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1 Module 4: Minimizing the Pollutant Load Stormwater System Maintenance: A 4-Part Workshop Series.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Module 4: Minimizing the Pollutant Load Stormwater System Maintenance: A 4-Part Workshop Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Module 4: Minimizing the Pollutant Load Stormwater System Maintenance: A 4-Part Workshop Series

2 2 We will review Sweeping Program Controls to reduce floatables Managing storm system wastes

3 3 We will Review the goals as written in the General Permit Clarify or expand as needed Review what we are doing now Review how we report our activities Look for ways to improve our effectiveness and/or efficiency

4 4 Street & Road Sweeping Program

5 5 O&M Program Required Goal – Procedures for regular street/road sweeping program Annual sweeping Change frequency based on records – Complaints – Filled catch basins – Plugged outfalls

6 6 Documentation Efficiency Keep log of –Travel path (distance) –Type of equipment –Volume of sweepings/ # of times emptied –Unusual items/ occurrences

7 7 Sweeper Types Mechanical Vacuum Filter Regenerative Air

8 8 Our Sweeping Procedures Maps Sweeping frequency/schedule Equipment Forms and/or logs

9 9 Suggestions for improvement? Avoid problems with parked cars –Post temporary signs prior to sweeping –Develop & distribute flyers notifying residents of sweeping schedule

10 10 Suggestions/recommendations Porous pavement should be vacuumed

11 11 Scheduling Suggestions Hit areas closest to sensitive waters earliest in spring Coordinate with catch basin, roadside inspections Try to coordinate with Water Department so sweeping is shortly before hydrant flushing when catch basins are near by

12 12 Reduce Floatables

13 13 O&M Program Required Goal – Maintenance activities for floatables Schedules Long-term inspection procedures Control options

14 14 Common types of floatables Litter Foliage Pet Waste

15 15 Control Options Grate Insert

16 16 Control Options Increased number of litter receptacles Trash netting

17 17 Control options Doggie bags & containers Doggie Parks

18 18 Control options Volunteer patrolsLeaf pick-up

19 19 Our Procedures for Floatables Maps Schedule Equipment Forms and/or logs

20 20

21 21 Floatables Action Plan 1.Identify high generation areas 2.Determine drainage pathways from those areas, relation to sensitive waters 3.Determine suitability of different trapping systems for each 4.Identify suitable locations for traps 5.Prepare list of priority potential locations with goal of maximum reduction per $ spent

22 22 High Generation Areas Within 1 mile of fast food Illegal dumping Places where people congregateAround transfer stations

23 23 Managing Storm System Wastes

24 24 O&M Program Required Goal – Procedures for the proper disposal of waste accumulated sediments floatables other debris

25 25 Materials Management under SWPPP

26 26 Types of Wastes Leaves/vegetation Litter/floatables Sweepings Catch Basin cleanings Sediment from ditches Sediment from structural BMPs

27 27 Keep in mind potential for Hazardous waste (especially petroleum products) Sharps/biohazards Invasive species

28 28 Where Does It Go? Leaves/vegetation Litter/floatables Compost To transfer station/ landfill in covered trailer

29 29 Where do Sweepings go?

30 30 Acceptable Uses for Sweepings Landfill cover material (may require screening) Base course to be covered with asphalt or concrete Backfill for drain pipes, culverts Mixed with new sand/salt and reapplied

31 31 Resource Recovery says Will use as alternate cover –Must be screened –No fee for municipalities In past year, received from –RIDOT –12 municipalities

32 32 Our Procedures Uses of sweepings Temporary storage Screening equipment Forms and/or logs

33 33 Sometimes acceptable use Clean fill, but… –Analytical testing for petroleum hydrocarbon content, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, total lead content must prove no potential threat to human health or environment –Sampling plan and analytical results must be submitted to Office of Waste Management for review & approval

34 34 Recommendations for Temporary storage of sweepings Area should be paved At least 100 feet from wells, wetlands or watercourses Contained and covered! Recommended maximum height of 15’ Size to store 1/3 to ½ avg. amount of sand purchased

35 35 What about catch basin cleanings?

36 36 Our Procedures Transport equipment Temporary storage location Dewatering Testing & uses of cleanings Forms and/or logs

37 37 Dewatering options Vactor trucks decant to sanitary sewer (with permission) Drying beds/dewatering facilities (may need separate RIPDES permit)

38 38 Dewatered solids To landfill –Resource Recovery charges $15/ton (municipal fee) Or test, apply to RIDEM Office of Waste Management for other uses

39 39 Ditch and BMP Sediments

40 40 Prevent spread of invasives Segregate spoil that may have rhizomes of invasive species If possible, screen out invasives Contain under black plastic until dessicated

41 41 O&M Program Locate system components Structural BMPs Catch BasinsRoad Shoulders & Ditches OutfallsSweeping FloatablesWaste Disposal

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43 43 Stormwater System Maintenance: Employee Training Brought to you by: This program was developed by the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District in partnership with the URI Cooperative Extension RI NEMO Program and the Rhode Island T2 Center. Funding was provided by the RI Department of Environmental Management and the RI Department of Transportation under the Phase II Stormwater Education and Outreach Project.

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