levels to climb as high as 40-70 ppm in the ambient air. At theses levels, it can actually reduce growth performance by impairing the normal respiratory function of the young chick.

8 DANGERS OF AMMONIA (CONT) As ammonia concentrations exceed 50 ppm, there is the risk of causing blindness with chicks, caused by the inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva. A big problem is the decreased health status of the bird and therefore reduced immune response.

9 DANGERS OF AMMONIA (CONT) If too much fresh (cold) air is required to keep ammonia levels down, energy costs to heat the fresh air can become expensive.

10 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU USE POULTRY GUARD Reduction of litter pH is important because it reduces bacterial activity. Even good bacteria can be a problem because they generate ammonia. Most bacteria cannot grow well under acidic conditions.

11 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU USE POULTRY GUARD (CONT) Because PG already contains pure sulfuric acid in the liquid state, the beneficial action (ammonia knock down) begins immediately. Furthermore, subsequent vigorous moisture absorption by Poultry Guard causes liquid volume expansion that forces sulfuric acid from the clay into the litter environment where it acts to lower litter pH and further reduce ammonia.

12 BENEFITS OF POULTRY GUARD Increased body weight at 21 days 34 g Reduction of ammonia levels for up to 30 days Improves adjusted FCR and breast blister scores. Eliminates Salmonella when used as a disinfectant during house clean-out. Applied on the floor of the house (not on the litter) has been shown to eliminate Salmonella.

13 BENEFITS OF POULTRY GUARD (CONT) It is applied on layer litter. Will knock down initial ammonia levels directly upon application, and it lower the litter pH to slow the production of ammonia -causing organisms. Ammonia levels will remain low for 7-10 days or longer. It can be re-applied. It helps to reduce litter beetle counts

14 COST OF POULTRY GUARD Use 0.250g/m 2 Cost: R1.12/m 2 Cost for 1,500m 2 house = R1,687.50

15 SUMMARY WHEN YOU USE POULTRY GUARD YOU CAN EXPERIENCE: 1.Better performance (less mortality, better FCR, better quality) 2.Less secondary infections 3.Less use of antibiotics 4.Better immune response 5.Energy saving 6.Cost effectiveness

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