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Modelling C sequestration following afforestation/reforestation Preliminary simulations using GRC3 FORESTRY AND FOREST PRODUCTS Keryn Paul Phil Polglase.

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling C sequestration following afforestation/reforestation Preliminary simulations using GRC3 FORESTRY AND FOREST PRODUCTS Keryn Paul Phil Polglase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling C sequestration following afforestation/reforestation Preliminary simulations using GRC3 FORESTRY AND FOREST PRODUCTS Keryn Paul Phil Polglase Gary Richards NATIONAL CARBON ACCOUNTING SYSTEM

2 Background CSIRO FFP Soil

3 GRC3 structure

4 Process

5 Objective Preliminary testing of GRC3… 1.Development of model structure 2.Identify important pools for sequestration of C 3.Improved knowledge for: - Application of model (avoid misuse) -Management of plantations for C sequestration -Clarify expectations of the role of plantations and soil under a C trading system (set default values)

6 Preliminary simulations 7 case studies in Australia Model calibrated to: –Growth –Above and/or below ground biomass –Litter fall –Litter layer mass Model run to generate unverified outputs for soil C

7 Case studies Annual rainfall (mm) 4 sites 5 sites 29 sites 3 sites 14 sites 2 sites 3 sites

8 Deriving allocation of NPP to stems ObservedPredicted

9 Deriving allocation of NPP to roots

10 Deriving allocation of NPP to foliage

11 Deriving allocation of NPP to foliage & litter decomposition

12 Pinus radiata, SA

13 E. globulus, low rainfall WA

14 E. globulus, SE Vic.

15 C removed from atmosphere

16 C removed in products

17 Change in soil C ?

18 ?

19 Importantprocesses

20 NPP StemsBranchesBarkFoliageF. rootsC. roots 3-PG Tree Debris Soil Empirical litter decomp. submodel better?

21 Importantprocesses

22 NPP StemsBranchesBarkFoliageF. rootsC. roots DeRe Sol.Cel. Lig. 3-PG GENDEC Tree Debris Soil CO 2

23 humification of plant cellulose and lignin pools Little available information on change in soil C following afforestation

24 Further work… Development of models for decomposition and humification of litter Verification of soil C sub-models –Paired pasture/plantation sites –Soil fractionation

25 Summary Potentially large influences of management and climate on C sequestration following afforestation Most C is sequestered by tree biomass Changes in soil C appear be relatively minor, but this needs to be tested

26 E. grandis, Q’ld

27 P. radiata, NSW

28 E. nitens, Tas

29 NPP StemsBranchesBarkFoliageF. rootsC. roots DeRe 3-PG Roth-C Tree Debris Soil De Re CO 2 RPMDPMHUM CO 2 ? ? ?

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