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2011 Statewide Solid Waste and Recycling Workshop State Update Recycling and Local Assistance Branch Chris Fitzpatrick, Branch Manager To Protect and Enhance.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Statewide Solid Waste and Recycling Workshop State Update Recycling and Local Assistance Branch Chris Fitzpatrick, Branch Manager To Protect and Enhance."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Statewide Solid Waste and Recycling Workshop State Update Recycling and Local Assistance Branch Chris Fitzpatrick, Branch Manager To Protect and Enhance Kentucky’s Environment

2 Division of Waste Management 2

3 Local Assistance Coverage Map

4 Division of Waste Management 4 Grant Programs Grant programs administered by the Cabinet: –Illegal Open Dump Grant –Litter Abatement Grant –Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Grants –Crumb Rubber Grant

5 Division of Waste Management 5 Grant Funding Sources –Illegal Open Dump Grant –$1.75 tipping fee –Litter Abatement Grant - $5 M transfer of funds from DOT –Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Grants - $1.75 tipping fee –Crumb Rubber Grant – Waste tire trust fund - $1.00 from sale of each new tire

6 Division of Waste Management 6 Grants Status –Illegal Open Dump Grant: Published the application packet yesterday via email to all judge/executives and SWCs. It will also go on our “Grants” page on our web site on Friday. Basics: pre-inspection by FOB; application due September 1; money disbursed November 1; dump cleanup; post-inspection by FOB. Last year: went to 14-month cycle. Same for this year’s grant. Last year: “supplemental grants.” Same for this year’s grant. Change: formula for calculating match: more advantageous for counties. 25% of total project cost, or 25% of the grant amount? Two ways to interpret statute. We discussed this with SWaCK and have put the formula for the second interpretation into our grant application this year. Sounds complicated, but formula is simple. Will result in 5% more of the cleanup cost being paid for by the state grant, meaning the counties will be paying 5% less of the cleanup cost as match. Revising Statute.

7 Division of Waste Management 7 Grants Status –Emergency Illegal Open Dump Grant: This is a special, out-of-cycle dump grant to help counties that had significant flooding deal with the cost of disposing of MSW generated by floodwaters. Disbursing money now on the 3 rd such emergency grant, for May flooding. 90-day grant. Deadline was June 3. Pays for the collection, transportation, and disposal of MSW generated by floodwaters. Not for general “debris” disposal. Worked with our FOB, DEP-ERT and KY DEM, which provided DWM with lists of counties with extensive flood damage. Met with FEMA. 27 such counties were identified. 12 applied. We’re calling the rest to make sure. Grant amount: up to $30,000. Funded by Ky Pride.

8 Division of Waste Management 8 Grants Status –Litter Abatement Grant: Basics: apply for grant funds; get money; do litter abatement and prevention; turn in closeout reporting forms; return any unspent money. We worked with SWaCK, Office of Inspector General, and Auditor’s office to scale back on the paperwork that counties have to do for documentation. Documentation: –Report certain categories of expenses and results (road miles cleaned, bags of litter picked up; money spent) to cabinet when you submit annual report. –Head of governing body certifies that money was used as required by law. –Spot checks by OIG with reports to DWM. When we get through a grant cycle and see how it worked, we will know more.

9 Division of Waste Management 9 Grant Status –Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Grants: Basics: this grant helps cities, counties, political subdivisions with the cost of starting or expanding recycling equipment and programs. E.g., balers, paper shredders, forklifts. Last year, we disbursed ~$3.5M. This year, staff did an excellent job going out across state explaining how to take advantage of this funding opportunity. Got many more applications: nearly $5M. Still only have ~$3.5. Staff has reviewed all applications and made recommendations. Hard decisions. Lots of work. Division will announce awards soon. Funds disbursed end of June. Nearly all requests funded. Not all at full amount of request.

10 Division of Waste Management 10 Grant Status –Crumb Rubber Grant: Awards made ~2 months ago: $400,000. Work is underway. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2011.

11 Division of Waste Management 11 Illegal Open Dump Grants

12 Division of Waste Management 12 Other Programs –Waste Tire Program: Spring tire amnesties are under way. Fall tire amnesties: tentative schedule was just approved and should be on web site next week. On track for completing all amnesties across state in 3 years. Started a $3,000 grant direct to counties for tire disposal/recycling. Waste Tire Work Group: HB433 provided for a work group to meet to discuss the future of the waste tire program in Kentucky. Waiting for the governor to make the necessary appointments to the group.

13 Division of Waste Management 13 Updates to your county 5-year Solid Waste Management Plan will be due October 1, 2012. We have put the data the counties reported to us in their annual reports into a database. It will be looked at carefully, then we will use it to prepare our own report to the legislature on trends in solid waste and recycling across the state. Late summer/early fall. We are in the process of shifting our focus from auditing what you do to providing local assistance for your solid waste planning and recycling efforts. Other Things Coming Up

14 Division of Waste Management 14 Questions?

15 Division of Waste Management 15

16 RLA Illegal Open Dump Grant Program Recycling and Local Assistance Branch Chris Fitzpatrick, Branch Manager Lisa Evans, Internal Policy Analyst To Protect and Enhance Kentucky’s Environment

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